Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University Lomonosov first began educational activities in 1966. Today it is a modern structural subdivision of the country's main university, which annually releases qualified specialists in the field of psychology to the market.
Faculty address
Address of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University: Mokhovaya street, building 11, building 9. Some classes are also held in the main building of the university at Leninskiye Gory, building 1.

Faculty structure
The structure of the faculty includes 13 departments, most of which are graduates. The departments of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University include the following:
- psychogenetics;
- psychophysiology;
- general psychology;
- extreme psychology and others.
Also, the number of structural units includes 5 scientific laboratories:
- labor psychology;
- communication psychology and others.
Preparatory Courses
The Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University conducts a number of courses aimed at preparingapplicants for the delivery of a unified state. exam, as well as courses aimed at preparing applicants for an additional entrance test conducted directly by the university for admission to the Faculty of Psychology.

The teachers of Moscow University are directly involved with the students of the courses, so the course participants can learn firsthand about all the subtleties and features of the additional entrance test. MSU also conducts courses for hearing-impaired applicants. Tuition for courses offered by the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University is 41,000 rubles for 90 academic hours.
Admission to faculty
For admission to one of the educational programs of the faculty, it is necessary to provide a set of documents within the time specified by regulatory documents, including:
- application statement;
- copies of an identity document;
- copies (or original) of a document that certifies that the applicant has a secondary general education;
- reference 086;
- photos of the appropriate size specified in regulatory documents.

For those wishing to enroll in undergraduate programs, it is also necessary to provide certificates of passing the unified state exam. Those who cannot provide USE certificates are given the opportunity to take analogue exams held directly at the university. Each field of study has its ownlist of exams. You can get acquainted with the list on the official website of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University.
For admission to the Master's educational programs, applicants must pass entrance examinations according to the chosen profile. For applicants to educational programs presented by the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, it is required to pass a profile exam in psychology.
Educational programs
In 2018, the faculty offers directions for the preparation of a specialist and a master's degree. Specialist programs include:
- pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior;
- clinical psychology;
- Psychology of performance.
The duration of the specialist degree is 10 academic semesters. To obtain a specialist degree, a student must defend a final qualifying work at the end of training.
Among the master's programs offered by the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University:
- psychophysiology;
- space psychology;
- economic psychology;
- organizational psychology and others.

The duration of study in master's programs is 4 academic semesters. At the end of the training, the student must defend the final qualifying work. Master's degree is the second stage of modern higher education. The cost of education on a paid basis is 360,000 rubles per year if the student is studying full-time, and 290,000 rubles if the studentpart-time education.
Studying at the faculty is quite difficult, but most students are sure that the chosen faculty is one of the best psychology departments among all Russian universities. The teaching staff includes not only theorists, but also practicing specialists in the field of psychology, who pass on their experience to the younger generation.
Passing points
For successful enrollment in the ranks of students of the budgetary basis of education, the applicant had to overcome the passing score. For the direction "Clinical Psychology" the passing score in 2017 was 329 out of 410 possible. For admission to the program "Psychology of performance" it was enough to overcome the border of 302 points.

To become a student of the Pedagogy and Psychology of Deviant Behavior, it was required to score more than 293 points. The maximum possible score for all programs was 410, it was made up of 3 unified state exams, where the maximum score is 100, the entrance exam with the maximum possible score is 100, as well as additional points that can be obtained for sports achievements (2 points), a certificate with honors (5 points) and a number of other criteria.
Open Day of Moscow State University. Lomonosov
Every year, the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University holds an open day. A visit to the open day allows the applicant to get answers to questions of interest, additional information about educationalprograms, communicate with students and, most importantly, with teachers of the faculty. For those who do not have the opportunity to come to the faculty, the university organizes video broadcasts of the open day.

The diploma of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University is highly valued in the labor market not only in Russia, but in the whole world. The best students of the faculty get the opportunity to participate in academic mobility programs, which gives them the right to study from 1 to 2 semesters at a foreign university that is a partner of Moscow State University. Students graduate from the university with an excellent level of proficiency in 1 or 2 foreign languages, which also gives them an advantage in further employment and building a successful career in the field of psychology.