This article presents material for grade 3 students, for whom the world around them is provided in the form of simplified ecosystem models. The concept of a society of people, its structure and significance in the life of every person is also considered. Using simple examples, the process of explaining the world around is going on. This is the main task of this material.

The concept of ecosystems
In order for a 3rd grade student to better understand what the planet Earth is, it is necessary to clearly demonstrate the globe model. Our planet has an outer shell called the atmosphere. All living organisms on Earth breathe atmospheric air. The atmosphere protects the Earth from overheating, from cosmic rays.
The earth has a water shell - this is the hydrosphere. The hydrosphere is formed by underwater waters, rivers, seas, oceans of the globe.
The lithosphere forms the solid shell of the Earth. Land, mountains, earth belong to the lithosphere.
All living organisms that live on Earth live in the biosphere. The biosphere isborder of all other three spheres.
All living organisms on Earth live in the air, water and terrestrial environment. In order for the cycle of substances in nature not to stop, all living organisms cannot do without each other. All organisms according to their functions (or you can still compare the functions of organisms with professions) are divided into producers, consumers and destroyers. Producers are plants and trees, consumers are basically all animals, but bacteria, fungi and worms are classified as destroyers. Producers, consumers and destroyers cannot live on Earth without air, water, soil and rocks. Consequently, all the above listed elements can be divided into two large groups: living and inanimate nature. Thus, it is possible to imagine the world around us - it is living and inanimate nature.

The concept of society. Its structure
For a grade 3 student, to define the concept of society, one should cite as an example his own family, which (in the bulk) consists of members: father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters. The family (a group of people) is the elementary or basic unit of society. All members of society interact with each other. Thus, society is also the surrounding world. The whole society rests on four components. These components are parliament, hospital, church, prison. The surrounding world is a certain structure that was formed in ancient times, and its foundation has been preserved to this day.
Economy concept
Let's highlight the things thatnecessary for a person to live. These things are called needs. What can we attribute to human needs? This is the need for food, for rest, for clothes, for work, for maintaining he alth, for transport, for safety. This list can be continued for a long time. The needs of mankind are different in purpose and meaning.
Needs can be cognitive (theater, books, television), physiological (hunger, sleep), material (apartment, computer, car, dacha). Nature gives us a lot - it is the warmth of the sun, air, water, the harvest of the earth. And love, communication, friendship - this is all we get by communicating with each other. And all material goods - this is what cannot be in nature (houses, cars, clothes) - gives us the economy. Translated from Greek - "housekeeping". Here in such a simple explanation for students in grade 3, the world around us will look simple and clear.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the scale and complexity, the world around us is a rather fragile structure, to appreciate, and most importantly, to protect it for future generations is the main task of adults before children. But at the same time, at the stage of education, the younger generation needs to form an appropriate system of values.