How can one word describe New Year's Eve fuss? You just remember this wonderful time. You need to chop salads, clean the apartment clean so that you don’t feel ashamed in front of the guests. Have time to call all the relatives and congratulate them on the upcoming holiday. And also decorate the Christmas tree, buy tangerines and make jellied fish.

Of course, New Year's chores bring joy. It's nice to go shopping, choose gifts, think over the menu, get Christmas decorations and decorate a beautiful Christmas tree. But you must admit that all this fuss is somewhat reminiscent of a mess. This is the most accurate description. Do you know such a word? If not, then this article will help you replenish your vocabulary with one more unit. It will be about the concept of mess, its origin, synonyms. Sample sentences will also be provided.
Etymology of the word
First of all, it is worth pointing out that mess is a noun. It is inanimate. Refers to the masculine gender. This information will help to coordinate this language unit with other words in the sentence.
Where did the noun mess come from in Russian speech? It took a long time to go "mess",because this word migrated from the Turkic languages.
In Turkish, this noun is translated as "hot". It in turn comes from the verb to fry. It is interesting that initially in Russian the noun kavardak meant "confusion" or "stupidity".

Lexical meaning
Now you can begin to interpret the word mess. What does this noun mean? For help, you should refer to the explanatory dictionary.
This is what they call confusion or disorder. For example, when things do not lie in their places. Or the room is so devastated that it is impossible to find anything.
It is worth noting that the noun mess refers to colloquial vocabulary. It should not be used in scientific texts, documents. It can be found in fiction, but is most often used in colloquial speech.
Examples of usage
So that the noun mess does not sink into oblivion and is firmly entrenched in memory, you should use it as often as possible in speech. You can make several sentences with him.
- The apartment was such a mess, as if a herd of wild boars ran through it.
- Girls, if your house is a mess, then you are bad housewives.
- Mess is an unusual thing for me, I always keep clean and tidy.
- It took me two hours to clean up the mess in the kitchen.
- The kids made such a mess that we were just beside ourselves with anger.
- Iscan you live in such a mess?
- Why don't you want to end the mess and clean up?
- We quickly cleared the mess, vacuumed and polished the floors.

Synonyms for the noun mess
Sometimes "mess" occurs several times in one text. Or in oral speech you need to replace this word. In this case, you need to use a synonym.
- Mess. Disorder in business leads to nervous breakdowns.
- Confusion. There was confusion in our house, everyone was running around and did not know what to do with themselves.
- How Mamai passed. As Mamai walked through the garden, broken branches lay everywhere.
- Upside down. Everything in the apartment is upside down, you will have to arrange a general cleaning.
- Debacle. It's time to take up the broom and clean up the aftermath of the debacle.
- Muddle. All this confusion made me curl up into a ball and sit quietly in a corner.
- Confusion. There was some confusion in the hospital, apparently, a check arrived.
- Shurum-burum. This burum is getting on my nerves, I need some quiet place to calm down.
Mess is a colloquial word acceptable for informal communication. If necessary, it can be replaced with synonyms that fit into the context of the sentence.