The "right" education can help a person become in demand in the labor market, but does it always give happiness? It is not easy to choose a speci alty, it is even more difficult to choose a university and a form of education. But difficulties lie in wait for us from the first years of life. Somehow we manage. So do not be afraid, if you once learned to walk, then education is within your power. The main thing is to choose the right direction. A lot of people want higher grades. What is the best way to study?
Behind the ear is not for the elite

First, let's discuss the problem of choosing the form of education. Studying in absentia - it seems to be convenient? In fact, review the vacancies carefully. The best employers write that it is better not to apply to them with a diploma of a correspondence department. Correspondence is an option for accomplished people, businessmen and businesswomen who want to increase their self-esteem and, in principle, have already achieved a lot without education. What is the best way to study if youjust at the start of your career? Aim for full time.
Who is better to learn from?

Profession must be chosen by inclination after the test. Be sure to communicate with those working in the chosen profession. Find an opportunity to be at the workplace and see everyday life through the eyes of a worker. Often romance is not real. For example, the everyday life of many lawyers is paperwork. Again, if you plan to work in Russia, consider your gender. It's hard for girls who are programmers, and it's hard for boys who are nurses, because they have "nursing" in their diploma.
Get noticed
What is the best way to study at a university? In the eyes of teachers, especially in senior years, your attendance is of great value. It is enough just to catch the eye of the teacher, so that it literally adds points to you on the exam. And if you can't be at all the lectures, try to be remembered, in a good way, at those lectures that you did attend. Ask questions, sit with an interested look on the first desk. Yes, if you want good grades, forget about the last games. These are places for academic losers.
The path to excellence

It's much harder to get a good relationship grade at universities than it is at school. But high academic performance is more common among students whose relationship with the teacher has developed. Paradox? No, just kindred spirits. Try to find in an associate professor or professorgood - treat it sincerely well - and the subject will be given to you much easier. Proven by many generations. So good relationships really help. Although they do not last long at the university, a maximum of a year and a half. But your favorite teacher is your reserve for future term papers and theses. Come to him.
Correct system
Your main trump card is the systematic study. Be sure to attend to your academic problems every day. Even on Sunday you can view notes. Orthodox priests say that studying is a charitable thing, you can do it on Sunday, so religious excuses do not work. What is the best way to study? Regularly and systematically. Then the session will not be terrible.
You need to study measuredly and evenly, without rush jobs. Only in this case you will learn the material deeply enough. Namely, this is how you need to study if your education is for life, and not just for getting a diploma.