The world of figures and numbers is great and varied. It is full of all sorts of interesting facts. For many centuries, not a single human society can do without numbers and calculations. There are many outstanding, talented mathematicians who put their whole soul into their discoveries. It was to such scientists that Leonardo Fibonacci belonged. A young mathematician from the small town of Pisa made a huge contribution to science. The sequence of mathematical values "Fibonacci numbers" was named after him. Now everyone knows that everything in this world is natural and has its own sequence.

At one time, Leonardo wrote "The Book of the Abacus", where he detailed all his discoveries. So the problem of rabbits became known to the whole world. It is based on two pairs of animals, and one of them can give offspring, and the second cannot. Therefore, in the end, starting from the third generation, the next number of rabbits will be equal to the sum of all members of the previous two. So the following sequence (Fibonacci numbers) was revealed:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8… 610, 987, 1597, 2584… 39088169, 63245986,102334155

No less exciting is the consideration of various spirals that we meet everywhere: hurricanes and tornadoes, seeds in sunflowers, cones, leaves on trees, etc. It turns out that the Fibonacci number is hidden here too. If you build a spiral and divide it into several rectangles with sides 144, 89, 55, then it turns out that the side of each subsequent figure is equal to the side of the previous one. And the sequence of these numbers is equal to the described series. But if you draw arcs in each square, then together they form a spiral. This once again proves that the Fibonacci number is simply magical.
However, it was found that people have known this sequence since ancient times. Of course, we can assume that this is an accident or a mere coincidence. But the fact remains: the pyramids at Giza are built on the principle of the Fibonacci number. Thus, the area of each face of the pyramid is equal to its height squared. And if the length of the rib is divided by the height of this amazing structure, then a number equal to 1, 618 is obtained. It is this value that will be obtained if each next value from the sequence is divided by the previous one.

Leonardo made a significant contribution to the economy with his discovery. With the help of a sequence of numbers today, many economists can predict the future fate of the stock exchange. For this, Fibonacci levels were identified. Now you can correctly determine the levels of resistance and support or the size of the correction of the promotion of the goods. That is the Fibonacci numbershelp to determine in which direction the trend will unfold, or to calculate the levels of rollback. The continuation of the movement of the first one and the period when the last one ends are also calculated according to the known sequence.
So, Fibonacci numbers can be found at every turn. After all, we are surrounded by plants, spirals and interesting buildings everywhere. Such a sequence can also help in the economy, in controlling and building the development of a trend. These numbers helped us understand that everything in this world has its own sequence and pattern.