Lesson-journey in grade 2, taking into account the methodology of teaching mathematics in elementary school

Lesson-journey in grade 2, taking into account the methodology of teaching mathematics in elementary school
Lesson-journey in grade 2, taking into account the methodology of teaching mathematics in elementary school

It's no secret that teaching mathematics in elementary school is different from teaching in high school. For kids, it is important that the lesson is interesting and unusual. The lesson-journey is a consolidation of the material covered in the second grade. Purpose: to consolidate the acquired knowledge on the topics studied.

Organizational moment

Teacher: Hello guys. How is your mood? Let's smile at each other and wish good luck. Today we are going on a big trip around the world by ship.

Each row is a separate ship with a friendly crew, and your task will be to be the first to reach the Island of Knowledge. For each completed task, the team will receive 1 point, and for speed - several more. But it’s not for nothing that they say: whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail. Now your task is to consult with your comrades for one minute and come up with a good name for the ship. Then you need to choose his captain.

Group work in the lesson
Group work in the lesson


  • 1 row - ship "Intellect";
  • 2 row - ship "11connoisseurs";
  • 3 row - the ship "Sea smarties".

Teacher: So, are you ready to go on a long voyage?

Education of younger students requires frequent use of visual material in order to interest students. Therefore, design plays an important role in the travel lesson.

Dating Island

Teacher: We swim up to the shore and see Dating Island. You are greeted by its cheerful residents who love guests. They demand to introduce themselves.

Assignment: Introduce your team together in any form.


A teacher who creatively approaches the methodology of teaching mathematics in elementary school understands that techniques and methods must be selected taking into account the age characteristics of children. Therefore, tasks should be clear to children.

Teacher: Wait a minute, it's dangerous for us to sail further, because there is a funnel that can sink our ships! To stop it, you need to solve the cycle of examples. The one who does it faster will be one step ahead of the rest. You are ready? Go!

Each team is given a poster with a chain of examples, you need to decide quickly, correctly and amicably. They are designed in the form of a funnel:

  • 55 - 10 + 15 - 11 + 13 + 10 - 3=…;
  • 65 - 3 + 10 - 11 + 20 - 7 + 1 + 4=…;
  • 76 + 10 - 15 - 11 + 7 + 5 - 3 - 4=…

Great, you managed to stop the terrible cycle, the water has calmed down, so we can move on.

If a similar math lesson was previously held in grade 1, then the guys should already know the approximate requirements andteamwork rules. There should be no problems with support in teams.

Country Geometry

Teacher: We have reached a country called Geometry. Here people always draw something, calculate. Each tribe has its own generic sign - a square, a circle or a triangle. Yes, interesting people live here. But one family had a problem with building a house. You must help them as soon as possible! Take one of the envelopes and read the directions.

Each team is given an envelope with a job description. Task: read the tasks, find answers together.

1) In the room of the future home of the Znaykov tribe, the sum of the lengths of all walls should be 16 centimeters, but what should be the length of one of them?

2) Princess Umnia is naughty and demands that two walls of her new room be 5 meters and the other 6 meters. What will be the perimeter of her room?

3) The grandson of King Geom is very unsociable: he demanded to enclose his small house with a barbed wire fence. How many meters will it take if one side of his square garden is 5 meters long?

These tasks are selected for classes that have an additional elementary school math course, therefore they are slightly complicated.

Kingdom of the Veselchakov

Teacher: Surely you are tired of such a difficult journey, and therefore fate ordered us to be thrown into the most cheerful kingdom, where everyone dances and sings.

Cheerful physical minute
Cheerful physical minute

Students do a warm-up: they repeat funny movements after the teacher to the music.

Teacher:Gaining strength, we move on. And only forward!

Dangerous Depths

Teacher: Oh no, a big shark is coming towards us! We must do something, she must be hungry, let's feed her with our knowledge.

Assignment: Say as many learned rules and formulas as possible, for each of them the team is awarded 1 point.

Methods of teaching mathematics in elementary school, like any other subject, involve building a team spirit through joint exercises. It is very important that more than one person is responsible for the entire group. Every child needs to understand that their answer is important and will help the team.


Teacher: A big black cloud is coming. A storm is coming. In order not to get into trouble, you need to get to the shore as soon as possible. To do this, take tasks on your tables and read.

Assignment: Make up problems based on pictures and ask your friends to solve them.

There are plot pictures on the tables, children need to come up with an interesting task. Such a task is estimated at 2 points, plus 1 point for the team that solves the problem first.

Treasure Island

Teacher: We got to the very end, swam to Treasure Island. But, unfortunately, not everything is so simple: you need to get a map and find the treasure.

The card is hidden in the chest, to open it, you need to pick up the code word. Signs hang on the board:

A - 6 K - 8 C - 9 T - 3 B - 2 Z - 1 Z - 7 N - 10 I - 4 G - 13

You need to solve the examples and, relying on the board, reveal the secret word.

  • 10: 10=…;
  • 100 - 90=…;
  • 36: 6=…;
  • 2 + 8=…;
  • 40: 10=…;
  • 20 - 13=…

The word "knowledge" came out in the answer. The team that did it faster than the rest gets 3 points, the second one gets 2 points, and the third one gets 1 point. The chest contains a map with the designation of the treasure, which must be hidden in advance in any place in the classroom or corridor.

map option
map option

Summing up and awarding

According to the methodology of teaching mathematics in elementary school, a clear and specific explanation of tasks is expected. Since younger students take everything literally, try not to mislead with difficult phrases.

Teacher: So you have coped with all the tests. The last thing left is the most important. In the meantime, it's time to take stock and count the points.

After the number of points is calculated, places are announced, all the guys go in search of treasure on the map. It contains gifts marked "1st place", "2nd place", "3rd place".

rewarding guys
rewarding guys

Teacher: Now take the stickers. Write what you learned from this lesson on them and stick them on the board.

According to this summary, you can conduct a mathematics lesson in grade 1, simplifying the numbers in the assignments
