Large cities of Ukraine by population: top five

Large cities of Ukraine by population: top five
Large cities of Ukraine by population: top five

Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Europe. It is located in the east. This is what largely affects its climate, temperate continental. Mostly the prevailing relief is flat, but in some places there are hilly areas. But mountain systems in Ukraine are rare, they occupy only 5% of the entire area of the country. All this testifies to favorable conditions for living. There are more than 40 million people in the state. However, in the last year there has been a rapid decline. This is due to the economic collapse and military operations in the east of the country. Unfortunately, the mortality rate in the state is quite high: according to 2014 data, it ranked 2nd in the world. Let's single out the largest cities of Ukraine in terms of population.

Ukrainian cities by population
Ukrainian cities by population

Kyiv is the capital of the Ukrainian state

The total area of Kyiv is 870 km2. Since 1991, the city has been officially declared the capital of independent Ukraine. The well-being of the hero city is constantly growing. Due to the fact that Kyiv is located on the banks of the Dnieper, its flora is diverse. This allows you to control the level of air pollution. However, in recent years, due to the increase in the number of cars, it is necessary to apply additional measures, since exhaust gases can lead to environmental degradation. Kyiv is an administrative center with a well-developed infrastructure, which makes it possible to provide people with jobs. In many ways, it is thanks to this that Ukraine is developing. The population in 2014 was almost 3 million people, of which 2.8 million have permanent registration.

Kyiv is famous for its sights.

  • Museum of M. Bulgakov. It was in this building that the writer lived his fruitful life. The interior was created in full accordance with the descriptions in his works.
  • Sophia Cathedral. The temple was founded by Prince Vladimir. It is decorated with ancient Russian mosaics and frescoes. It is surrounded by monasteries built in the 17th-18th centuries. The whole territory is officially recognized as a national reserve.
  • Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is the center of Orthodoxy. It was founded by Anthony of the Caves in 1051. People from all over the world come to the holy relics of the venerable fathers.
  • ukraine population
    ukraine population

Kharkiv is the unspoken capital of Ukraine

The city was founded in 1654. From 1919 to 1934 it was the capital of the Ukrainian SSR. According to its areaKharkov occupies more than 300 km2. Almost 1.5 million people live here. Today it is an administrative center with a well-developed industry. Thanks to a large number of higher educational institutions, Kharkiv provides a wide range of specialists to almost all countries of the world. The patriotism of people is developed quite strongly, and this is what Ukraine can be proud of. The number of population in the cities of his region in 2015 increased significantly due to internally displaced persons from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Kharkiv is an important transport center of the country - these are international bus routes, railway and flights. An important indicator of the good economic development of the city was the construction of the subway: its work began in 1975. An interesting fact: after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, they wanted to assign the title of capital to Kharkov. However, the radiation background over Kyiv was recognized as satisfactory, and this is what prevented these plans from being fulfilled.

If we consider all the major cities of Ukraine in terms of population, then we can say with full confidence that Kharkiv is the most significant scientific and industrial center.

The main street - Moskovskaya - is the largest in the city. Its name was not accidental. In ancient times, this was the only way to Moscow.

population of large cities of ukraine
population of large cities of ukraine

Odessa is a pearl of the sea

Odessa is located on the Black Sea coast. It has been given the status of a resort town. Its total area is almost 250 km2. From oldFrom time to time, there were interesting legends about the city. The indigenous people are not devoid of humor, and this feature is known far beyond the borders of the country. The legendary city of Odessa takes an honorable third place in the list of "The largest cities of Ukraine in terms of population" - only almost 1.1 million people permanently reside in it.

The largest port has been built here, which receives many ships. It is also worth noting that Odessa is considered the best city in terms of quality of life. This status was assigned to her in 2011.

ukraine population in cities
ukraine population in cities

Dnepropetrovsk is the largest industrial center

The fourth place is occupied by the industrial city of Dnepropetrovsk. It is located in the steppe zone of the middle part of the Dnieper. Previously, it was called Yekaterinoslav, and only in 1926 it was renamed Dnepropetrovsk in honor of the revolutionary G. Petrovsky.

This city is the administrative center where most of the country's industrial resources are located. Many plants and factories have been built here, which independent Ukraine can be proud of. The population for 2014 is just over 1 million people.

Many historical monuments and museums, national parks have been created in Dnepropetrovsk. You can also visit ancient cathedrals and churches here.

Ukrainian cities by population
Ukrainian cities by population

Donetsk is the capital of Donbass

Donetsk is located in the eastern part of Ukraine, covering an area of 380 km2. According to the statistics of 2011-2013, it ranked fifth in the list of "Large citiesUkraine". In terms of population, it is still possible to cite data for the beginning of 2014, since already in the autumn a full-scale Anti-Terrorist Operation began there, which led to the occupation of Donetsk and several nearby cities.

Back in 2014, the city of Donetsk was one of the most important centers for the extraction of hard coal. Today, however, everything has changed radically. The hostilities led to massive destruction and a large migration of people. In peacetime, there were more than 950 thousand people, unfortunately, the relevance of this figure cannot be confirmed at the moment.

Ukrainian cities by population
Ukrainian cities by population

The population of large cities of Ukraine changes every year. The real statistics are disappointing. The country, going through an economic crisis, makes people look for more comfortable living conditions.
