Active life allows you to accumulate a lot of experience in various spheres of life of each person. And there comes a moment when your acquaintance, friend or someone else asks to know or tell about something. In this case, you share your experience and say how best to do it, what decision would be bad in a particular situation. This is how the council process works. So what is advice? These are statements of one's opinion about a certain situation, and the interlocutor must decide for himself whether to take it into account or not. This is not an order that your friend must certainly listen to and follow. The interlocutor decides for himself whether you are competent enough in this matter to take your experience on trust. And depending on whether you want to help someone who asks for your advice, or harm, they distinguish between useful advice and those that are better to beware of.

Other meanings of the word "advice"
Samethe word "council" refers to a meeting, that is, a discussion of some issue both at work and in the family circle. Council is also understood as various forms of state or political activity. For example, the UN Council or the Council of the Institute, the Pedagogical Council or the Military Council can serve as examples. And what is advice earlier, a couple of centuries ago? Even in our time, at weddings, they want the newlyweds to live in council and love. That is, consent, friendship in the family circle or among relatives was called advice.
What is "bad advice"?
A person can advise you something wrong in two cases. Either this was done unconsciously, not on purpose, but simply out of ignorance of new, more reliable information on some issue, or it can be purposeful harm. A person, knowing that you can turn to him for advice, can take advantage of this situation. One can only hope that this intervention will be minimal and just some kind of prank. But there are situations when bad advice leads to serious mistakes that border on serious danger.
Treatment tips

You should pay special attention to various tips related to your he alth. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. If you are not sure about the competence of a certain specialist, then it is better to consult with another, third, fourth medical worker - only those people who have an education, a reputation as a good doctor and can really help. No need to treat onlyassistance from the people's councils. How many cases have already been when people could survive, but did not take advantage of the treatment offered by official medicine. The same advice to children - about their nutrition, education, dressing and everything else. It is necessary to discuss this topic only with those people who have competent and adequate information. You don't need to listen to every grandma who comes into your life with her advice - you need to have your head on your shoulders.
Analysis of the situation and many advisers

After all, what is advice? The man just shared his knowledge with you. You don't have to follow this advice 100% without thinking about going ahead, not at all. You can take this information into account and analyze the situation, already having different data. You do not need to consult with one person, it is better to ask a couple of people who can help you with the issue that interests you. Gather as much information as possible and then do as you see fit.

Examples of good and bad advice
Useful advice can be given even by a complete stranger. For example, you are in a supermarket and choose a product. Nearby is a woman who sees a certain thing in your hands and says that she took it the day before yesterday, and the quality was not very good. Taste bad or something. You can listen to the advice of a woman and not take this product, but choose its analogue, but from a different company. Or do not believe it and decide to check the quality personally. If the product wasreally not very good, then the woman's advice was helpful. You tested it empirically, if you still believed and took the best product, then in any case, what is the advice? This is useful information and it has been given to you. And here is another situation. Your child has a cold. The usual runny nose, and a slight increase in temperature. Neighborly grandmothers immediately advise to wrap the child warmer, drink hot teas with various herbs, put mustard plasters, jars, soar legs and the like. But medicine has long been proven that with a mild cold it is not recommended to overheat the human body. The child should be in a cool, fresh room, he should often be given warm drinks, do not load the body with a large amount of food, and vitamin C or a complex set of vitamins should be given as additional funds. Thus, the body itself will fight the disease and develop immunity. Heating the baby in this case will lead to the fastest spread of infection throughout the body due to accelerated blood circulation, which at worst can lead to more severe forms of the disease, and at best it will simply last longer for a cold.