What is Globish? Is it worth learning Globish?

What is Globish? Is it worth learning Globish?
What is Globish? Is it worth learning Globish?

Every person in his life at least once used abbreviations in the text of correspondence and read an anthology in his school or student years. In linguistics, there is even such a thing as the "lazy law of language". Perhaps the same desire to make life easier underlay the formation of such a phenomenon as Globish.

what is globish
what is globish

What is Globish?

Globish, or in English globish, is a means of communication designed to make life easier. The word itself comes from the merger of two English words - global and english. That is, "global English" is "global, universal English." By the way, it's worth mentioning here that some say "Globish English", which is a tautology, since the word "Globish" already contains part of the word "English".

What is the basis of this concept? Answering the question of what Globish is, we will recall the familiar slightly clumsy conversations “on the fingers” of people who do not speak English. For example, at the airport, when a Russian person tries to ask something from a local Turk or Egyptian. If one of them does not speak English, then a dialogue begins with word substitutions, attempts to explain allegorically and with the help of gestures. Here is a vivid example of the use of Globish.

is it worth learning globish
is it worth learning globish

History of Globish

While wondering what Globish is, one cannot do without a little historical background. This phenomenon in its official form is rather young. We can meet the first mention of it in 1997. But scientific papers describing this phenomenon were published in the recent 2004. The author of the concept is a Frenchman named Jean Paul Nerière. During his career at IBM, he traveled half the world talking to people of different nationalities and listening to how they communicate with each other. Here he noticed how much time and effort serious people waste trying to explain themselves in an unfamiliar language.

Globish, according to his plan, should save time, as well as money for teaching literary English. Although many native English speakers strongly disagree with this theory and still dismissively refer to Globish as "broken English". It is also worth noting the fact that the authorship of Globish by Nerriere is being questioned by some linguists, since in 1998 a version of Globish was also presented by Madhukar Gowgate.

what is global
what is global

What is globish in terms of linguistics?

The author himself calls Globish a means of communication, and not a separate full-fledged language. It is a stripped-down version of the language with basic grammar rules, containing only 1500 lexical items. The academic rules of reading, pronunciation and writing are of no interest to anyone here. For example, the English word color - color, in Globish looks like this:kalar. The phrase Do you know where the library is? - (Do you know where the library is?) becomes Du yu no wear tha lybrari is? Every student's dream. The vocabulary selected for Globish is the most common and universal. For example, instead of the word "niece", "my sister's daughter" would be used, as more concepts can be explained using the words "daughter" and "sister".

Linguists' opinion on Globish

History remembers more than one example of the creation of artificial languages. What is one Esperanto worth, sensational at the end of the 19th century, based on the vocabulary of English, French, German and other languages. It is also undeniable that society has always been and will need an international, global language. Now it is English, it used to be French, and once it was Latin. Therefore, the idea of creating a global form of communication is not stupid.

Globish's advantage here is that it's not exactly an artificial language, as the author himself claims. It's just an offshoot of natural English. Although linguists in many countries are skeptical about Globish, seeing it as only a commercial project. Whether this phenomenon will take root or become another dead language after some time, time will tell.

what is global
what is global

Globish as a commercial project

Means of communication or language? What is Globish? Some people think it's just a way to make money. The book, first published by Nerriere in 2004, has now been translated into many languages and is in good demand. In addition, currently developed applicationsfor phones and computer courses to help master Globish. There are even books written in Globish itself. Jean Paul Nerière has not relinquished copyright.

is it worth learning globish
is it worth learning globish

Should I learn Globish?

An unambiguous answer to this question cannot be given. Everyone should decide based on their needs and capabilities. The author of this communication tool himself calls it a solution that makes life more comfortable.

If you need to communicate with native English speakers directly in England and at a high business or literary level, then you should probably forget about such abbreviations. There you will not have enough stock of 1500 words. But if you want to make your life easier just by traveling the world, and you don't have any knowledge of English, then Globish will help you. This will save time, nerves, effort, as well as finances.

As mentioned above, various books are provided and written for learning the language. We also know what individual courses are, global English is no exception. Any English teacher can help you. In addition, at the moment, due to the popularity of this trend, English language schools provide their services. Some English teachers advise starting a full-fledged study with Globish, as this helps to overcome difficulties and start speaking the language. Further, no one will forbid you to replenish your vocabulary. And yet, what is globish for many people? First of all, it is a way to believe in your abilities.
