Term paper is an indicator of the level of knowledge, determined by the educational program of a particular educational institution in any subject area: the student must show how he can search, analyze and use information on a given topic.
Purpose and regulation
How to write a term paper, determines the educational institution. In almost all cases of university practice, the student is offered methodological instructions: how and what to do, in what sequence, how to formalize and defend what has been done. Only in exceptional cases is it proposed to perform a unique decision on the personal understanding and level of education of the student.

There are three classic options for achieving the desired goal: buy, borrow from a friend or write yourself. The first option will not bring the desired knowledge, but it will save time and mental waste. The second case gives the teacher a reason to share the assessment of the work between the real author and a self-made rewriter (in student life - a copyist). The third option provides knowledge, skills, a good job and career opportunities.prospects after graduation.
In all three cases, the goal is well-formed material. Recently, not necessarily written: often only an electronic version is allowed, but an electronic copy, as a rule, must be attached.
Everything matters:
- content;
- structure;
- number of pages.
Usually, an educational institution regulates the amount of work within strict limits. This requirement makes a lot of sense. You need to write not for the sake of the process, but for the sake of achieving the goal: revealing the topic.
The content of the term paper must exactly correspond to its topic, each page, subtopic, subsection must have a specific meaning, be understandable to the author and the reviewer, reflect objective circumstances, contain specific conclusions.
Because when and how to write an introduction to a term paper is an extremely important question. The introduction is not the beginning of the work, but its result: first, the collection and analysis of information, work with sources, then the content of the coursework, and only as a result of the whole process should a concise and complete introduction be made.
Relationship between speci alties and topics of work
As a general rule, educational institutions are divided into humanitarian and technical, but this is a completely abstract division. Knowledge in many speci alties mutually complement each other. It is possible to expand the classification of universities into humanitarian, financial, trade, marketing, actually technical, design, technological, energy, construction…
At the beginning of the rangesuch a classification will be a dry text, perhaps without pictures and graphs at all, at the end of the range there will be a bunch of drawings and written "reflections" of creative technical thought without an intelligible and understandable text for the humanities.

There are many fields of application of knowledge, the number of speci alties taught by higher educational institutions is more than enough, and they are constantly growing in number. Therefore, how to write a term paper correctly is determined by the university in its methodological developments.
The development of computing in general has led to the formation of dozens of speci alties that cannot be clearly attributed to either technical or humanitarian: a mandatory combination of technical knowledge, programming and social knowledge, plus the necessary orientation in the field of building, operating and administering networks.
How to write a term paper, example
The best way to acquire knowledge is practice. Writing a term paper based on theoretical knowledge is traditional. When there is an opportunity to use knowledge in solving specific problems of the enterprise, it is better to use it.
But the real deal can be confusing. For example, such an exclusive: "Detection of a deliberate attack." How to write a term paper when the task is set in a generalized way?
If we are talking about virus activity or using a method of overloading the server to destabilize the security perimeter, this is one thing, but the behavior of a previously dismissed employee fits into this topic, and there is a danger of trying to violate itnormal operation of the company.
To solve the problem of protection against an employee attack, you will need to consider:
- social factor - connections with the existing work team;
- technical moment - how competent is the attacker in the technical issues of the company's infrastructure;
- administrative aspect - any contact from outside to the company network should be only during business hours, from trusted devices, only on business days.
These provisions are obvious and well-known, but the peculiarities of a particular company can allow an attacker to get inside the company's infrastructure through several bottlenecks, and most importantly, through actions stretched over time.
Important: first of all, the topic of the term paper must be extremely accurate. If the task is set: "Detection of a deliberate attack", then it is necessary to clarify: what, from what source, what should be protected.

