State Tver Medical Academy (TSMA): address, faculties

State Tver Medical Academy (TSMA): address, faculties
State Tver Medical Academy (TSMA): address, faculties

One of the leading specialized universities of the Russian Federation, the State Tver Medical Academy currently has the following faculties: Dental, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Pediatric, Higher Nursing Education. In addition, there are the Faculty of Postgraduate Education and the Department of Training for Foreign Citizens. Preventive dentistry is also very popular - a speci alty of secondary vocational education. Additional and postgraduate education can be obtained in internship and residency, and doctoral and postgraduate studies are designed to train teachers in medicine of the highest qualification, all this is provided by the TSMA curriculum.

State Tver Medical Academy
State Tver Medical Academy


For the proper training of doctors at TSMU, the faculties work according to programs that meet the educational standard of HPE. The educational process is conducted at 45 clinical and theoretical departments,plus one self-guided course. 390 teachers work here. Forty departments of TSMA are headed by doctors of medical sciences.

Ten clinical disciplines are taught in the educational and medical (polyclinic) and scientific and practical complexes of the academy. Practical classes of many theoretical departments are held in their own museums. Surgeons also have their own operating room with laboratory animals.

Tver city
Tver city

Training sequence

Freshmen and sophomores study theoretical and biomedical disciplines: chemistry, biology, physics, anatomy and physiology, histology, after which they begin to study the diseased organism and the development of the disease at the departments of pathological physiology and anatomy. At the same time, students are attached to the sacrament of examination and proper communication with patients - from the third year, training is already mostly in clinical departments. Surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology are being studied.

In the following courses - senior - disciplines of a narrower profile appear - dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, nervous and infectious diseases, psychiatry. In the sixth year, the results are summarized through state certification - a three-stage exam: test control, practical skills testing, then an oral interview and problem solving in situations. After that, graduates are sent to an internship or residency to continue their education in their chosen speci alty.

gou vpo versk state medical academy
gou vpo versk state medical academy

Faculty of Pediatrics

There are 44 departments at the faculty, four of which are specialized. The teaching staff of specialized departments consists of 26 people, including four professors and 11 associate professors. 85 percent of teachers have academic degrees. The entire faculty has more than 300 employees, 50 doctors and almost 200 candidates of medical sciences, three honored workers of science of Russia, 11 honored doctors, four honored workers of the Higher School of the Russian Federation and many other honored people. There are more than ten corresponding members of academies of sciences alone.

Technically, the faculty is provided almost completely with computer equipment, and printers, and scanners, and multimedia projectors, as well as purely medical devices, such as ECG and resuscitation phantoms. All children's and adult medical institutions of the city became clinical bases for the faculty. The personnel that the faculty trains equip both Tverskaya and all neighboring regions. Graduates work in the Kaluga, Bryansk, Pskov, Moscow regions.

tver state medical academy tgma
tver state medical academy tgma

Faculty of Pharmacy

A pharmacist is a specialist who thoroughly understands medicines, as well as dosages for use and their composition. In the Russian Federation, a pharmacist is a specialist of the highest category, to whom consultants, pharmacists and other pharmacy employees are subordinate. Today, a pharmacist is a manager-pharmacologist: he is a leader, although he will be able to prepare and dispense medicines better than many.

And in Europe it is quite the opposite: there the pharmacist obeys and helpsa pharmacist, who is usually at least a master's degree. In Russia, pharmacists are trained by medical schools. Therefore, it is difficult for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy to study, like for all doctors, and it will cost a lot of effort to confirm the level of education abroad, even if it is a TSMA diploma.


Training takes place at the departments of clinical and theoretical. In total, the State Tver Medical Academy has 64. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has a course in this speci alty at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education. The training is organized in the same way at the departments of biochemistry, internal medicine, pediatric dentistry and some others. There is an intensive care department for anesthesiologists and resuscitators.

