Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University: departments, passing grade, postgraduate studies

Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University: departments, passing grade, postgraduate studies
Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University: departments, passing grade, postgraduate studies

The Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University is one of the prestigious departments of Moscow University, the country's oldest university. Every year, thousands of applicants seek to enter the programs offered at the faculty. Read more about admission and educational profiles below.

Philosopher students
Philosopher students

Location address

The Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University is located at the following address: Lomonosovskiy Avenue, 27, building 4. Also, some lectures can be held in the main building of Moscow University.



The structural divisions of the Faculty of Philosophy include the following:

  • Department of Philosophy of the Natural Faculties of Moscow State University;
  • philosophy of education;
  • ethics;
  • history of Russian philosophy;
  • Department of Aesthetics;
  • philosophy of language and communication;
  • Department of Logic;
  • philosophy and methodology of science;
  • history of foreign philosophy;
  • philosophies of education, and others.
Faculty of Philosophy
Faculty of Philosophy

In total, there are 16 departments at the faculty, most of them are graduating departments. For example, the Department of Philosophy of the Humanities Faculties of Moscow State University. The position of the head of the department is occupied by the Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, as well as Professor Alekseev A. P. Employees of the department teach philosophical disciplines in almost all faculties of the humanitarian direction of Moscow University: law, philology, history, economics, faculty of in. languages, in the higher school of translation and in the higher school of modern social. Sciences, and others.

Training areas

The Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University trains students in the following areas of training:

  • religious studies;
  • pragmatics and cultural management;
  • philosophy;
  • strategic management and economic policy;
  • advertising and public relations.
Faculty of Philosophy
Faculty of Philosophy

Students are being recruited for several levels of higher education, namely for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies. The duration of undergraduate studies is 4 years, the duration of master's programs is 2 years. The form of education in all programs is full-time.

Admission to Bachelor's degree

When applying, applicants are interested in: what to take to the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University? The entrance test takes place in 2 stages: the provision of USE certificates in the Russian language, social studies, and history, and you also need to successfully pass an additional entrance test,run directly by the university. DWI versions of past years are published on the website of the MSU Admissions Committee.

Graduates of Moscow State University
Graduates of Moscow State University

Admission to graduate school

In order to enter the magistracy of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, you must successfully pass the entrance test, which is a written exam in a specialized subject. You can study the options for the exam test of past years on the website of the admission committee of Moscow University.

Main building of Moscow State University
Main building of Moscow State University

The duration of study in master's programs is 2 years. Full-time form of education. Students receive a master's degree after passing the final exam, as well as successfully defending a master's thesis.

Admission to graduate school

For admission to the postgraduate programs of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, it is also necessary to pass the entrance exam, and it is also mandatory to have a master's or specialist's degree. All applicants to graduate school take the following entrance exams:

  • on a special discipline (conducted orally);
  • philosophy (conducted orally);
  • in a foreign language - the surrender of either English, French or German (conducted in written and oral form).
Graduates of Moscow State University
Graduates of Moscow State University

The final score when participating in the competition is formed on the basis of the results of entrance exams, as well as individual achievements confirmed by official papers. And for the entrance examAn applicant can receive a maximum of 5 points. The minimum number of points for participation in the competition is 13 points. Individual achievements are taken into account when ranking applicants with the same number of points.

When applying, it is advisable for the applicant to have the following documents with him:

  1. Autobiography (must be written by hand, following the rules for the use of fields, it is also necessary to indicate the type of scientific activity, for example, participation in conferences, scientific publications, etc.)
  2. Copy of employment record (if available).
  3. Copy of TIN.
  4. Copy of certificate of passed candidate exams (if available).
  5. Documents that confirm individual achievements.

In addition, there are a number of required documents that the applicant must provide:

  1. Personal application containing personal data (a special form can be downloaded on the faculty website).
  2. Original diploma with attachments (important to submit to the Postgraduate Department before 10.09 of the current year)
  3. Copy of diploma of higher prof. education with applications.
  4. Three photographs (size 3x4, matte with a corner) - indicate the surname, as well as the name with a patronymic on the reverse side.
  5. Abstract on the profile of the chosen speci alty, or a list of printed works certified by the profile department.
  6. Copy of passport.
Graduates of Moscow State University
Graduates of Moscow State University

The post of head of postgraduate studies is occupied by Mukharina L. V., admission is carried out in the following areas of training:

  • philosophy;
  • ethics;
  • religious studies - 45 seats available;
  • Political and Area Studies - 5 places available.

The duration of study in postgraduate programs is 3 years on a full-time (full-time) basis. Training is possible on a budgetary or contractual basis. The duration of part-time postgraduate studies is 4 years. Training is available only on a paid basis.

The faculty also offers Master of Business Administration programs, among them the following:

  • corporate governance;
  • fashion industry;
  • art management.

Passing points

The passing scores at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University are quite high, both for admission on a budgetary basis, and for admission on a paid basis. For example, for successful admission to the program "Religious Studies" in 2018, the average score in the subject of the applicant had to be at least:

  • 79, 5 to be credited to the budget;
  • 38 for contractual enrollment.

In total, 10 free places were allocated, paid 15. The cost of education is 350 thousand rubles a year.

Let's analyze the results of the selection committee for the bachelor's degree program "Philosophy":

  • average passing score for 1 exam from 80, 25 for a budgetary basis;
  • average passing score for 1 exam for a paid basis from 38;
  • budget places - 66;
  • paid seats - 20;
  • The cost of education per year is over 350 thousand rubles.

Let's analyze the results of the selection committee for the bachelor's degree program "Advertising and Public Relations":

  • average passing score for 1 exam from 89.5 for the budget base;
  • average passing score for 1 exam for a paid basis from 38;
  • budget places - 10;
  • paid places - 50;
  • tuition fee per year is over 350,000 ₽.

Training of managers-bachelors in the field of culture with a fundamental cultural education is carried out in the direction of "Pragmatics and Management of Culture". Recruitment is conducted only for training on a contractual basis. In 2018, the passing score was fixed at the following level: the average passing score was from 38. The number of allocated places: 15. Tuition fees: over 350 thousand rubles a year.

Admission is also open to the educational program "Strategic Management and Economic Policy", which trains managers who skillfully use applied skills and professional knowledge at the intersection of economic and political sciences. Training is conducted only on a contractual basis. The average passing score in 2018 was fixed at 38. The number of allocated places is 20. Tuition fees are identical to those indicated above.

Additional information

The faculty carries out retraining and advanced training programs, as well as preparatory courses for admission to the undergraduate programs of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. Lists of available courses can be found on the official website of the faculty in the section Forincoming.”