Especially important: the company is interested in the student as a future employee, and not the coursework as a result of the application of his knowledge. This is not a teacher, the enterprise will need a solution to specific problems, and not the brilliant writings of student days.
Student or coursework: intelligence in practice in the field of security
Safety is a very popular topic (not only in the field of IT, today any enterprise pays attention to this topic), the level of responsibility is constantly growing, the number of jobs, employees and scientific research is increasing.
Intuition and skillsto apply knowledge in the most unexpected, but effective way is extremely essential. You can’t write about it in a term paper, but the company does not need a term paper. How to write an introduction - as an example of a real situation and the rationale for its decision? What to do in a situation where the topic is extremely vague?
It is logical to assume that the author of the topic pursued a different task. What could he have in mind, how to act as a student?
In a well-written term paper, the introduction is the last thing to do, but this does not mean that the work does not begin with it. Each paragraph of the course, each sentence and each word is the dynamics of thought. Only in the final version does everything freeze in a single fused structure.
In this case, it may be an option to see how the student will build an attack detection plan, whether he himself (fresh head) can identify the bottlenecks of the existing solution and propose new options.
Modern security is a simple topic, as a rule, only the social factor sins, although bugs in programs do not cease to amaze and grow every day, but this is the sin of a programmer, and more often his boss.
The topic should be as short, clear and understandable as possible. Otherwise, the initial version of the introduction and its discussion with the author of the topic can determine the scope of the study as accurately as possible, at the same time find out how interesting the author of the topic is, the logic of the student's behavior and the process of solving the problem.
In fact, having received a non-trivial task, it should be considered as a sign of the company's close interest in the probable futureemployee.
Priorities: getting creative or getting it right
Creative students should not rely on their own uniqueness, natural talent, and originality in covering a topic to be judged on their own account.
The factor of the teacher and the compliance of the structure of the work with the regulations for the design are objective and important. If the university does not have a clear indication of job requirements, you need to know how to write a term paper in accordance with GOST - this is always an affordable solution.
The general normative material is not designed for use in the practice of higher educational institutions, and even more so does not mean term papers, diplomas and other written assignments. But modern GOSTs provide basic knowledge of design in an exhaustive manner.
It is important to know what a title page is, how to write an introduction to a term paper, and arrange a list of sources so that the teacher has a desire to skim the entire text of the paper and make an informed decision.
A beautiful and well-formed document is 90% of complete success. Education, like he alth, is a personal concern for each person. In the diploma, you need to confirm the knowledge gained for the entire period of study, in course work - for a short period. Having correctly formatted the material containing data sources and their analysis, your own thoughts and conclusions (at least 10%), you can safely go on defense.
Subject and content of the work
The topic of work is not always determined independently, in some courses, in certain semesters or according to the student's study planto cover a specific topic. This is very important.
If a student chose a topic on their own, it is doubly important to reveal the meaning of the stated purpose of the work. You need to be ready to answer the question: why this topic?
The plan for how to start writing a term paper is simple:
- subject;
- sources;
- introduction;
- contents.
The ubiquity of the Internet "filters" students in the eyes of teachers. Not every university appreciates knowledge obtained from Internet sources, not all lists of references (according to the training manual or GOST) allow an exact indication of the Internet resources used.
Better than books, magazine articles, conference materials (possibly electronic, organized by leading companies) have not yet come up with anything.
Internet sources of various origins and authorships change their opinions about certain objects, ideas, technologies or circumstances too quickly, and another web resource could have been created in the last century, when ideas about the chosen topic were radically different.

The sources that will form the basis of the term paper are important. They show what was, how it was, what were the problems, what is positive, what is negative. Actually, this determines how to write a term paper correctly: a sample of past knowledge in the student's research and his own opinion - new knowledge, a new step in the chosen topic.
Related sources
Basically, there are only two options insource parts:
- they are;
- they are not and could not be.
The second option is extremely rare, but a "talented" student in any field of knowledge can find a topic on which nothing has been written yet. You should not shine with your uniqueness and uniqueness, a rare teacher will appreciate it, it is always more practical to clarify the topic of the work in such a way that you can refer to something.
In order to declare your own original knowledge from scratch, it is necessary to clearly and clearly show that it is really unique, and this can never be asserted.
The world is diverse, there are a lot of educational institutions and active specialists, to guarantee the complete absence of sources on the chosen topic is not the most promising position. In this context, the question of how to write a term paper correctly is transformed into "what exactly should be indicated as sources?"
A properly designed coursework according to the university manual, according to GOST, in terms of the quality of paper and binding - this is part one. The foundation above which the result of the student's work rises is part two: the sources.
The teacher will not be interested in what:
- every possible and impossible effort has been made;
- a lot of time was spent searching in libraries, on Internet resources;
- were reviewed all materials of the best conferences on the chosen topic.
What will be included in the foundation must be reasonable and related to the topic of the course. Naturally, in the text of the work there should be links to sources and it should be clear:why they received legal source status in this work.
Assessment and analysis of sources
Almost every teacher appreciates the student's ability to work with the material, evaluate it, choose really important points. Hastily collected material is hard to miss. It is also impossible not to appreciate the interest in two or three dissertations (which still had to be figured out how to find) on the topic of the term paper.
Assessing the task of how to write a term paper: a sample according to GOST is the knowledge and skills of the teacher, which he applies automatically, out of habit. Even if the educational institution has its own training manual, it makes sense to look at the regulatory documents to which it refers.

