Internal human organs: location, meaning

Internal human organs: location, meaning
Internal human organs: location, meaning

How to see with your own eyes the location of the internal organs of a person? It's simple, you can contact a specialist who will conduct an ultrasound diagnosis, show you all the internal organs and compare them with the norm. In addition, back in school you had to study such an interesting science as anatomy.

Knowing your own body can help a lot. In this article, we propose to provide brief information on the localization and functioning of the organs of the human body.

Three cavities

The location of the internal organs of a person is usually studied from top to bottom. This is how we will do it. Before that, it is important to say that the entire human body is divided into three areas, among which:

  • chest;
  • abdominal;
  • pelvic.

Chest area

Now we will talk about the location of the internal organs of a person (the photo is presented in this section). More specifically, we will talk aboutchest. These include:

  • heart;
  • light;
  • bronchi;
  • thymus.

We will talk about the purpose of each organ separately.


This is an engine that has a very important mission. More specifically, the distribution of blood (saturated with oxygen) to all corners of our body. This muscle is constantly contracting, driving blood through our vessels.

Location: between the lungs above the diaphragm. Despite the fact that the heart is located between the lungs, its location is not symmetrical relative to the middle of the human body. Two thirds is on the left and one third is on the right.

The shape of this body is not the same for everyone. This is influenced by many factors, including:

  • gender;
  • age;
  • he alth and so on.


You saw the location of the internal organs of a person (more specifically, the chest area) earlier. It can be seen that a significant space is occupied by the lungs. It is important to note that this organ is part of a very complex system. Their function is as follows: the release of carbon dioxide and the delivery of oxygen to the body.

Fulfillment of such a complex mission requires this paired body to expand and relax many thousands of times a day. The lungs are the main organ of the respiratory system.


If you look at the photo in this section, you can see the similarity of the bronchi with tree branches. Location - internalpart of the lungs. It is important to note the differences between the right and left bronchus. More specifically, the left one is longer, thinner. This organ also has orders from 1 to 16.

Thymus gland

This is the most important organ of the human immune and endocrine system. It is also very interesting that this gland begins to work even in utero (approximately at the 8th week of pregnancy).

This organ is often called the gland of childhood. What is it connected with? The thing is that the peak of work falls at about the age of 5 years. Then the activity begins to gradually fade away. This is what causes the phenomenon of weak immunity in the elderly.


Now let's move on to a brief study of the location of the human internal organs in the abdominal cavity. To get started, take a look at the picture and try to remember where each organ is located, and we will talk about the work of each of them a little later.

Almost all organs located in the area are elements of the gastrointestinal tract. Here we can see:

  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • spleen;
  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • gall bladder;
  • intestines;
  • appendix.

Stomach and pancreas

As you can see in the picture, the stomach is shaped like a bag. This organ is hollow, it is a temporary reservoir for the food we eat. The stomach is a continuation of the esophagus and is located in the upper part of the abdominal region.

Next isthe pancreas, which is the most important digestive organ. Functions performed:

  • production of gastric juice;
  • production of digestive enzymes;
  • processing of fats and proteins;
  • insulin synthesis;
  • Glucagon production.

The iron has an elongated shape (about 20 centimeters). The structure differs:

  • head;
  • body;
  • tail.


The largest gland of the human body is rightfully the liver. This is an irreplaceable organ that always guards our he alth and performs a number of useful functions. Among them:

  • producing bile;
  • deposit glycogen stores;
  • neutralization of poisons and toxins;
  • participation in all exchange processes;
  • participation in the metabolism of vitamins and hormones;
  • strengthening the human immune system and so on.

The liver can be called a powerful biochemical laboratory of the body.


This organ is responsible for the accumulation and distribution of bile. It is very important that if there are any violations in the work of this body, then this will certainly affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bile is constantly excreted through the hepatic duct, but it is not always needed in the intestines. Its entry into the intestines, in which there is currently no food, is quite dangerous. Bile will easily damage the mucosa.

This organ is designed to regulate the entry of bile into the intestines. Bile that has entered the gallbladder can be stored therequite a long time, which leads to the absorption of water. As a result, the bile that came from the bladder is much thicker than the one that came directly from the liver.


Upper left behind the stomach we can find the spleen. The organ resembles an elongated hemisphere. The spleen performs several functions:

  • responsible for the immune system;
  • hematopoiesis;
  • disposal of defective blood cells.


If you look at the location of the internal organs of a person in the abdominal cavity, you will notice that a significant part is occupied by the intestines. It is an important digestive organ consisting of 2 segments:

  • thin;
  • thick.

It is also possible to distinguish 2 sources of blood supply:

  • superior mesenteric artery;
  • inferior mesenteric artery.

The length of the intestine in a person who is in an active state is approximately 4 meters. In a relaxed state, the length of the organ increases to 8 meters.

Performed functions:

  • ensuring the flow of hydrochloric acid into the stomach;
  • breaking down food into components, taking elements and water necessary for the body;
  • formation and excretion of feces;
  • influencing some human systems (hormonal and immune).

Kidneys and adrenal glands

Kidneys are a paired organ resembling beans in shape. They are located on the sides (on the lower back). As a rule, the size of the kidneys is not the same, the left one is slightly larger than the right one. main functionthe formation of urine and its excretion are considered.

Let's move on to the adrenal glands, the glands that get their name from their location. Functions of these glands of the endocrine system:

  • metabolic regulation;
  • adapting to stressful situations and so on.

Big and small pelvis

We invite you to consider the location of the human internal organs in the pelvic region. It is important that the structure in this case is different for men and women. This can be seen from the photo above.

The only large common organ for both sexes is the bladder, which is a reservoir for the accumulation of urine.


In the picture you see the location of the internal organs of a person (a woman in particular) in the small pelvis.

From both functional and anatomical points of view, the female reproductive system is very complex. The ability to perform reproductive function is due to the relationship of the following components:

  • genitals;
  • hormonal system;
  • nervous system.

The female genital organs include:

  • vagina;
  • womb;
  • fallopian tubes;
  • cervix;
  • ovaries.


We examined the layout of the internal organs of a person in women, nowlet's move on to the men.

In the pelvis of a man you can see:

  • prostate gland (the vas deferens pass here);
  • seminal vesicles (production of fructose necessary for spermatozoa);
  • testicles (testosterone and sperm production).

Even a superficial knowledge of the structure of the body allows you to independently quickly diagnose any problem that has arisen in your body. However, do not self-medicate, entrust this hard work to a good specialist in their field.
