Pastive present participles: examples

Pastive present participles: examples
Pastive present participles: examples

Communion is an opportunity to convey both an action and its sign at the same time. It is often used to “lighten up” a sentence and translate it from a complex structure into a more concise version of it. For example:

A fairy tale is a literary source that helps a child develop fantasy.

A fairy tale is a literary source that helps a child develop fantasy.

From verbs, both passive participles of the present and past, and real participles are formed.

Defining participle

In Russian, a participle is a special form of a verb denoting a sign of an object by action. Participles have two morphological properties at once:

  1. They have the characteristics of verbs.
  2. Have the characteristics of adjectives.

Like verbs, participles have:

  • view is perfect(answer the question "what did" - the boy who read the book) and imperfect ("what did", "did" - the boy reading the book);
  • recurrence (ending in the suffix - sya, - sya, for example, perfumed) and irrevocable (playing);
  • forms of the past (got a job - got a job) and present (playing - playing);
  • can be derived from transitive and intransitive verbs and be active and passive.

As adjectives, participles have:

  • gender (drawing child - masculine, drawing girl - feminine, drawing device - neuter);
  • present passive participles
    present passive participles
  • number (person thinking about food, painted portrait - singular; people thinking about food, painted people - plural);
  • case;
  • full form, and passive also short form (for example, invented by the author - invented by the author).

It's easy to remember that the present and past passive participles are made only from transitive verbs.

Transitive verbs

Such verbs denote an action with a transition to an object and always refer to a noun or pronoun in vinit. case without preposition:

  • seller weighs (what?) cheese (seller weighs (what?) cheese);
  • boy meets (whom?) mother (meeting son (whom) mother).

There is an exception to this rule, for example, when negated, a noun or pronoun canstand in childbirth. case without a preposition (didn’t finish dinner (what?) Soup - soup half-eaten at dinner). The same exception applies if the action points to a part of the object (cut off (what?) bread - sliced (what?) bread was not enough).

Production of passive participles

The participles indicating the sign of the object in relation to which the action is performed are passive. For example:

  • The fish (what?) caught by the fishermen turned out to be crucians.
  • Ring (what?) passed down from generation to generation through the female line.
  • Knowledge (what?) acquired in practice becomes experience.
  • Kitten (what?), picked up on the street, has grown into a big impudent cat.
present passive participle suffixes
present passive participle suffixes

As you can see from the examples, passive participles answer the same questions as adjectives.

Pastive present participles come from stems of the present imperfect form. For example:

  • see - visible;
  • love is favorite;
  • to speak - spoken;
  • hear - audible.

Pastive participles in the past tense are derived from the stem of the indefinite form of the verb:

  • wash - washed;
  • see - seen;
  • do - done.

Passive present participles (examples above) do not have a perfect form.

Present tense suffixes

The suffix when creating passive participles is directly related toverb conjugation. Present passive participle suffixes - 1 conjugation - eat - om, and 2 - im.

  • observe – observed (1 conjugation);
  • sell - sellable (1 question);
  • put on - put on (1 ref.);
  • store - stored (2 ref.);
  • s alt - s alty (2 ref.);
  • drive - persecuted (2 questions).

There are exceptions in which the passive participles of the present tense are created from intransitive verbs that have nouns or pronouns next to them in the instrumental case. For example:

  • manage (what?) a team - a team led by a boss;
  • to manage (by whom?) himself - a person controlled by himself.
passive present participle examples
passive present participle examples

A number of verbs do not create such participles in the present tense at all. Examples of such verbs: beat, sew, revenge, write and others. If the task is given to "form the passive participles of the present tense", then you just need to remember these exceptions.

The only verb that forms two types of passive participle in the present tense is to move - a person driven by an idea; an object moved by the power of thought. In this case, the passive participle suffixes of the present tense are used, which are characteristic of both conjugations.

Past tense suffixes

Past participles are made from imperfective and perfective verbs:

  • two - nn - is used in passive participles when the verb ends in –at,-yat, -et: read - read, do - done;
  • suffix -enn is put to the stem of verbs ending in -i or -it: to bring - brought, to commit - perfect;
  • suffix -t is put in the formation of verbs ending in -nut, -ot, -eret, for example, close - closed, grind - ground, lock - locked.
full passive participles
full passive participles

The suffix - t is also used when creating passive participles from monosyllabic verbs, for example, wash - washed, beat - beaten and others.

