Deliberate - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and sentences

Deliberate - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and sentences
Deliberate - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and sentences

Even kindness is annoying if it is deliberate, and this is not surprising, because in human communication the spontaneity of the reaction is most valued. People even perceive as synonymous the concepts of spontaneity and authenticity. True, the former is also of an evil nature. But let's leave that aside, because today we will talk about the adjective "deliberate".


Famous and famous actor Jack Nicholson
Famous and famous actor Jack Nicholson

When we understand the history of a word, it is easy for us to penetrate its meaning. “Deliberate” is an adjective that traces its lineage from the ancient Russian “narok”. The word itself disappeared, only its derivatives, or rather, descendants, remained. The ancient noun itself meant “name”, and the adjective derived from it also changed over time in the meaning of “plus” to “minus”. Previously, it meant "eminent", "famous", and now only "ostentatious" and "intentional". Nothing can be done, everything flows, everything changes. For a more precise explanation, we turn to the dictionary, which manages the modern meanings of words.

Meaning and sentences

Deliberatethe beauty
Deliberatethe beauty

The language and the phenomenon behind it are inextricably linked, therefore, in order to understand the essence of the subject of conversation, you need to refer to the explanatory dictionary and see what is recorded in it: "Intentional, intentional." As you can see, the two dictionaries agree in their understanding of the adjective.

And here, before moving on to sentences, it must be said that deliberateness, despite its status as a “bad” word, can perform positive functions. For example, when a child throws a tantrum in a store, the mother deliberately does not notice it. There is a positive educational function.

But more often the proximity of the adjective "deliberate" (and this is understandable) does not carry a positive charge, but only emphasizes the inappropriate behavior:

  • deliberate we alth;
  • deliberate luxury;
  • deliberate beauty;
  • deliberate kindness.

Notice how nouns fade in the shadow of a gloomy adjective? To consolidate, three more examples-sentences with the object of study:

  • He was so deliberately condescending that he did not want to shake hands.
  • The deliberate concern of his mother always annoyed him.
  • Her deliberate charm repulsed rather than inspired.

The reader can experiment and come up with different phrases with the adjective "deliberate", it will only benefit. In addition, it is interesting to observe how a good word in a bad neighborhood dramatically changes the moral sign.

Synonyms for adverbs

The first sentence in the previous section usedadverb, and this is no accident. Because it is the synonyms of "deliberately" that are already knocking on the door:

  • intentionally;
  • fake;
  • artificial;
  • underlined;
  • demonstrative;
  • done.

Enough, perhaps. If the reader's appetite is not satisfied, then he can easily find more "food" for himself. Our rule almost does not tolerate exceptions: the independent activity of the addressee of knowledge is also important.
