It doesn't matter at what age you study your native land. It is important to know what it is. Where is it located and what is rich. What are the minerals of the Stavropol Territory. For grade 4 or any other age category, this information will be of interest.
Main resources of the region
Most of the Stavropol Territory is located within the hill of the same name. Its northern and eastern parts smoothly pass into the lowlands, and the southern and southwestern parts into the foothills of the Greater Caucasus. Minerals of the Stavropol Territory are found in three hundred deposits. In percentage terms, approximately 40 percent of the resources of the Stavropol Territory are accounted for by materials for construction, on the one hand, and oil and gas, on the other. One tenth of the resources are water. The remaining tenth is accounted for by other mineral resources. In addition, polymetallic ore deposits contain small amounts of radioactive uranium.
Building materials
If you list the minerals of the Stavropol Territory,you should start with the resources that are used in construction. Near Stavropol itself, a quarry is being developed in Pelagiada. Building sand is mined here, as well as crushed stone and stone.

Rare city of Stavropol does not have houses built from the materials of this quarry. The valleys of the Kuban and Malka rivers are rich in significant deposits of sand and gravel mixtures. In total, there are over two hundred deposits in the Stavropol Territory, in which building materials are mined, such as sand and gravel mixture, building sand and stone, expanded clay. The volume of these deposits exceeds 800 million cubic meters. With the current volumes of extraction from the bowels of the earth, these reserves will last for more than thirty years. At the same time, a significant number of deposits can be additionally explored in order to increase reserves.
Oil production in the Stavropol region
The first answer of local residents to the question: "What are the minerals in the Stavropol Territory?" - there will be "oil". The neighboring Krasnodar Territory is considered the first region of Russia where oil production was started industrially. It happened in the middle of the nineteenth century. Not much later - in the same century - the Stavropol Territory joined the oil-producing regions of Russia. To date, forty-eight oil fields are known. Reserves of "black gold" are estimated at eighty million tons. The most famous deposit in the Stavropol region is Praskoveiskoye. It's the most significant one. But most of the fields are rated as unprofitable, because oil inthey are located in areas that are difficult to access. However, current production levels are so high that oil reserves are estimated to last only a decade.

Gas fields
Hydrocarbon-containing minerals of the Stavropol Territory, in addition to oil, also include gas. Seventeen gas deposits with a capacity of almost fifty million cubic meters. The largest reserves were found in three fields - Mirnenskoye, Sengileevskoye and Severo-Stavropolsko-Pelagiadinskoye. The material component of the wells is significantly worn out and is not updated. The development of deposits reaches a mark of seventy percent. All this has led to the fact that over the past quarter of a century, the volume of production has halved. The current state of affairs does not allow us to hope for an increase in gas production in the coming years.
Solid minerals
Some minerals of the Stavropol Territory are quite unique. In particular, this definition refers to deposits of titanium-zirconium sand. Less than ten percent of this type of raw material is extracted from Russian subsoil, the rest is imported. But in the Stavropol region, this sand is available, thanks to the Beshpagir deposit.

The thickness of the layers of this field reaches a five-meter mark, and the deposits themselves are located at a depth of twenty meters. You should also pay attention to deposits of quartz sands from Spassky andBlagodarnensky deposits. They are also rare because they are of excellent quality: they have a significant amount of silica and practically do not include impurities. Therefore, its application is wide. In addition to the standard production of glass containers, quartz sand from Stavropol is used in the production of devices for medicine and optics, mirrors and crystal.
Hydromineral potential
If you ask the inhabitants of the rest of Russia if they know what is mined in the Stavropol Territory, they will certainly remember the mineral waters. In the foothills of the Caucasus, an actually isolated territory was formed in a natural way, which was called the Caucasian Mineral Waters. In a rather small space, there are a lot of sources, more than forty species.

Here there are sources of canteens, medical-table and just medicinal waters. Among them, there are also radon, silicon, ferrous, iodine-bromine, bitter-s alty. The Tambukan therapeutic mud deposit also attracts visitors from all over Russia. One and a half million tourists annually visit the relatively small area of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody, while less than twenty percent of the region's hydro-mineral potential is used to meet their demand.