Some verbs, for example, take, seek, love, do not create passive participles, but from verbs ending in –sti, -st, in the past tense, they are formed either from the present or from the future tense:

  • bring home - brought home;
  • gain faith - faith gained;
  • stealing a watch is a stolen watch.

In these examples, the verbs are in the future tense, and the participles are in the past.

Forms of participles

Passive participles come in 2 forms in the past and present tenses - full and short. At the same time, in the short form they decline by numbers, and in the singular - by gender, as can be seen from the sentence below:

  • passive present participles: city burned to the ground (masculine gender, singular) – city burned to the ground; cities burned to the ground (plural) - cities burned to the ground;
  • past tense short form: book read quickly - book read quickly;

Full forms havesuffixes with two -n: -nn, -enn, while one -n - in short passive participles. For example, an improved version - the version is improved, hidden thoughts - thoughts are hidden. Not all participles of this type have a short form, for example, driven, read, spoken and others.

As members of a sentence, short participles, as well as full passive participles, can be a definition, but most often they are predicates:

  • paths (what did they do?) were covered with golden foliage (predicate);
  • form passive present participles
    form passive present participles
  • daughter fell asleep (what?), lulled by a song (definition);
  • inspired by music, (what?) I started dancing (definition).

As predicates, short participles use an auxiliary verb or can be independent, for example: the store is open - the store was open.

Declining participles

Since passive participles have properties similar to adjectives, they can be declined by cases (in the singular), numbers and gender. Full passive participles are declined, like similar forms of adjectives, that is, according to cases, gender and numbers. Short participles can only be declined by number and gender.

  • I - interviewed (person), interviewed (woman), interviewed (population), interviewed (children);
  • P - interviewed (person), interviewed (women), interviewed (population), interviewed (children);
  • D - to the interviewed (person), interviewed (woman), interviewed (population), interviewed (children);
  • B - interviewee (person), interviewed(women), interviewed (population), interviewed (children);
  • T - interviewed (person), interviewed (woman), interviewed (population), interviewed (children);
  • P - (about) interviewed (person), interviewed (woman), interviewed (population), interviewed (children).

In a short form, gender and number can be distinguished by the noun or pronoun related to the participle: a person is interviewed, a woman is interviewed, the population is interviewed, children are interviewed.

Transition of passive participles to adjectives

In sentences, passive present participles (examples below) can often play the role of adjectives, while they lose such a category as time and acquire the meaning of a permanent feature of the subject. For example, a loaded boat, a baked pie.

It is unusual for these forms to have explanatory words with them, and the passive participles themselves are written with one - n. If there are additional words, then two are put in the suffix - nn, for example:

  • wounded animal - knife-wounded animal;
  • loaded boat - boat loaded with fish;
  • baked pie - oven baked pie.
present passive participle sentences
present passive participle sentences

Passionary participles with a prefix always have two -n in the suffix. For example, thawed, reinforced, chosen, red-hot and others.

In the suffix -ovanny always written two - n, even when the participle has turned into an adjective - an organized picnic, a qualified specialist.

Particle "not" inpassive participles

For participles that have an explanatory noun or pronoun, the particle "not" is always written separately. For example:

  • an uncleared path led to the garage - a path not cleared of snow led to the garage;
  • unfinished tea left on the table - tea left unfinished by mom left on the table.
nn in passive participles
nn in passive participles

With short passive participles, the particle "not" is written separately: the case is not over, the task is not completed, the path is not completed.

Punctuation marks when writing participles

Participles with dependent words form turns, which are separated by commas in sentences. The word that defines the participle is called definable. If the sacrament comes before this word, then the comma is not put: a paved path led to the park. The exception is a phrase related to the pronoun: awakened by voices, she quickly got up.

The participle after the word being defined is separated by a comma: a car passed, splashed with mud. If a participle with dependent words is in the middle of a sentence, then it is distinguished by punctuation marks on both sides: a car, splashed with mud, drove by.
