MGU, Faculty of Education: address, passing score, departments

MGU, Faculty of Education: address, passing score, departments
MGU, Faculty of Education: address, passing score, departments

Moscow State University is an outstanding and famous educational institution of our country. It is recognized as one of the most prestigious universities internationally. Moscow State University Lomonosov was founded in the XVIII century. It has a rich history, long-established traditions, and a complex structure. The institution consists of many faculties, one of which will be discussed in this article.

Pedagogical Faculty of Moscow State University. History, brief description

This unit was formed at the university in 1997, by decision of the head of the university, Viktor Sadovnichy.

Moscow State University Pedagogical Faculty
Moscow State University Pedagogical Faculty

Based on the trend of familiarizing future teachers with innovations in teaching, the faculty organizes training in three consecutive areas: master's degree, postgraduate study, obtaining an additional speci alty. For those who would like to study at the magistracy, a bachelor's degree is required, that is, the presence of an appropriate diploma. There are thirty places for applicants. Documentation for applicants is submitted to the selection committee according to pre-established prescribednorms.

Applicants must pass an exam in the discipline "Management", and future students who come from abroad are also tested in the Russian language. Students of the Pedagogical Faculty of Moscow State University practice at other departments of the university, in elite Moscow educational institutions or secondary specialized educational institutions.

Faculty speci alties

Students who have sufficiently mastered all academic disciplines and coped with writing a diploma acquire the speci alty "teacher" or "university teacher", which allows them to work in colleges or universities in our country.

Students of any department of Moscow State University or even another higher educational institution of the capital can apply for education as a teacher. While studying at the FPO (Faculty of Pedagogical Education), the student can continue the course of studies in his main speci alty. Education in the direction of pedagogical activity is also possible for graduates of the magistracy and postgraduate studies with the subsequent receipt of a university teacher diploma. For such students, lectures and seminars are usually held in the afternoon.

Not so long ago, new directions were formed at the FPE, such as "Family Education", "Management of Educational Activities". They will be discussed in more detail in the following sections of the article.

Teaching. The specifics of professional training of teachers

Teaching is a difficult and special activity. She needs to be knowngradually and in conjunction with the development of any other speci alty. All this is taken into account when teaching students of the Pedagogical Faculty of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

head of department
head of department

Those who are interested in the opportunity to work as a teacher are introduced to the basics of psychological and pedagogical science, its methods, opportunities for improvement in this professional activity, various educational reforms, etc. The goal of the FPE is the high-quality professional training of future teachers. The development of an educational program in this speci alty involves:

  1. Assimilation of the curriculum in methodology, psychology and other subjects.
  2. Study of pedagogical methods (teaching a specific discipline), as well as the basics of computer literacy, innovations in the field of education.
  3. Mastering the basic elements of the teaching process (theoretical positions, rhetoric, etc.)

Management of educational activities: goals and objectives

The next area of training for specialists from the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University, which we will consider, is the training of heads of various educational institutions.

Moscow State University teacher
Moscow State University teacher

Education in this area implies familiarity with the basic knowledge, methods, innovations and theoretical aspects of management.

A specialist who has successfully mastered the training curriculum in this area should be ready for the following:

  1. Be able to review and select educational strategies and planslearning.
  2. Design and put into practice new methods of activity of the leader in the field of pedagogy.
  3. Predict how the learning environment and its various components will be transformed.
  4. Effectively manage a teacher training institution, various areas of its work, such as finances.
  5. To effectively and timely inform about aspects and innovations in their professional field.

Management - why is it relevant today?

This direction is aimed at training future management personnel for educational institutions. The importance of the managerial profession in the labor market is explained by the fact that the need for administrative staff has increased in educational institutions.

Training specialists in the field of management involves the development of basic skills, techniques, technologies for the implementation of this activity. A necessary condition is also work on creativity, leadership qualities, self-organization, general erudition. Also, the demand for qualified personnel in the management sphere is associated with the urgent need for transformations and innovations in the educational institutions of our country. Graduates who have mastered the program can work in various educational institutions, administrative structures, information organizations working on the application of social innovations.

To get a speci alty, you must have a university diploma.

On the peculiarities of teaching

The Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University was created mainly for studentsother departments of the university, which are aimed at acquiring an additional specialization of a teacher of a general education or higher educational institution, in addition to their main area of professional training. This explains the organization of the work of the leadership and teachers of Moscow State University. Outstanding teachers from other departments are invited to teach theoretical disciplines to students. In addition to core subjects, students have the right to learn the basics of some additional programs (in methodology, psychology and many other subjects). All of the above contributes to improving the professional training of future specialists. This system helps them to better adapt in the future, during the period of employment.

Much attention is also paid to professional development courses for teachers at Moscow State University. On the basis of the faculty, postgraduate students are also trained, who are working on the development of professional training methods.

Departments of the faculty. Teachers

The departments of Moscow State University include:

  1. Division of Educational Technology.
  2. Department of History and Philosophy of Education.
  3. Laboratory for the development of gender education.
Moscow State University
Moscow State University

Head of the Department of History and Philosophy - member of the Russian Academy of Education Vladimir Borisenkov. The following teachers also work here: associate professors Yu. Yu. Gulyaev, O. A. Mashkina, R. E. Ponomarev, N. B. Savinkina, O. S. Sirota, A. Kh. L. B. Shamshin, as well as Professor A. V. Borovskikh and senior teacher Yu. S. Zege.

The department of educational technologies employs the head of the department N. Kh. Rozov, chief researcher M. A. Lukatsky, researchers V. A. Kuznetsov and O. A. Mazurenko, associate professors G. V. Novikova, E. A. Romanov, professors I. G. Khangeldiev and L. V. Popov, assistant T. A. Toreeva.

Moscow State University departments also invite teachers from other metropolitan colleges and universities to cooperate, and professional development programs are also offered for them.

Practical learning

During the course of obtaining a speci alty, students of the faculty have the opportunity to apply their knowledge, skills and abilities while working in educational institutions or enterprises.

Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Moscow State University
Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Moscow State University

At the same time, they are obliged to take all possible part in educational, scientific and administrative activities, to prepare for writing a final qualifying work. Practical training is aimed at developing students' skills in implementing innovative technologies in the field of management and pedagogy. It is important that graduates can form study plans, methods of teaching subjects, competently develop and conduct a course in their speci alty at a university or general education institution.

moscow leninskie gory d 1 bldg 52
moscow leninskie gory d 1 bldg 52

Future leaders are required to master the process, methods and structure of the management of educational institutions in the course of practice. Before writing a WRC, such classes are useful for more efficient selection of methods and necessary materials for writing a thesis.

Information for applicants

For applicants, it is important to know what documentation you need to have with you for admission to a university. So, an applicant of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University must have:

  1. Photocopied passport and citizenship document.
  2. Diploma or its photocopy.
  3. Two photos (current year)

Postgraduate students also provide a document from their place of study or work. All the necessary materials for admission can be handed in from two in the afternoon to six in the evening in the 5 (b) office of the second building of the university.

Ten places have been allocated for residents of our country at Moscow State University, and twenty for foreign applicants. The minimum passing score for the Faculty of Education in the current year is 40.

Department of History and Philosophy
Department of History and Philosophy

Education is received only on a commercial basis, the cost of an annual course is approximately 300 thousand rubles.

Contacts of the Pedagogical Faculty of Moscow State University

The building of this unit is located at the address: Moscow, Leninskiye Gory, 1 bld. official site. The working hours of the educational part are Monday - Friday, from three in the afternoon to six fifteen in the evening.
