The main territory of the Stavropol Territory is located on the hill of the same name. In the east, it smoothly merges with the Tersko-Kuma lowland. In the north, it also gently passes into the Kuma-Manych depression. The southwestern part of the region is the foothills of the Greater Caucasus. Its laccolith mountains form an almost isolated territory - the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. What is mined in the Stavropol Territory? What types of minerals are present here? More on that below.
Mineral Resource Summary
Mineral resources in the Stavropol Territory are stored in three hundred deposits. According to the estimated value of underground deposits, 42 percent is building materials. Fossils containing hydrocarbons are estimated at 38%. One tenth is given to water resources. The remaining 10 percent is accounted for by the remaining mineral resources - titanium-zirconium placers, sands for glass production, mineral and thermal springs. Separately, it is necessary to highlight small deposits of polymetals, one of the products of which is uranium.

But the question is not only what minerals the Stavropol Territory is rich in. In addition to mineral resources, it is necessary to highlight the water and plant resources of nature. The region is also not deprived of them.
Water resources
On the territory of Stavropol more than two hundred rivers, large and small, flow. There are also thirty-eight lakes, mostly s alty and bitter-s alty. The uneven distribution of water resources over the territory of the region served as the basis for the largest in Russia water management complex for transferring wastewater from the Kuban and Terek rivers. This center provides 80% of Stavropol's water supply. Experts' forecasts boil down to the fact that the near future will bring us a shortage of fresh groundwater. This does not threaten the Stavropol Territory, because now only a tenth of the reserves are used. There is enough water in the Malkinskoye field to meet the needs of all Caucasian Mineralnye Vody.

If we talk about what minerals are in the Stavropol Territory, we can note its uniqueness in that there are more than forty types of mineral waters in a relatively small area. Here they are canteens, medicinal and medicinal. Recently, the list has expanded due to radon, iodine-bromine, ferruginous, silicic and bitter-s alty waters. There are also Tambukan deposits of therapeutic mud. Today, only a fifth of the hydro-mineral resources are used, but this is enough to annually provide the necessary resources for one and a halfmillion holidaymakers.
Plant and animal resources
The plant genetic fund includes more than two thousand species, which is one of the highest rates in Russia. The peculiar relief contributed to the fact that both endemics (growing only here) and relic samples are present here. To preserve this diversity, mainly from human impact, the creation of botanical and complex natural reserves is being carried out. The Stavropol Territory is one of the least forested in Russia. Only one and a half percent of the region's territory is occupied by forests. They are divided into mountain and plain. The animal world is also diverse and is represented by amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals in the amount of more than four hundred species.

Above we described what water, plant and animal resources the Stavropol Territory has. Minerals will be considered further.
Minerals used in construction
If we talk specifically about Stavropol, the main minerals coming from the regional center are mined in Pelagiada. We are talking about building sand, stones and rubble. This quarry has been developed for seventy years. In almost every city in the region there are houses that are built from materials extracted from this deposit. Sand and gravel mixtures are rich in the valleys of the Kuban and Malka rivers, Kochubeevsky district. Reserves of almost two hundred deposits of building materials - sand and gravel mixtures, building sands, stones,expanded clay - are estimated at eight hundred million cubic meters. Existing volumes would allow building materials to be produced for more than thirty years.

But if we evaluate the Stavropol Territory, building-type minerals are mined every year at an accelerated pace. Although it should be noted that in a significant part of the deposits, additional exploration and an increase in reserves are possible.
Oil production in the Stavropol region
The region is one of the oldest oil-producing centers of the country. If the neighboring Krasnodar lands are the oldest place in Russia in terms of oil production, Stavropol is not far behind for a while. Minerals rich in hydrocarbons began to be mined here in the same nineteenth century. Today, almost fifty deposits have been explored. Their reserves are estimated at over eighty million tons.
The most famous oil field in the Stavropol Territory is Praskoveiskoye. But, unfortunately, seventy percent of the deposits are hard to recover. It is considered unprofitable to develop them. And the main deposits are developed by almost two-thirds. Today's production is significantly inferior to that which was half a century ago. At the current rate of production, the profitability of resources will last no more than ten years.

Natural gas
In addition to oil, the Stavropol Territory is also rich in gas deposits. Minerals of this type are stored in seventeen deposits. Natural gas reservesare estimated at almost fifty million cubic meters. The most famous blue fuel deposits of the Stavropol Territory include Severo-Stavropol-Pelagiadinskoye and Sengileevskoye. Gas condensate is found mainly in the Mirnenskoye and Rasshevatskoye fields. The production of natural gas over the past twenty years has decreased from five hundred to three hundred million cubic meters. The depreciation of the well stock and their 70% production does not allow us to expect an increase in production in the near future.
Titanium-zirconium sands
Such minerals in the Stavropol Territory as titanium-zirconium sands are almost unique. Over ninety percent of this material in Russia is imported. At the same time, the Stavropol Territory is rich in raw materials. Beshpagir stands out especially, where the width of the sand layer reaches five meters, and they lie at a depth of twenty meters.

Quartz sand
You can also note quartz sands, which are rich in the Stavropol Territory. Minerals of this type are mined in the Blagodarnensky and Spassky deposits. The excellent quality of sand - practically without impurities with a high content of silica - allows, in addition to standard glass containers and sheet material, to make medical and optical devices, mirror devices. This sand is also used for the production of crystal and artistic casting. The production of window glass on the basis of this field is under development.