Slow person. Word meaning and synonyms

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Slow person. Word meaning and synonyms
Slow person. Word meaning and synonyms

Every person is unique in their set of qualities - both good and bad. For example, some people do certain work very quickly and quickly, while others, in turn, do it quite slowly and leisurely. The first can be safely called agile and dexterous, and the second - sluggish and slow.

sluggish person
sluggish person

In this article, we will study in more detail who a slow person is and how this quality can affect life and relationships with others.

Total value

Probably, each of you at least once in your life met people who do this or that job rather slowly. Often they are not confident in themselves and what they are doing. Such a person is called by different words: slow, slow, slow, clumsy, clumsy. As a rule, people with such a character trait are calm, and physical labor is very difficult for them. Without knowing many details, we can say that a slow person is a dreamer who is not too in a hurry and is too lazy to do any work. However, is it really so? Is slowness really associated with laziness?

clumsy person
clumsy person

Temperament Theory

Since ancient times, many philosophers and psychologists have tried to find out what certain traits of a person's character are connected with, whether they are acquired during life or innate. There are several different theories. Adherents of the first believe that, for example, slowness is an innate property of temperament and cannot be changed or re-educated. Others tend to think that sluggishness is a character trait that a person acquires in the process of growing up.

It has been scientifically proven that to a greater extent temperament depends on the higher nervous activity of a person. Galen and Hippocrates, in turn, believed that the peculiarities of people's behavior are associated with the predominance of one or another "life juice" in the body. By temperament, a slow person is most suitable for the description of phlegmatic people. According to the classification of Hippocrates, such people are characterized by calmness, slowness, equanimity. It is important to note that despite the fact that the phlegmatic does his work slowly, this is in no way reflected in its quality.

Etymology, antonyms and synonyms

The word "sluggish" comes from the antonym "quick", and it, in turn, from the word "hurry". In other words, we can say that a slow person is a person who is not in a hurry, he does everything slowly and calmly. Synonyms for this word are: clumsy,slow, slow, clumsy. If we talk about words that have the opposite meaning, then this is: quick, lively, active, lively, fast, nimble, dexterous.

it's a mess
it's a mess

It's not uncommon for people who do everything slowly to be called slouch. This word is also synonymous with the word "sluggish". Another rather interesting and close in meaning word is “kulema”. They denote slow people who “dig” for a very long time and cannot finish their work.

Distinguishing Features

As we have already found out, a sluggish person is a slow and very clumsy individual. It's hard for him to get the job done quickly. He can spend hours doing the same task and not even notice how time flies. Very often such people are also forgetful. They may forget to pay utility bills, they tend to be late for important meetings and meetings. As mentioned earlier, a slow, slow person gathers for quite a long time before going out into the street. He can fold important documents for several hours or cook his own breakfast.

Can it be fixed

If we say that this is still a property of temperament, and not an acquired character trait, then of course it is impossible to correct such a behavior model, since it entirely depends on higher nervous activity. It is impossible not to mention that sometimes such a character trait as sluggishness is very easy to play. This is especially true for work that is paid not for the volume performed, but forhours worked.

slow-moving person
slow-moving person

Many people associate slowness with clumsiness. It cannot be said that these are two absolutely identical concepts, but in most cases, they have certain similarities. So a clumsy person, in addition to doing everything rather slowly, is also awkward and awkward. In a literal sense, such people are all falling out of their hands. They quite often break something, beat, crush, but at the same time they also slowly react to what is happening around them. A clumsy person is most often sluggish. It is much more difficult for such people, and it is quite difficult to fix it.

Relationship in society

It is difficult to describe in one word how slow people are treated in society, because there are so many people, so many opinions. Of course, active and dexterous people rather dislike kopush. In most cases, they are very annoying, I want to somehow try to stir up such persons.

what does indolent mean
what does indolent mean

Slowness is not always a negative character trait. In some professions, this temperament is not just necessary, but vital. This is especially true for people who often have to make important decisions. Active and lively people sometimes find it difficult to think and make decisions. After 5 minutes of inactivity and reflection, they begin to get very nervous and, as a rule, solve the necessary issue at random. Slow people are capable of long and attentivethink over the situation, calculate the moves and give out the correct and most optimal way to solve the problem. But this is not always the case.

Many American psychologists and philosophers believe that sluggishness and slowness is a negative character trait that interferes with a person's life. They explain this by the fact that kopush are looking for a variety of little things that are constantly distracted: for example, checking email or watching a news feed. They convince themselves that at this moment in time it is really important for them, but in fact, in this way they hide their laziness. In addition, American scientists are sure that slowness is an acquired character trait that can and should be overcome.

In this article, we found out what a slow person means, what distinctive abilities he has and how such people are treated in society.
