The Middle Ages left us with a legacy of horrific stories of torture, which are impossible to listen to without a shudder. At that time, the "Spanish boot" torture gained great fame in Europe. Despite the fact that the name contains a geographical indication, the tool was used by executioners in Germany, Britain, France, and even Russia.

Essence of Instrument of Torture
"Spanish boot" is called for a reason, it actually resembles shoes. It consisted of two wooden boards (or iron plates), between which the leg of the interrogated was placed. This tool worked on the principle of a vise. When special mechanisms were activated, which were wedges or screws, the boards (plates) began to gradually approach each other. Thus, they crushed, broke, flattened the bones of the legs. After reading such a description, it’s even scary to imagine what a bloody mess the “Spanish boot” turned a person’s leg into. Only those who had a low pain threshold could endure such a terrible mockery. Usually,as soon as the bones of the legs began to crackle, the interrogated person either lost consciousness or confessed to all sins (even if they were not actually there).
Where did they come up with "Spanish boot"?
It's easy to guess that this instrument of torture was first made in Spain. And they invented it during the Inquisition. The holy fathers were constantly inventing something new and terrible in order to obtain from those being interrogated such testimony, in which they could in no way be guilty. History does not tell us the name of the one whose sophisticated mind invented this torture. Over time, the "Spanish boot" was modified and improved, it entered the history of many countries as a brutal instrument of torture.

Metal equivalent
The very first instrument of torture, which we are talking about, was made from this material. It happened back in the 13th century, when all powers in Spain belonged to the unpunished Inquisition. The principle of operation of the mechanism was described above, a metal analogue also caused terrible pain. Sometimes sophisticated minds went further and used red-hot plates that were put on the feet of the interrogated. Therefore, even before the torture, the person received very severe burns.
Wooden instrument of torture
As soon as the religious wars and court intrigues swept Britain and France, the rulers of these states hastened to learn from the experience of the Spaniards. However, in these countries, the wooden “boot” became more widespread, which later became a kind of classic in this matter. The principle of operation is no different fromabove.
How was it in Russia?
The "Spanish boot" torture was very popular during Benckendorff's time. However, the Russian masters distinguished themselves and greatly simplified the whole process. They combined elements of wooden and metal tools. The result was iron hoops, which began to work not from the action of special screws, but because of wooden wedges driven between the legs. The worst thing is that each next wedge was thicker and larger than the previous one. According to historical data, not a single person could withstand more than eight such sticks, since at this stage the leg was sagging skin with fragments of bones in the middle, and the person either died or lost consciousness.

Modern mechanism
And the Nazis went even further. For their bullying, they improved the "Spanish boot", or rather, they expanded the scope of its application. They put such mechanisms on the head of the interrogated, which made the bones of the skull crack and break.
Now you know what a "Spanish boot" is. Finally, we will name the names of those people who are well known to almost everyone due to their merits. You will also know from what torture they died. It was Giordano Bruno, and Galileo Galilei (did not die, remained lame), and Alexander Cagliostro, and Prince Athanasius Vyazemsky and many others.