Laziness is Proverbs about laziness

Laziness is Proverbs about laziness
Laziness is Proverbs about laziness

There is a playful opinion that all ways to combat laziness were invented by the exploiters of slaves. After all, it was they who needed the hard workers to stand at the machine for ten hours in a row. But in fact, laziness is a very dangerous phenomenon - after all, it ruthlessly takes a person into its grip at the very moment when he needs to work one hundred percent. What is laziness? And what does folk wisdom say about her?

laziness is
laziness is

Laziness is a serious vice

Laziness is one of the most condemned human vices in folk art. There is a tendency in modern psychology to make excuses for lazy people. Psychologists offer various arguments to justify human weakness, as it is now called, “procrastination.”

Gabbling and laziness

"Work with the teeth, but laziness with the tongue," says a popular proverb. What does she mean? When a person has nothing to do or he is simply too lazy to get to work, he becomes prone to gossip and empty talk. Laziness is not such a harmless vice as it seems at first. Idle talk and bone-washing has already become so widespread that no one wants to pay attention to it. It does not please the residents of big cities, because gossip can bring pain and grief.other people. But they can simply destroy the life of the villagers - after all, everyone there knows each other much closer.

He who is industrious not only refrains from unnecessary talk, but is also able to keep his mouth shut when required. “Empty talk is idleness,” says another proverb. Thus, laziness is a vice that not only causes poverty and provokes the process of degradation of the individual, but can also be a reason for resentment of other people. “A big talker is a bad worker,” such a proverb will surely help instill a love of work in children.

what proverbs make fun of laziness
what proverbs make fun of laziness

Folk wisdom and modern business

“Two plow, and seven wave their hands,” is another well-known Russian proverb about this vice. In our age of progress, this expression seems completely outdated, because today no one is engaged in physical labor on the field, all the hard work on the field and in the economy is done by machinery. However, the proverb has not lost its relevance to this day. Laziness is a vice from which the modern world turned out to be uninsured. In psychology, the so-called Pareto principle is known, which operates in various areas of human activity. Its meaning lies in the simple truth that only 20% of efforts lead to 80% of the result. This principle also works in business: according to its action, a large number of employees do not justify the funds that the manager has invested in paying them. Only 20% of workers do 80% of all work.

Other proverbs aboutlaziness

What other proverbs ridicule laziness? “And it’s ready, but stupidly”, “God sent the work, but the devil took away the hunt”, “The lazy Fedorka always has excuses”. Now laziness is considered by psychologists both as a consequence of fear, and as a personal resource, and as something with which "you need to make friends." However, the most hard-hitting truth lies in the wisdom of folklore.
