Where did the popular expression come from? "Cherchez la femme" translated from French (cherchez la femme) literally means "look for a woman."

When is this famous phrase used? Usually this is how they try to explain the strange actions of men that do not lend themselves to the usual logic. And they also use the idiom "cherchet la femme" if they are trying to explain a very complicated story. But in this case, the person openly says that in this situation it was clearly not without love affairs. What do most people do when they hear such a phrase? That's right, grinning.
How did the set expression appear in Russia?
The catchphrase in Russia became known thanks to the French novel. It is called "The Mohicans of Paris" and is written by Alexandre Dumas père. Later, based on the novel, the French author also created a play with the same name. Dumas Sr. repeats "cherchet la femme" several times in two works. Monsieur Jacquel had such a favorite saying. This police officer from the French capital is completely sure that a good part of the offenses committed by a representative of a stronghalf of humanity, can be explained by the fact that he wants to impress a beautiful lady. And this statement is not devoid of logic!
In the 19th century in Russia, this catchphrase acquires Russian counterparts. African Pigasov from Ivan Turgenev's novel "Rudin" often says: "What's her name?" This is how he reacts to the news of some incident in which the girl is clearly involved.

Monsieur Jacal had a prototype
This is not a fictional hero Dumas Sr. In reality, such a policeman existed. In 1759, Gabriel de Sartine, a policeman from Paris, gave his colleagues sound advice that lives on for centuries. Its essence is this: if the police cannot solve the crime immediately, in hot pursuit, then you should definitely think that a woman is involved in this case. She could be the cause of the crime. Or maybe just related to him. But if you find a woman, the crime will be solved.
Why is a lady the culprit of all troubles?
Many researchers tend to believe that Sartin was not the original source of the catchphrase.
Even Juvenal, a poet from Ancient Rome, said that there is hardly a lawsuit in which a woman would not be the cause of the quarrel.
The assertion that representatives of the weaker sex are to blame for all troubles has actually become an axiom. A woman is capable of angering the gods in no time. And quarrel even the most loyal friends. And if a woman appears on a ship, then this circumstance will definitely not lead to good. Therefore, everywhere "chershe lafam"!