Altai State University (AltSU) is a well-known educational institution in the Altai Territory. Applicants come here not only from Barnaul, but also from other nearby settlements. For many years, this university has been preparing personnel for higher professional education programs. Now the university also graduates mid-level specialists. Their training is carried out in a specially created structural unit - the AltSU College. What is this suz?
College opening
A secondary specialized educational institution appeared in the structure of the university when it began to switch to a multi-level model of education. The opening of the college took place in 2011, and in early 2014 he celebrated his second birthday. It was not a round date, but there was a reason for celebration. The educational institution has taken the first steps in its development. For a short time of existence, the number of speci alties has increased, the number ofstudents, the number of applicants wishing to enter here has increased.
On the day when the second birthday was celebrated, many people received certificates of honor. First of all, they were handed over to students, thanks to whom creative circles appeared in the college, social, cultural, mass and sports life became more intense. The teachers were not forgotten at the festive event, because all their efforts were behind the achievements of the students.

College Today
This educational institution currently exists and trains specialists in several areas related to the economy, information technology, tourism, and service. There are also speci alties that are designed for creative people. This means that AltSU College is suitable for almost all modern applicants. People come here with mathematical thinking, and with a humanitarian mindset, and with various talents.
Student life is even busier now. It is not only the leadership of the college that makes it diverse, but also the students themselves. They organize various interesting events for each other. For example, in September 2017, international senior students organized a tour of Barnaul for first-year students who are not local residents and came from other countries.

The structure of the educational institution and speci alty
There are 3 departments in the Altai State College of Altai State University. It is they who organize training in those educationalprograms with which they are associated. Here is a list of units:
- humanitarian department;
- department of nature management, service and tourism;
- Department of Economics and Information Technology.
For applicants to the first department, there are 3 speci alties in the college of AltSU - "design", "archival science and documentation management", "law and organization of social security". The same number of areas of training is offered by the subdivision of nature management, service and tourism. The speci alties available here are “tourism”, “rational use of environmental complexes”, as well as “hotel service”.
Slightly more speci alties are implemented by the Department of Economics and Information Technology. Applicants entering here are invited to choose either "banking", or "programming in computer systems", or "economics and accounting", or "information systems".

What is important for applicants with mathematical thinking to know
How to choose a future speci alty, which way to go in this life? They start thinking about it at school. It is best to make a choice based on your abilities. Applicants who are well versed in mathematics, who are able to analyze information, solve problems and find the right solutions, are recommended at the Altai State College of Altai State University Barnaul to choose "economics and accounting", "banking".
The qualifications of an accountant andbanking specialist. The most important disciplines are the practical fundamentals of accounting for the organization's property, taxes and taxation, organization of settlements with the budget and non-budgetary funds, cash transactions, etc. Training in these subjects is practice-oriented. This means that students in the learning process not only receive theoretical knowledge. They develop the necessary practical skills.
For those who understand computer science
Currently, the information technology industry is developing rapidly. New technology appears, methods of processing, storing and accumulating information are being improved. All enterprises that use information technology in their activities need qualified specialists - programmer technicians, information system technicians. The training of such personnel is carried out by the AltSU College in the speci alties "programming in computer systems" and "information systems".
These educational programs are best chosen if you have good knowledge of computer science, because during all the years of study, disciplines related to this school subject will appear in the schedule. It is known that college students of the Altai State University study the basics of algorithmization and programming, technical means of informatization, infocommunication systems and networks, etc.

What to choose for creative individuals in the college of Altai State University
With a dreamMany applicants come to AltSU College to connect their future life with creativity. For them, there is a speci alty "design" in the college. It provides very high quality training. Classrooms, specialized workshops, laboratories, and a computer class are equipped for conducting classes. In college, over the years of study, students master many disciplines - painting, sculpture, drawing, graphic design.
No less interesting and creative is the speci alty "tourism". In the course of studying on it, students learn a lot about our planet, study information on interesting and unusual places. After graduating from college, graduates of the speci alty "tourism" are employed in travel agencies, begin to advise people on traveling to various countries, and are engaged in compiling tourist routes.

Studying at AltSU College: reviews
College students leave positive feedback. Students note the high quality of teaching, because the classes are taught by highly qualified employees of the Altai State University. The team tries to invest in students as much useful information as possible.
Students are especially pleased that after graduating from college they can enter Altai State University and get a higher education. For college graduates, the university offers reduced educational programs. For admission to them, the results of the exam are not required. Entrance examinations are held within the walls of the State University.

Students' stories about extracurricular life
Extracurricular life of college students is filled with many interesting events. This is confirmed by the stories of the students. Professional skills competitions are held annually. In 2017, future designers took part in such an event. They performed a task dedicated to the year of ecology in our country - they made a three-dimensional composition in the form of a tree. The students liked this competition. At it, they not only showed their professional competencies, but also proved to others and to themselves that they can work in a team.
Curatorial hours are regularly held at the college. It is known from the students' stories that the topical problems of the modern world are discussed at these events. Curatorial hours are useful for students, because thanks to them worthy citizens of the state are formed. For some students, these activities are the most useful, as they help, for example, not to face drug addiction.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the college of Altai State University in Barnaul is the most worthy educational institution among all colleges in the Altai Territory. Students here receive a quality education. That is why they are in demand in the labor market. A college degree from Altai State University is valued by employers.