Ufa State Academy of Arts (UGAI) them. Ismagilov: address, faculties, departments

Ufa State Academy of Arts (UGAI) them. Ismagilov: address, faculties, departments
Ufa State Academy of Arts (UGAI) them. Ismagilov: address, faculties, departments

In Bashkortostan, you can get a speci alty related to music, theater or fine arts only in one educational institution. This is the Ufa State Institute of Arts. Previously, the educational institution had the status of an academy (UGAI named after Ismagilov). However, not all students, graduates and residents of the city now call the university an institute. The name that has become familiar to them is the Academy of Arts.

University yesterday and today

The State Institute of Arts in Ufa began its work in 1968. At first there were only 2 faculties - music and theater. As development progressed, new divisions were created. Faculties of fine arts and Bashkir music appeared. In 2003, an important event in history took place - the status changed. From now on, the educational organization became known as the academy. The university had this status for 12 years. In 2015, the former name was returned to the educational institution.

Currently, the State Institute of the Arts, commonly called an academy by people, is consideredone of the leading creative universities in the Russian Federation. Not only people living in Ufa study here. There are also many foreign students. The institute offers them a dormitory located on Pushkin Street, 114. It has 640 beds, a medical office, kitchens, hygiene rooms, showers, rest rooms.

ugai im ismagilova
ugai im ismagilova

Institute addresses

The Academy of Arts has two academic buildings. The main one is located at Lenin Street, 14. The building of the educational building is an architectural monument of the 19th century. In those days, the building of the former Nobility Assembly was located here. The building is also notable for the fact that Fyodor Chaliapin performed there for the first time as an opera singer. It is his name that currently bears the concert hall, located in the educational building.

The second building of the state university is located on Tsyurupy Street, 9. The faculty of fine arts and the theater department are located here (the music department and the faculty in which students are taught Bashkir music are located in the first building).

About the Faculty of Music and its departments

You can plunge into the world of music by enrolling in the music department of the Ufa State Academy of Arts. It is a creative team consisting of qualified teachers, honored artists of Russia and Bashkortostan. The faculty allows students to show their creative abilities, opens the way for talented individuals to the world of music.

At the Music Department of the State Academy there are 9departments. They train students in the main areas of their future professional activities (for example, there are such departments as choral conducting, vocal art, folk instruments). At the musicological departments (i.e., those related to the history and theory of music, the musical culture of peoples) at the UGAI. Ismagilov, research is being carried out in the field of the history of foreign and domestic music, the style of professional Bashkir music, etc.

folk instruments orchestra
folk instruments orchestra

Training areas at the Faculty of Music

The list of offered areas of training and speci alties is quite wide:

  • for those who want to be a concert performer in the future, an ensemble or orchestra artist, the head of a creative team, an accompanist, there are directions in the State Academy of Musical Variety Art and Musical and Instrumental Art, Art of Concert Performance;
  • concert-chamber singers, concert performers, soloists of the ensemble are trained in the directions "Vocal Art" and "Art of Folk Singing";
  • for persons who want to be managers of musical art, music journalists, musicologists, ethnomusicologists, medievalists, the direction "Musical and applied art and musicology" is suitable;
  • choir conductor, choirmaster, artist in a choir, conductor who has chosen an orchestra of folk instruments or wind instruments, conductor in an opera and symphony orchestra or in an academic choir - qualifications that can beget in the directions "Conducting" and "Artistic management of the academic choir and opera and symphony orchestra";
  • soloist-vocalist - a speci alty assigned after completing studies at the state academy in the "Musical and theatrical art".

About the theater department and its departments

Many applicants dream of working in the theater, acting in films. For them, an excellent launching pad can be the theater department of the UGAI. Ismagilov. This faculty has existed since 1971. However, its history began in 1968, when the department of acting and directing began to function at the university.

The theater faculty has 3 departments: choreographic art, acting and directing, history and theory of art. They have teachers who have a lot to learn from. Teachers not only give theoretical knowledge to students, but also show choreographic movements, professional acting.

