Which do you like more order or mess? Men sometimes sympathize with the "creative disorder", they so call the state of affairs that prevails in their room or on the desktop. But today we will talk about harmony and disharmony, and this promises a cognitive journey into the world of words.
Origin of opposite

As it is easy to understand, the word "disharmony" is not in the etymological dictionary, but there is the opposite word - "harmony". By understanding the source of order (it is one of the meanings of harmony), we learn something about disorder.
One might think that the word came to us from Greek, but not everything is so simple. In fact, the word has been known since the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century. Moreover, the path to the Russian language of the concept was thorny: it came from Latin through Polish and goes back to Greek. Values:
- communication;
- consistency;
- compatibility.
It is also interesting that they used to say "armony", thus copying the Greek original. Then it was establishedpronunciation we know so far. At first, the word existed as a musical term and meant "system", "mode", "order", then acquired a figurative meaning.
As for the object of study, it can be said that it denies all of the above, because the Latin prefix dis- or “dis-” expresses negation, absence.
Disharmony is something that rarely pleases anyone. The etymological dictionary rejected the concept, and the explanatory dictionary, on the contrary, was more democratic in this sense and sheltered the noun and generously explained its meaning:
- Discordant combination of sounds, violation of harmony.
- Lack of agreement, conformity, discord (literary and figurative).

There will be no harmony if you do not offer the reader some illustrative examples of the use of the meaning of the word "disharmony". Perhaps the latter would not like to serve order, but the words are forced to obey the will of the author. They cannot go against her:
- Yes, this room is full of disharmony: the walls are white, the ceiling is purple, and you don't even want to look at the floor.
- Yeah, you could never dress tastefully. After all, no one wears sneakers under a tailcoat - this is disharmony.
- If harmony and disharmony were women, then of course they would be very beautiful, but one is in white and the other is in black. They need beauty to be on equal terms of competition.
Hopefully no more questionsabout the meaning of the concept. Disharmony is the element that is necessary for the general world balance, no matter what.