New Education Standards: AOP for Children with Disabilities

New Education Standards: AOP for Children with Disabilities
New Education Standards: AOP for Children with Disabilities

World statistics show that approximately 500 million people on our planet are people with disabilities (HIA). This term suggests the presence of mental, sensory or motor defects. Of the total mass, 150 million children stand out. Although modern medicine has come a long way, and specialists are making every possible effort, there is a slow but steady increase in this number every year.

AOP for children with disabilities
AOP for children with disabilities

If you rely on the nature of violations, then you can understand that some of them are curable in the process of child development, while others are only compensated, and obvious signs are smoothed out. The work of the teacher with the child, the development of his skills and abilities, as well as further progress in learning depend on the complexity and nature of the violations. In this regard, AOPs are being developed for children with disabilities. What is it, we will consider further.

Children with disabilities

If we consider the main classification of disabilities, the following violations should be distinguished:

  • conduct or communication disorder;
  • hearing impairment;
  • visualdisorders;
  • with speech dysfunctions;
  • with changes in the musculoskeletal system;
  • mentally retarded;
  • mentally retarded;
  • complex violations.
adapted educational programs for children with disabilities
adapted educational programs for children with disabilities

Adapted educational programs for children with disabilities are needed as correctional schemes for the education and upbringing of such children. Schemes help to reduce the degree of violation or even get rid of defects. For example, in teaching children with visual impairments, special games are used that improve the perception of this analyzer.

The essence of the adapted educational program

The modern pedagogical industry, or rather, its theory and practice, are undergoing significant changes. There is a change in the educational paradigm in the field of special and general education. Now the focus is on adapting educational programs to the individual characteristics of each child.

Adapted educational programs for children with disabilities are unique programs created specifically for children with disabilities. The developed documents take into account the peculiarities of disorders and psychophysical development, the individual capabilities of the child.

AOP for children with disabilities preschool educational institution
AOP for children with disabilities preschool educational institution

AOP for children with disabilities ensures the correction of the child's developmental disorders, as well as his adaptation to social life.

AOP for special kids

An adapted educational program is being created, designed for children with mental and physical disabilities, specifically to determine the goals and content of the pedagogical process, the features of their disclosure in subjects. In addition, the pedagogical techniques necessary for the direct educational process are determined.

According to the subject programs, working documents are also created. Now they are compiled in accordance with the federal state educational standard. The program spells out the tasks and goals of studying a particular subject, as well as the criteria for assessing the knowledge and abilities of students with disabilities.

An individual curriculum is also compiled to help establish the required number of hours allocated to certain teachers.

Goals of the adapted educational program

AOP for children with disabilities in schools and kindergartens guarantees the implementation of a full-fledged educational process. At the same time, corrective directions of the pedagogical process are preserved, which can be changed by finalizing the methods and techniques of teaching.

AOP for children with disabilities at school
AOP for children with disabilities at school

The goals of AOP for children with disabilities include:

  1. Correction of violations and defects, overcoming poor progress and other problems.
  2. Rehabilitation of the child, that is, bringing him into public life.
  3. Developing intrinsic motivation and stimulating a child with disabilities.

Objectives of education for children with disabilities

To solve the main educational tasks of AEP for children with disabilities, it is necessary:

  • Create conditions for correcting or smoothing existing violations in the process of development, learning and adaptation of the child (use of various pedagogical approaches).
  • Create conditions for a child with certain disabilities to receive the necessary knowledge in all subjects that have a practical focus.
  • Create conditions for the comfortable development of the child's personality in all educational areas, his adaptation in society.
  • To form a common culture of the student's personality by mastering at least a minimum of the education program.
  • Create conditions for the formation of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.
  • Create conditions for the formation of the makings of a he althy lifestyle, gaining knowledge about the importance of he alth.

Benefits of a customized program

The content of AEP for children with disabilities is compiled based on the individual characteristics of each student. Education under these programs has a developmental and correctional character. In addition, additional remedial classes are taken into account that complement the main program. They are necessary to overcome problems and difficulties in the process of teaching children with disabilities.

AOP content for children with disabilities
AOP content for children with disabilities

These classes include AOP for children with disabilities. Preschool educational institutions introduce such programs into their curricula. Additional classes help to successfully promote the overall development of some children, correct their shortcomings, psychophysical development, and also eliminate existing gaps in knowledge.

Individual lessons can be conducted by a psychologist or a subject teacher, as well as a speech therapist, defectologist and other specialists.
