Speech therapy room: do-it-yourself design

Speech therapy room: do-it-yourself design
Speech therapy room: do-it-yourself design

Designing a speech therapy room in a children's educational institution is an important part of the productive work of a speech therapist. There are a number of requirements for the offices (sanitary, Federal State Educational Standards, and so on), but they allow the specialist to think over the design so that it is convenient to work.

Work areas

The design of a speech therapy room in a kindergarten, school or child development center should correspond to the areas of work of a speech therapist teacher and the goals of the classes. An optimal correctional and developmental environment and a favorable psychological atmosphere should be created in the office for fruitful work with children and the successful correction or mitigation of existing disorders.

speech therapist's office design
speech therapist's office design

Speech therapist conducts both individual remedial classes and group ones, examines children in order to identify violations and develop an individual correction program, provides advice to parents and teachers. The design of a speech therapy room should provide these tasks. So,there is a need for information stands for teachers, accessible useful information for parents, a zone for corrective work with children, and so on.

For the development of speech activity, all types of games are actively used, so the room should be divided into several zones for the convenience of work. At a minimum, it is necessary to equip a place to improve speech skills, which contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the vocal and respiratory apparatus, coordination, helps to improve facial muscles, which activates the performance of muscle tissue, and a zone for eliminating psychological barriers is also needed, which helps to improve cognitive mental processes.

Proper design of a speech therapy room at school and other public or private educational institutions is important for the formation and improvement of speech. Classes with a specialist will allow you to consolidate and expand the vocabulary in various lexical areas, stimulate the use of the proposed word-building skills and ready-made structures.

DIY cards
DIY cards

Main cabinet areas

The design of a speech therapy room necessarily involves division into several zones.

  • Pronunciation correction zone (should be equipped with teaching aids and mirrors necessary for differentiation and automation of delivered sounds).
  • Zone of diagnostics and correction (tables for diagnostics and individual work, cabinets with didactic material, educational games, specially selected withtaking into account the characteristics of children by age, as well as in the areas of correctional work).
  • Zone of advisory work with teachers and parents.
  • Zone of organizational and planning activities (required to ensure the effective organization of professional activities). Here you can put a schedule of individual work, useful tips, a to-do list.
  • Zone of play therapy (today art therapy is actively used, which combines the artistic activities of children, including music and drawing, so it is desirable to have pencils, felt-tip pens, paper, paints, plasticine and related stationery in the office).
speech therapy room
speech therapy room

You can decorate any of these areas with your own hands with a little effort.

Cabinet requirements

The design of a speech therapy room in a kindergarten or school is determined by the requirements imposed by law. The most important condition for the effective organization of the educational process is the introduction into the work of modern interactive devices that provide prompt processing of information.

There should be no foreign objects that distract from corrective work. The design of a speech therapy room should create a working mood in the child, a positive attitude towards the educational process, and not cause discomfort. This is an important condition for ensuring the effectiveness of corrective work.

The school office must comply with approved sanitary standards. The teacher cannot independently lengthenduration of individual or group lessons. It is also forbidden to make various cuts.

GEF benefits and devices

In the design of a speech therapy room, it is necessary to use the recommended manuals and devices. To form the correct sound pronunciation, for example, a set of teaching aids and publications for working with breathing, inflatable toys and special albums for differentiating sounds will come in handy.

To study literacy and better understanding of pronunciation, you need alphabets that develop diagrams and images. To master computer literacy, the Federal State Educational Standard recommends using the Wunderkind interactive sensory complex. Modern interactive whiteboards, special pictures, signal circles, aids for establishing sound in individual words, and the like are necessary for the development of phonemic perception in a child.

speech therapist cards
speech therapist cards

For the development of visual attention and memory, various kinds of game elements are usually used, puzzles, pictures of various configurations cut into pieces, prefabricated pictures, special cards (the example above - you can make such cards yourself). Colorful plot images and sets of texts for retelling will be useful in the process of forming a coherent speech.

We need items for the development of visual memory and attention, we will need various game elements, prefabricated puzzles and pictures, cut pictures. In addition to colorful visual aids, a modern office of a speech therapist should be equipped with suitable furniture, gamesdevices, specialized equipment, it is desirable to have an interactive whiteboard and screen-sound teaching aids.

Example: do-it-yourself puzzles

To make the simplest puzzles, it is enough to print the necessary picture on thick cardboard (it will turn out to be more durable than when printing on paper) and cut it into an arbitrary number of parts. Pack each puzzle in a paper envelope, on which, for clarity, you can stick (print) a copy of the picture, which will turn out if you assemble the parts correctly.

DIY puzzles
DIY puzzles

By the way, interesting puzzles can be made on the basis of popsicle sticks (photo above). A suitable picture can be printed, pasted on wooden sticks, and then cut. Such kits are durable, made of natural material, and easy to store.

Development Items

The design of the speech therapist's office should be a cross between a children's room and a classroom. This will create the most productive atmosphere for group and individual remedial classes. For the development of children will need:

  • Mirrors. They contribute to the development of speech skills, as they allow you to observe facial and articulatory movements. An example of an interesting mirror that you can make with your own hands using a special tool can be seen below in the photo.
  • Soap bubbles, a variety of turntables (means for the development of speech breathing).
  • Tables with toys that differ in color, weight, shape, size (develop tactilefeeling).
  • Modern interactive devices.
speech therapist's office mirror
speech therapist's office mirror

What can you do yourself

Many visual aids for decorating a speech therapy room with your own hands are very easy to make. These are colorful tables with sounds, images and useful information. A great idea is a magnetic or corkboard and a set of cards so that you can work more effectively with children and not clutter up the office with a lot of distracting tables.

To design a speech therapy room (photos will help the teacher decide on the best option) on your own, you can buy bright buttons for a cork board, cardboard and colored paper to create the necessary cards (some materials are better to print on a color printer in advance, and not draw on your own), the board itself and the frame.

DIY drawing board

From an ordinary piece of plywood with the help of special paint, you can make a board for drawing with chalk. Buying a finished board will cost a tidy sum, but the one that is made by hand is no different from the factory version. The base (it can even be ordinary cardboard) should be painted with a mixture of the following ingredients: one tablespoon of water, two tablespoons of alabaster, three tablespoons of black acrylic paint.

chalk board
chalk board

First you need to mix alabaster and water in a ratio of one part to two, then gradually introduce this mixture into the paint. If the mass is too dense, you can add a littlewater. The point is that different paints have different densities. The paint is applied to the base with a brush. Everything needs to be done quickly enough, because the composition quickly begins to thicken, which greatly complicates the work.

For durability, it is better to apply three coats of paint. After drying, you need to rub the board with chalk, and then wipe it with a dry towel. This is necessary to harden the surface. It is advisable to insert the painted base into the frame so that the board looks neat.