Lenina Street
Lenina Street

Training areas at the theater department

Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov invites applicants to 4 areas of training that the theater department has:

  • "Choreographic Art".
  • "Theater Studies".
  • "Theater Directing".
  • "Acting art".

The first 2 directions refer to undergraduate studies. After completing the training, graduates are awarded bachelor's qualifications. The remaining areas of training belong to the speci alty. On the"Theater directing" graduates receive the qualifications of a stage director, director of puppet shows in the theater, drama director, director of musical theater, and on "Acting Art" - an artist of musical theater, an artist of puppet shows in the theater, an artist of drama theater and cinema, a variety artist.

About the Faculty of Fine Arts and its departments

A famous painter Rashit Mukhametbareevich Nurmukhametov stood at the origins of this department. Thanks to him, the faculty of fine arts appeared in the educational institution. Now this department is a developing structural unit in which creative personalities are formed.

In the structure of the Faculty of Fine Arts there are 2 departments: painting, design and drawing. At the first of them, teachers teach students easel composition, painting. The second department teaches such disciplines as drawing, composition, sculpture, printed graphics.

Faculty of Fine Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts

Training areas at the Faculty of Fine Arts

Entering the UGAI them. Ismagilov to this department, you can choose one of the proposed areas of training:

  • History and theory of arts.
  • Design.
  • Sculpture.
  • Graphics.
  • Painting.

The first direction refers to the bachelor's degree. "Design" is a speci alty. This direction prepares designers for work in the field of graphic or industrial design, costume design, environment and means of transport. "Sculpture","Graphics" and "Painting" also belong to the speci alty. Future sculptors, graphic artists and painters study in these directions.

Faculty of Bashkir Music

Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov has a unique department - the faculty of Bashkir music. He appeared in 1996. With its appearance, work began on the creation of folk Bashkir instruments that had fallen into disuse, and the resurrection of lost performing traditions. The necessary teaching aids are compiled for students.

Bashkir music has been revived thanks to the faculty. An orchestra of folk instruments was created at the educational institution. Its main task is to spread forgotten music. Students in the orchestra undergo practice, take part in concerts held at the venues of the city and the republic.

bashkir music
bashkir music

Chairs at the Faculty of Bashkir Music

This branch of the State Academy of Arts has a department of traditional musical performance. It is preparing for the program "Instrumental Performance" on the types of those instruments that are used in the training orchestra.

Also, the faculty has a department of ethnomusicology. It teaches such subjects as the basics of ethnomusicology, folk musical instruments, folk performing traditions, folk choreography.

For those who decide to enter the Academy of Arts

The first stage in admission is the collection of the necessary documents and theirsubmission to the admission committee of the university. Applicants bring to the State Academy of Arts:

  • photos;
  • passport;
  • application addressed to the rector;
  • certificate or diploma;
  • documents proving individual achievements.
Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov
Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

The second stage in entering the State Academy of Arts is passing the entrance exams. Literature and the Russian language are common subjects in all areas. In addition to them, some areas require an interview, passing a creative and / or professional assignment. Tests are considered successfully passed if the results are equal to or exceed the established minimum scores.

It is recommended to check the minimum scores with the admission committee, because they can be adjusted annually. According to the admission rules approved for 2017, the minimum scores must be equal to the following values:

  • for a creative task - 70 points;
  • professional test - 70 points;
  • for an interview - 70 points;
  • in Russian - from 38 to 52 points (depending on the chosen direction);
  • in literature - from 34 to 40 points (depending on the direction).
vocal art
vocal art

Today, the Ufa Academy (Institute) of Arts, named after Ismagilov and located at 14 Lenin Street, has 4 faculties, more than 20 different speci alties. Training is carried out onpaid and free of charge on full-time and part-time forms. After completing their studies at the university, graduates find a job without any problems. They are employed in educational institutions as teachers. Many work in theaters, philharmonics, orchestras both in their native republic and abroad in various parts of the country.
