Reverence is an action that is accompanied by a deep sense of respect and reverence. This is the first understanding that comes to mind and is associated with this word. In the article we will analyze the etymology and history of the term "veneration". Let's study its lexical meaning. And at the end we will select synonyms and examples of its use in context.
Etymology and history of the word "veneration"

This concept comes from the terms "honor, honor, honour". It is the last word that is the initial word in this row.
So the concept of "honor" was still in the Slavic language and is associated with the Indo-European "cíttiṣ", which translates as "mental activity, understanding and intention of something".
It is also close to the ancient Indo-European "сḗtati". This word has the meaning of "thought", "thoughtfulness" and the intention to do something.
In other Slavic languages, the meaning is also close to "thinking and thought".
That is, the word we are studying"veneration" is related to the concept of "honor". Whom we honor, we honor. And this means that we see honesty in his actions and life.
The lexical meaning of the word "worship"
In the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language S. I. Ozhegova, N. Yu. Shvedova, T. F. Efremova and D. N. Ushakov, this term has the meaning of the deepest respect for someone or something.
You can read with religious overtones. Then here we are talking about God, gods or saints and prophets. For example, the ancient Greek pagans revered Zeus and a host of gods.
Besides this, the term under study also carries the meaning of a special relationship to a person or phenomenon. For example, you can read the work of Michael Jackson and be, accordingly, his admirer.
Synonyms and examples of "reverence" in context

There are several concepts that are similar in meaning to the term under study. Here are some of them:
- worship;
- respect;
- recognition;
- cult;
- respect;
- reverence;
- deification.
It is necessary to give examples of phrases in which the studied word is used, for a more vivid presentation of it in context. Consider these sentences:
- Orthodox Christians especially revere icons depicting the Savior and the Mother of God.
- My best friend admires the work of Leonardo da Vinci.
- The veneration of the new pagans by the host of the gods of the ancient Slavs is surprising.
- First of all, he expressed his deep respect for the new director.
Thus, it was found that the word under study refers to the word "honor", "honor". This word is ancient, has Indo-European roots. The former meaning of thinking is lost. Now veneration is a strong and penetrating feeling of respect for someone or something.