Learning is a very inertial process. The defense of the term paper will always follow the standard plan. If the student is competent, if he feels in himself the strength to achieve a specific goal, the teacher will always meet him halfway, but the foundation must be observed in full.
Assessment and analysis of sources, what to choose and how to write for a term paper on the model of last year, is the student's decision, but the teacher's assessment. It's great if a dozen different sources are analyzed, but no worse than last year's sample, carefully studied and carefully revised, supplemented with only two or three references.
In sources and samples, it is not the volume, not the authorship or authority of the publication that matters, but the content of the student's own "decision".
Significant performance examples
Making a term paper - like drill in the army. The main thing is a neat appearance and a clear step. It won't always work, but proper formatting is essential. Perhaps beauty will save the world someday, but a perfect title page, strict observance of margins, fonts, headings, tables of contents, illustrations is an absolute guarantee that the teacher will know how to navigate the content of the course work.

There are many students, and the teacher is one, if the student wants to be heard and read, he is obliged to take examples of design (introduction, headings, literature) familiar to the teacher when solving the problem “how to write a term paper”.
Amateur activity is good outside the educational process, learning is a process of obtaining and demonstrating knowledge, moreover, strictly formal and notorious within a certain framework. This does not mean at all that the questions of how to write a term paper and how to show your uniqueness are completely different tasks.
Design, examples of correct execution are constructions. Just like in a programming language there are variables, objects, constants and algorithms within a strict syntax, but the programmer can always describe something of his own both in terms of data and in terms of code for processing them.
Conclusion on the work done
When the term paper is written, the main text is composed and the preliminary introduction is written, it becomes obvious how to write the conclusion in the term paper.
Basicallythe conclusion is not particularly difficult, but in order to strictly follow the inertial educational process and the natural expectations of the teacher who checks the work, one should try to qualitatively and in a new way reflect all the formulated provisions from the main text.

Inertia in this context is a factor in the expected decision. The student must formulate all his conclusions in such a way that the teacher's decision is as simple and desirable as possible. It is doubtful that the desire to wrap up a term paper for revision or correction is in demand in the teaching environment, but a beautifully designed work, personally and competently commented by the student, with a brief conclusion that the teacher can quickly read and understand the essence, is an instant desired result.
Result in dynamics: stages of knowledge development
The topic is revealed, how to write a term paper is understandable. The main text is written, and the conclusion is drawn up. But term paper is a stage in the educational process. Spending time writing or purchasing term papers on a stochastic basis is not the right way to go.

The usual practice of higher education institutions is a stable and consistent increase in students' knowledge. Even in the first general cognitive courses, there is an established logic of accumulating the necessary knowledge, worked out over the centuries.
Each term paper should be considered as a result, and the introduction of the term paper as an updated short disclosure of the topic. Howthe fuller and closer to completion the main text of the course, the clearer and clearer its brief explanatory part - the introduction. In fact, the topic of the term paper is briefly disclosed in its introduction, and each subsequent term paper builds on the previous work.
Even if the topics differ by semester by field of knowledge, a common approach to solving the problem is preserved, an algorithm for solving it is being formed, and the potential is accumulating for solving real problems in life.
The topic provides sources of information for analysis, which helps to create the result - the next term paper. Only on the basis of the result obtained, it is possible to refine the introduction and get an idea of how the topic was revealed, what it means after the work has been completed.