The Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University is recognized as one of the most prestigious faculties that train managerial personnel for public and private institutions. The Federal State Institution of the Main Moscow University was created quite a long time ago and has already managed to produce more than one generation of highly qualified specialists. Graduates of the faculty can be found in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and in the Government of the Russian Federation, and in many other state structures in high positions.

About the Faculty of State University
FGU is a leader in the industry of training management personnel who have the opportunity to build a career in public authorities, as well as in various public and private institutions, non-profit organizations.

The Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University calls its goal the training of high-level personnel who have a wide range of skills such asanalytical as well as practical. The faculty combined in its educational programs both the world experience in training managerial personnel and domestic traditions. Teaching at the faculty is fully consistent with high quality, according to the traditions of university education.
Education at the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University is possible both on a budgetary basis of education and on a paid basis. The faculty offers several areas of training:
- public administration;
- personnel management;
- management;
- political science and others.
Steps of education
The Faculty of State and Municipal Administration of Moscow State University offers training at all levels of education. In addition, at the faculty you can get a second higher education or additional education.

In addition, admission of schoolchildren to special preparatory courses is open, which allows preparing future applicants for the successful passing of the Unified State Examination, as well as acquainting them with the structure of additional entrance examinations conducted directly by Moscow State University.
Admission to the Faculty of State University
In order to enter the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University, applicants must successfully pass such exams as Russian, mathematics, and a foreign language. It is also worth noting that for admission, the successful completion of the DWI, conducted by the university itself, is required. For admission to the direction of "Political Science" it is necessary to pass the DWI, andalso USE in Russian language, history and social studies.
Add. Mathematics test is in written form. In the direction of "Political Science" it is necessary to successfully pass the additional. history test is also in writing.
The passing score for admission to a state-funded place in 2017 was 328 based on the sum of several exams.
Paid training basis
Applicants who could not enter the budgetary basis of education can also enter the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University, but on a paid basis. The cost of education per year is 350,500 rubles. These figures are correct for 2018/2019.
The contract between the university and the student is for the entire period of study, for example, for a bachelor's degree it is 4 years. The cost of training during the entire term of the contract does not change.
Reviews about the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University are generally positive. Graduates and students note a fairly high level of training of the teaching staff, as well as interesting subjects. Students get the opportunity to undergo industrial practice in public authorities, as well as in private organizations. Such experience allows young specialists to get to know their future profession better.