Mercantilist people. Is this the norm or a deviation?

Mercantilist people. Is this the norm or a deviation?
Mercantilist people. Is this the norm or a deviation?

It is not uncommon to hear that today's youth are entirely materialistic people. This word came into Russian from French, where mercantile means "mercenary, mercantile". Is the accusation so fair and is this phenomenon dangerous? Let's try to analyze.

mercantile people
mercantile people

By definition, mercantile people are those who will not do anything "for nothing". In everything they see their own benefit, and if it is not there, they are not interested in business. But prudence in personal relationships is usually perceived extremely negatively. That is why mercantile people are so unpleasant to us. This is felt immediately, they are cold and do not know how to sympathize. They do not care about the state of the interlocutor or partner, it is important for them to get what they want from him. But if in business relations this is the norm and the manifestation of personal sympathy is rather inappropriate here, then in the family and in friendship, mercantile people are most often those about whom they say "on their own mind" and with whom they try to avoid communication. Why is this happening? The very meaning of the word "mercantile person" carries a negativecharge. After all, none of us wants to be perceived as an object, as a source of satisfaction of someone's desires, even if someone from our relatives or relatives treats us this way.

the meaning of the word mercantile person
the meaning of the word mercantile person

And although the world rests on the principle "you - to me, I - to you", that is, on the exchange of services and goods, normal human relations, sincere and warm, are necessary for peace of mind. You can't buy respect, or love, or real support. And what does a "mercantile" person mean? This is the one who translates all communications into the category of "commodity-money relations". He sorts people into "useful" and "unnecessary" - of course, for him. He evaluates them only by what they can give him, and most often - in material terms. Unfortunately, mercantilism is a kind of mental and spiritual problem of the era of capitalism. However, it should not be confused with entrepreneurship. Rather, it is prudence, coldness, commercialization of personal relationships. If we perceive entrepreneurship and a business streak positively, then the word "mercantile" clearly has a negative connotation.

Can this phenomenon be resisted?

what does mercantile person mean
what does mercantile person mean

After all, already small children learn consumer attitude towards their parents. Then trade relations begin in the family - the child no longer wants to do anything simply of his own free will, he demands payment for everything. In some families, it comes to the point of absurdity when even the completion of lessons is financially rewarded. It seems that in order to eradicate mercantilism - or, more precisely, to prevent its development - small people should be taught sympathy from childhood. It is necessary to direct their thoughts to the fact that human relationships, emotions, the joy of communication are priceless. And that only one word "thank you", said from the heart, can truly reward. After all, mercantile people are inherently lonely: having become accustomed to taking, they do not know how to give. They suspect everyone around them of the same things that they themselves sin. That is why it is difficult for them to trust anyone, they do not have close friends, and families are often destroyed. Real personal relationships can only be sincere. This is what should be taught to the little citizens of the world so that they grow up happy and harmonious.
