"Charming" is a definition that means incredible attraction. It can be used on a person. In this article, we will look at the history and etymology of the word. Let's study its lexical meaning. And at the end we will select synonyms and examples of use.
Etymology and history of the word "charming"
This word comes from the terms "divorce, divination". These are Slavic words that meant witchcraft spells that were cast on the one they wanted to forcefully fall in love with.
Some linguists believe that this word has Indo-European roots and contains the meaning of exile. That is, the one who tells fortunes is able to get rid of magic, and not just do evil.
Others believe that the word comes from the term "enemy", since a torch cannot be a friend. She forcibly takes away a person's will.
The lexical meaning of the term "charming"

According to the dictionaries of S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova, T. F. Efremova and D. N. Ushakov, this concept has two meanings:
- Rendering unusualstrong inner influence, bewitching effect.
- Interesting, entertaining, captivating.
Most often the researched term refers to a person and his qualities. These can be external properties: beauty, facial features, gait. But you can also be internally charming.
This word is associated with an extraordinary craving, captivity, in relation to a woman and her features. A man can be charming too.
Synonyms and examples of "charming" in context

There are several concepts that are similar in meaning. Here are some of them:
- captivating;
- attractive;
- bewitching;
- attractive;
- beautiful;
- beautiful;
- wonderful;
- unique;
- awesome;
- delightful;
- unique;
- dizzy;
- maddening;
- seductive;
- charming;
- charming.
The best way to understand the meaning of a word is from the context. Here are the following phrases that reveal the meaning of the word being studied:
- This girl captivated me with her charming smile.
- She was charmingly dressed at the fall ball.
- What an adorable baby!
- Who is that charming young man looking at you?
- This dress just looks adorable on a little princess.
Thus, we found out that the researchedThe term has Indo-European roots. However, this word still existed in the Slavic language. Charming is one that has an unusual inner energy and strength, a special attraction.