Portability - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms

Portability - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms
Portability - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms

In this article we will deal with the interpretation of the word "portability", this is, firstly, a noun. It belongs to the feminine gender. It is important to know what this noun means. Also in this article we will select a few suitable synonyms for it.

Lexical meaning

The explanatory dictionary states that the noun "portability" corresponds to the adjective "portable". That is, it is ease of transportation, which is due to the small size of the thing, its insignificant weight.

For example, there are portable tables that can be easily folded and transported from one place to another. Or portable speakers that allow you to listen to music in nature.

Portable speaker
Portable speaker

Examples of usage

For you to always remember the interpretation of the noun "portability", it is best to make several sentences with this word.

  • Scientists have noted that the portability of the spacecraft allows it to move much faster.
  • The tablet is portable: itadvanced device with excellent technical characteristics.
  • The portability of the tripod is important to us, it must be portable.

Synonym selection

The noun "portability" has similar words. You can easily find them in the dictionary of synonyms. These are "lightness", "simplicity", "weightlessness", "lightness", "airiness".

  • The lightness of the laptop allows you to take it with you on long trips.
  • The simplicity of the mechanism explains its light weight.
  • Mobile phone boasts weightlessness and is easy to carry.
Phone portability
Phone portability
  • The undoubted advantage of this refrigerator is its lightness, it is extremely convenient to transport.
  • The sophistication and airiness of the design is amazing, the total weight is only three kilograms.

Synonyms for "portability" are slightly different in tone of meaning. Not all of them are interchangeable, so you should be careful about the context of the sentence.