Tver State Medical Academy
Tver State Medical Academy


Maternity Hospital No. 1 knows the city of Tver as a practical base for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the TSMA. Classes are held here with students of the fourth, fifth and sixth courses of medical, dental and pediatric faculties. In addition, students practice in all other maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics.

Also, the basis for the department is the regional oncological dispensary and the gynecological department of city hospital No. 4. The teaching staff is highly professional: 42 candidates and three doctors of medical sciences since the founding of the department. Many defended dissertations testify to the high level of scientific work achieved by the State Tver Medical Academy and its Faculty of Medicine inparticular.

thma diagnostic center
thma diagnostic center

Resuscitation and anesthesiology

This course was organized in 1987 at the Department of Urology, then urology and hospital surgery were combined, after which in 2002 anesthesiology and resuscitation were taught for some time at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, and in 2010 a separate department. Students of the fifth and sixth courses of the medical faculty are engaged here. The provision of emergency care, if the patient's condition is life-threatening, is studied with special attention.

For this, the State Tver Medical Academy has created a training center at the Department of Extreme and Military Medicine. The office, equipped with modern equipment, mannequins and phantoms, allows you to simulate almost all types of life-threatening conditions, as well as make the most objective assessments regarding the development of emergency techniques, skills, and skills. Modern computer programs help with this.


The city of Tver and nearby settlements annually willingly supply applicants to the medical academy, and everyone who is lucky enough to become students will certainly be related to this department. It is really strong and equipped with the latest technology - computer classes, laboratories.

Besides teaching, the staff of the department tirelessly works for the glory that the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tver State Medical Academy" has gained: it publishes textbooks, collections of situational tasks, an annotated Russian-English dictionary onbiology for students and students of medical universities, examination tests for students of all faculties in biology.

Teaching aids are published in large numbers, articles are written in periodicals. International, republican and regional conferences are held. An interactive atlas of biology is being compiled. Dissertations of all levels are defended. The most interesting speakers at congresses, conferences and symposiums, as well as creative developers who have received patents for inventions, live here. Tver State Medical Academy (TSMA) highly appreciates the work of the Department of Biology.

tgma department
tgma department


There are two main types of education at the Department of Dentistry: medical practice (practical he althcare) and general educational. Here the most effective treatment and prosthetics are widely introduced into practice, a program for the prevention and treatment of diseases in the field of dentistry is being carried out, new and modern materials are used for prosthetics, as well as for dental treatment.

Training base for practice is the TGMA Diagnostic Center, its clinic and polyclinic. This is the largest medical and preventive, scientific and practical, diagnostic and dental enterprise. Also, this Center serves as a base for advanced training of doctors of various profiles from Tver and many other regions of Russia. There is a very high level of equipment with modern medical equipment. Contracts are concluded with organizations, enterprises, individuals and insurance companies for dental prostheticsand complex treatment.

Clinical base

The Academy has equipped its offspring with the most modern equipment for diagnostics in absolutely all areas: ultrasound, laboratory tests, radiology, velometry, decimetry, endoscopic studies and so on. The faculty of the TSMA in gynecology, cardiology, surgery, traumatology, urology, dermatovenereology, enterogastrology and many other speci alties work at receptions and consultations. This Center is used by patients from 17 districts of the region and, of course, Tver itself.

The State Medical Academy is proud that there are no analogues to diagnostic and medical equipment not only in Tver and the region, but also far beyond its borders. These include X-ray equipment, such as a densitometer that diagnoses osteoporosis. These are ultrasound equipment complete with the Sequoia apparatus, and a magnetic nuclear installation in the rehabilitation department, and a single-needle and membrane plasmapheresis apparatus designed for the military industry, and endoscopic equipment, and a complex of devices for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases. There are excellently equipped clinical and biochemical laboratories.

Address and directions

The academy building is located at the address: st. Sovetskaya, 4, Tver. You can get to it by public transport along the routes:

  • trolleybuses №№ 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 - to the stop "Circus";
  • bus number 20 - to the stop "Cathedral Square";
  • buses: Nos. 1, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 52, 54,223 - to the stop "Medical Academy".
