Today we will analyze the meaning of the word “awe”. Although it seems a little outdated, it is not at all. There are almost more idols in the modern world than fans. Therefore, explaining the meaning will be easy and simple.

Of course, the first, most natural step is to open an explanatory dictionary and look up the meaning of the desired word in it. Well, let's do that. Our indispensable assistant in language wanderings gives the following definition of a related noun: "deepest reverence." Thus, when a person says: “I simply revere Alla Borisovna,” it is not difficult to guess the meaning of the word. The fan deeply respects the creativity, and possibly the personality of the singer. And someone also honors the Metallica group, and there is nothing wrong and shameful in this. In general, it is natural for a person to reach for the beautiful. It is also remarkable that everyone understands what is perfect in art in their own way. Life only benefits from this, it is not black and white, but has many bright colors.
Anyone who doesn't really understand the meaning of the word "awe" would like to know the alternativesthis verb. We can not deceive the reader's expectations and present the list:
- bow down;
- worship;
- pray;
- I worship.
The list makes it clear that reverence for someone, judging by the words-analogues, is not the best idea. The definitions given above refer to either kneeling or making an idol.
Don't make yourself an idol

In general, creating a cult out of something or someone is a dangerous business. The Bible says: "Do not make yourself an idol." Do you know why? Not only because God cannot stand competition or will not stand it, the main reason is that any idol distracts a person from his own development. And there are no exceptions. You can't turn writers or athletes into idols - all this is equally harmful, no matter how good they are in themselves.
How to be, is it possible to live completely without ideals and guidelines? That's the thing, that ideals, landmarks are mobile formations, and idols are motionless, wooden idols. Landmarks make you move, show the way to the walker, and idols remain in their own brilliance, which does not warm or illuminate the path. Actually, idols don't care how their fans and admirers live. People usually do not think about it, and it is absolutely in vain. Perhaps if they realized that worship is pointless, then Western civilization would be different.
If someone needs the lexical meaning of the word "revere", then it can be formulated as follows: "to relate tosomeone with deep and almost religious reverence." The explanatory dictionary offers a shorter definition: "treat someone or something with reverence." But for this you need to know the meaning of the related noun.