Now you can wear the state on your head. What a strange fashion

Now you can wear the state on your head. What a strange fashion
Now you can wear the state on your head. What a strange fashion

In one millennium ageless land… A big city soared up and soars under the clouds… A river that even a child deftly cuts with a knife… A whole state can be worn on one's head… What a phantasmagoria! Magic dream!

Stop. Don't sleep! This is a geography lesson. And she's dealing with reality itself.

However, when using original riddles in her lessons, the horizons of students grow, as well as their interest in learning.

Mom, where's Panama?

Riddle "Which state can be worn on the head?" known to many. We offer several modified versions of it.

What a strange fashion though:

Put a country with people on your head!

Which state are we talking about here?

Look carefully at the globe!

(Answer: Panama)

Name of this country, Name of this capital

I can hear all day in summer

From my older sister.

She is strict, plays with me inmom”, Screams: “Put on your head…” (Panama!)

Riddle about the state on the head
Riddle about the state on the head

Note that here the question is not formulated as concisely as in the case; "What state can be worn on the head?". These poetic riddles also contain useful information on geography.

In it I walk in the park in the summer, It contains resorts in Central America.

(Answer: Panama and Panama)


And the Pacific Ocean


Linked the channel.

He passes through which country, I know.

I always have her in June


The sun is mercilessly beating down from the sky, She will protect my head.

(Answer: Panama and Panama)

State on the head. Mystery
State on the head. Mystery

North with South America

I connect with an isthmus.

Right - Caribbean Sea wave, On the left is the Pacific Ocean.

(Answer: Panama)

An Indian will call this word

The place where he caught a lot of fish.

And we'll put it on if it bakes

We have the sun on the top and back of the head.

(Answer: panama and panama)

These are the answers to the question, what state can be worn on the head.

What city can fly?
What city can fly?

Don't soar under the clouds with free eagles

A riddle about one of the Russian cities was built on the same principle of the same sounding of a common noun and proper name.

AboutOrla was talking in class today.

Petya was late and disagreed with his friends.

They say: “The eagle lies down

There.” He: “The eagle is flying!”

They say: "Eagle is actively developing."

Objection: "It breathes, and grows, and multiplies."

They say: “Eagle is one of the regional capitals.”

Petya argues: “He hatches from eggs.”

Looking closely at Petya, The teacher asked all the children: “Children, What lesson are we in now?”

"Geography!" the class answered.

Peter was embarrassed: “I was in a hurry, I put Zoology in my backpack!”

Why is there this confusion?

I don't understand and I'm waiting for your answer.

(Answer: the class was talking about the city of Orel, and Petya was talking about the bird eagle)

Flying City Mystery
Flying City Mystery

Cut the river with a knife? This is crazy

Geography quizzes are open to allied teams from 11th to 4th grade. "What state can be worn on the head?" - this question is one of a whole series of similar questions that such a team of different ages can handle.

Tell me which river

Can you cut with a knife?

Funny question, but necessary

Serious give an answer.

Flows in Ukraine, In Moldova, in Romania.

A tributary of the Danube is what

My grandfather told me.

Its source is in the Carpathians.

There is a city there, guys, The name is surprisingly

Him, like me.

That's what books are called

(Their adults are reading)

And the samerelationship

The name is between two.

Don't know fish, birds, -

There is a border along it

Between countries. About it

But I recognized our class.

Now get the cards

And let's go with passion

In search of an answer

Immediately! Now!

(Answer: the Prut River, the boy's name is Roman)


Forever young, forever icy

If the lesson is based on game situations, then the whole lesson will be subject to the rules of the game. The same educational material that teachers and students will use will automatically become its means. In this case, these are riddles like “What state can be worn on the head?”.

Everything in the world changes sometime

Only this earth does not age.

I washed my face with cold water

And so well preserved?

Only eternal ice around, So old age does not take her?

Ile magic Matochkin Ball

Her youth is an eternal gift?

In the north of it - the east of Europe, In the south of it - the Kara Gate.

Look at the map, study the names.

You will discover the secret of unfading.

(We are talking about the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, which, due to its name, “does not age.”)

Today's teachers often include game elements in their technologies. This is a whole group of various techniques and methods that allow organizing the learning process in a new way. Especially often teachers of such subjects use it:

  • history;
  • geography;
  • biology.

Riddle “Which statecan be worn on the head? (and others like it) will also be appropriate in Russian when studying material about words that sound the same but have different meanings.
