Often in a book, sometimes in an article you can find the word "pool". But not everyone knows the exact designation of this word, most of them just occasionally heard it in passing. But without knowing what this or that concept means, you can not understand the meaning of the whole sentence, and even the whole text. So let's all find out the meaning of the word "pool" together so that there will be no further misunderstandings.
Dictionary definition

First of all, to determine the meaning of a word, one should refer to dictionaries, which always clearly explain what it means. So, according to Dahl's dictionary, a pool is a small coin, which is minted from red copper, with a value of ten for one silver money. Ushakov's dictionary says that the word "pool" is borrowed from the English pool, which translates as "common boiler". It denotes by a pool an association of capitalists who will artificially raise prices in order to collect all the profits into a common fund, in order to then distribute it in a certain proportion. In accordance with the dictionary of Efron and Brockhaus, the word "pool" should be interpreted as the name of the smallest copper coin,which is found in Central Asia. And if you look at the encyclopedic dictionary, then you can find out that Poole is called a city in the south of England with a population of 135 thousand inhabitants in 1991, which is considered the center of sailing and an excellent climatic resort.
Pool in billiards
For many people, pool is the name of a game of billiards, which is most often played by professional players under the supervision of judges, but can also be played by ordinary people who have not yet reached the level of a pro. The rules of this game were approved and systematized back in 1999 by the World Association of WPA, and since then they have never changed. Actually, there is nothing complicated about them. The game of pool, just like the usual game of billiards, is played by several people who, in turn, pocket the ball into the pocket, trying not to hit the other balls with either a cue, or clothing, or any other object, as this can lead to a foul. And if the pool player also somehow makes the ball move with the help of deliberate external interference, then this can even be counted as an automatic defeat. The winner is the one who pockets the last ball.

Pool in World of Warcraft
Players of the famous computer game World of Warcraft also often use the word "pool" in their speech. For them, the pool is the beginning of the battle, the moment when the monsters notice the character and seek to attack him. Moreover, such a pool can be both good, which marks victory in the battle, and bad, which can cause the death of the raid, even ifwhen tactics are worked out to the last detail. However, bad pooling can still be avoided by setting clear goals for each member of the raid. And when all participants in the battle know what to do, and the actions are synchronized, the pool will be just great, and the battle will end in victory. The main thing to remember is that when fighting a boss, it is better to give priority to tanks or hunters, and then you will definitely not be defeated.
What is a pool in insurance?

Insurers also have their own pool. For them, an insurance pool is a joint voluntary association of several insurance companies, which is carried out in order to better and better perform their duties, ensure the implementation of financial guarantees and protect themselves from financial risks. At the same time, all insurance companies will bear the total financial responsibility for the obligations of the other members of the community in the form of contracts and agreements. For the first time such an insurance pool was created in 1919 in Great Britain, and since then such associations on a voluntary basis began to appear more and more often in many countries of the world, since by joint efforts it was much easier for them to ensure their professional and financial stability, as well as protect their rights..
What is a modem pool?

For computer scientists, the word "pool" also has its own meaning. True, in their speech most often it occurs next to the word "modem". So, the modem pool is a simultaneous connectionseveral network users to a certain number of modems on the server. In this case, the method of sharing several modems by the entire network is used, which are visible to the average user as a single device. When a simple user connects to one of the modems in the pool, then the one that is freely available and not busy is selected to establish a connection. The advantage of connecting the network through such a modem is a significant increase in the speed of the Internet, thanks to which clients will not experience any delays in the transfer of information, as often happened when connecting through a communications server.
Thus, if we analyze all the above information, we can conclude that most often a pool is a voluntary association of several people, companies, firms or objects together for the purpose of making a profit or benefit.