The meaning of the expression "slow down"

The meaning of the expression "slow down"
The meaning of the expression "slow down"

We often use this or that expression mechanically. They have long had a generally accepted understanding. For example, the expression "to lower the brakes." It is sometimes understood not at all as it should be, the original meaning has been lost. And this will be discussed in the article.


Call for Silence
Call for Silence

You heard this expression and noted to yourself that it was about something that you need to close your eyes to or not pay attention to.

In the dictionary, what is the meaning of "let the brakes go"? This expression literally means the following: a calm resolution of the conflict, without quarrels and noise. There is another meaning - the descent down, constantly requiring braking. We perceive this stable phrase in a figurative sense, and not in a direct one.

When do we use the expression in life?

What does "slow down" means, we figured it out. And what should be our behavior so that this expression can be applied to it? For example, when they are rude and rude to us, they provoke a conflict. And instead of reciprocal rudeness, we present reasonable and justifiedarguments. And we do it absolutely calmly, as they say, without a single outburst of emotions. That is, when we try to bypass the edge of the conflict without succumbing to provocations, we slow it down.

Habitual use

people quarreled
people quarreled

Often this expression is used as a call not to "swallow" resentment. When we are offended, well-wishers begin to advise not to let off the brakes. That is, do not close your eyes to it. And let it come to conflict, in their opinion, it does not matter. The main thing is to fight back.

Many people forget that fighting back is not always appropriate. There are situations in life that it is better to remain silent if it is not possible to resolve the conflict in a peaceful way. Especially when it comes to a loved one who is dear to us. Did you start arguing with a friend, does he scream and call names, or is he rude in an open form? It is easier to remain silent, turn around and leave. A friend will call later, ask for forgiveness.

Of course, we are talking about a difficult situation when a friend is hard or bad. Nerves failed, and he broke down. If such situations are repeated with enviable regularity, then this is not friendship, but a one-sided game. You need to move away from such a person.


So, we have figured out the meaning of the expression "to slow down". We found out both its meanings (direct and figurative), talked about when it "works" in our own lives.

As we can see, the meaning of the expression is somewhat different from what we are used to. Everything is much easier. Beneath it lies the ability to resolve conflictwith arguments and calmness, and not our own revenge, as people sometimes tell us about.
