The profession of a teacher is currently not prestigious among the younger generation, but without it a modern civilized society cannot develop, so it remains one of the most relevant speci alties in the world. To attract applicants, modern pedagogical universities are becoming not an ordinary institution of higher education, but research laboratories where students try to find answers to the questions posed. In connection with changes in the standards of education, he changes the course and the educational process in a pedagogical university. Taganrog Pedagogical Institute. Chekhov is trying to meet new educational standards.
Historical block

Taganrog Pedagogical Institute was founded in 1870. It was at this time that the first class was opened in the city, in which they taught teaching. At the beginning of the 20th century, aPedagogical College, and then the Taganrog Teachers' Institute - the progenitor of the modern university.
At the end of the 1950s, a decision was made to merge two higher schools in the Rostov region specializing in teaching teachers - the Novocherkassk and Taganrog teachers' institutes. This is how the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute was formed.
From 1955 to 2012 the university produced highly qualified specialists in all school speci alties. For more than 50 years, the Chekhov Taganrog Pedagogical Institute has functioned as an independent educational institution.
The reform in the field of education, which took place in early 2011, put the university on the list of higher inefficient schools. In this regard, it was merged with the effective university of the southern federal district - RINH. So TSPI them. Chekhov became part of the economic institute of the Rostov region.

Taganrog Pedagogical Institute includes 6 faculties that produce narrow specialists in the field of education. These are masters and bachelors studying full-time and part-time.
- Philological Faculty, Faculty of History.
- Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Informatics.
- Faculty of Foreign Languages.
- Faculty of Social Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology.
- Faculty of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool, Primary and Additional Education.
- Faculty of Law and Economics.
A separate link in the structure of the institute is the Center forqualifications.
Faculty of History and Philology

The faculty offers pedagogical education in several areas of historical and philological profile: history teacher, history and social studies teacher, Russian language and literature teacher, archives specialist.
Philology students receive knowledge in linguistics, Old Church Slavonic, ancient and modern Russian literature, foreign literature. They receive information about the layers of world history. Teachers-historians, philologists, linguists help students master the methods of teaching the subject at school and teach them to give knowledge to the younger generation.
Faculty of Exact Sciences. Physics, mathematics, computer science

Pedagogical education of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics involves obtaining the following speci alties: teacher of computer science, teacher of technology, teacher of physical education, teacher of mathematics, teacher of physics, teacher of mathematics and physics, teacher of mathematics and technology, teacher of mathematics and computer science, teacher of mathematics and OBZH, teacher of physics and technology, teacher of physical education and OBZH, teacher of technology and fine arts.
Teaching of the exact sciences takes place in high-tech classrooms, where knowledge acquired in lectures is applied and systematized. Particularly interested in practical classes in physics and technology. Faculty classrooms are equipped with both modern computing equipment and outdated devices that demonstrate the development of technical progress. Rooms forphysical experiments are always filled with students who put their knowledge into practice.
Faculty of Foreign Languages

The Faculty of Foreign Languages includes teaching one or more foreign languages. This department of the university produces highly qualified specialists in the following areas: English, English and German, English and French.
Faculty of Psychology and Social Pedagogy

Education at the Faculty of Social Pedagogy and Psychology goes in the following areas: psychology, social pedagogy, psychology and pedagogy of accompanying children with disabilities, inclusive psychology and pedagogy, psychology of education, pedagogy of social activity.
Faculty of Methods and Pedagogy of Preschool, Primary and Additional Education

The faculty of methodology offers training in the following speci alties: music teacher, fine arts teacher, life safety teacher, speech therapist, primary school teacher, preschool teacher, additional education, defectologist, special education teacher, preschool teacher and elementary teacher classes, kindergarten teacher and art teacher.
Faculties of Law and Economics

Department of the Taganrog Pedagogical Institute. Chekhov offers training in economics and lawfaculties;
- Jurisprudence, including legal psychology.
- Management in charge of running a small business.
- Professional training in law, economics and municipal government.
Training time depends on the speci alty and form (full-time and part-time) and varies from two to five years.
Education can be both paid and free, depending on the number of budget places and the competition.

After graduation, the graduate receives a state diploma indicating the speci alty: teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher of history and social studies, teacher of mathematics, physics, life safety, fine arts, technology, computer science, physical education, foreign languages, speech therapist, kindergarten teacher, correctional teacher, social teacher, logistician, administrator, manager, psychologist, etc.
USE and entrance examinations

When entering the Chekhov Taganrog Pedagogical Institute, it is necessary to pass tests of the unified state exam in three subjects, depending on the chosen direction. Based on the number of applicants, the minimum USE passing score required for admission is calculated.
The main subjects for admission to the TSPI. Chekhov - Russian language, mathematics and social science.
Supplement their exams in a foreign language, for those who have chosen the faculty of foreign languages, the USE in history - for the faculty of history, the state exam in computer science - forspeci alty "Applied Informatics".
If the choice fell on professions related to psychology and defectology, then you will have to additionally pass the exam in biology.
For creative professions, it is obligatory to submit a project of an artistic plan - to play a piece of music, sing, dance, draw, etc. All applicants of the faculty of methodology and pedagogy of preschool, primary and additional education with a highly specialized focus (art, music) pass creative tests.
Applicants who choose the speci alty "Physical Education Teacher" must pass sports standards.