Among the higher educational institutions of Vladimir there are state universities of a technical orientation, as well as a humanitarian one. A considerable number of branches of Moscow universities are also open in Vladimir, for example, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Vladimir State University
The number of state universities in Vladimir, of course, includes VlSU. The educational institution was founded in 1964. The structural divisions of the university include the following institutes:
- pedagogical;
- humanitarian;
- legal;
- biology and ecology and others.

The following departments work on the basis of the Humanitarian Institute:
- general and educational psychology;
- clinical psychology;
- museology and cultural history and others.
For admission to the educational areas of undergraduate students, applicants must submit to the selection committee a set of documents, including USE certificates. At the same time, according to the normative documents of the university of Vladimir, for each subject there is aminimum score threshold. For example, an applicant with a score in mathematics below 30 is not allowed to participate in the competition, neither for budget places, nor for contract ones. Also, minimum scores are indicated for additional exams for a number of programs. Full information is published on the official website of VlSU.

The passing score for the direction "Linguistics" last year reached 162. At the same time, there are not so many free places - only 10. The cost of training on a contractual basis is 91,500 rubles a year. To pass the educational program "Chemical Technology" you need to get more than 168 points in the Unified State Examination in total. 5 budget places. The cost of education is 104,000 rubles per year.
Vladimir State University for the Humanities
VGGU is also included in the list of universities in Vladimir. The university was founded in 1918. The faculties of the university include:
- historical;
- psychology;
- physical and mathematical;
- social and special pedagogy and others.
The foundation date of the Faculty of Foreign Languages is 1962. More than 400 students study at the faculty. Among the students there are also foreign citizens. The number of teachers includes more than 30 candidates of sciences, as well as professors and associate professors. The following departments work on the basis of the faculty:
- foreign languages for non-linguistic faculties;
- second foreign language;
- French and others.
Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation
The Institute was founded in 1943. The university of Vladimir has the following abbreviated name - VUI FSIN of Russia. The institute has the following general institute departments:
- professional language training;
- special equipment and information technology and others.
The structural units include the following faculties:
- legal;
- rights and controls;
- add. vocational education.
To enter the educational program "Law Enforcement" of the law school of Vladimir, you need to score more than 110 points. 100 budget places. Duration of training - 10 semesters. Graduates receive a specialist degree.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (branch of the university in Vladimir)
The branch of the Moscow Financial University was opened in Vladimir in 2012. All educational programs are taught in Russian. The structural divisions of the university are the following departments:
- economics and finance;
- management and business informatics, and others.

For admission to the bachelor's program "Economics", last year's applicant needed to score only 105 points. At the same time, the number of budget places is only 3. The cost of training on a contract basis is 81,000 rubles per year.