Everyone knows that children are very fond of various tricks and experiments. Parents often do not know how to entertain the child, and at the same time themselves. To do this, it is not necessary to have a special set of items or some kind of equipment. In domestic conditions, the experience with an egg is quite popular. More precisely, there are several of them, each of which is simple in execution. Experiments, in addition to the entertaining part, have a positive effect on the thinking of the child. He will try his best to understand the secret, which will contribute to the development of the brain.
Will it sink?
Consider the egg experiment, which is very easy to make. Everyone knows that s alt water contains a large amount of concentrates compared to fresh water, and therefore it is easier to swim in it. To confirm these words, you need to conduct an experiment. The egg and s alt water experience is the most popular. After all, nothing else is needed to implement it.

First you need to pour into a glass up to half of ordinary fresh water. By placing an egg there, you can watch how it sinks. Then you should add a few tablespoons of table s alt to fresh water and mix. What happened? The egg floated andsinks no more. But if you add a little more fresh water, the egg will sink again.
This experiment can explain to a child that the density of s alt water is greater, so it pushes the object up. Fresh, on the contrary, allows him to sink down. Thus, the child learns about the existence of chemical reactions.
Rubber egg
With the help of experiments, the baby can be accustomed to something. For example, if he constantly forgets to brush his teeth, you need to show what awaits him in the future. To do this, you will need vinegar, a small container and a chicken egg. The experience is very easy. It is necessary to put the egg in a container, pour vinegar and cover with a lid.

After 24 hours, you need to carefully drain the liquid and pick up the egg. Due to the fact that the vinegar dissolved the minerals present in the shell, it became soft, rubbery. The same experiment can be done with a harder substance, such as a chicken bone. After a few days, it will turn into rubber.
In this experiment, the child should be told that bacteria are operating in the mouth, which destroy the enamel with acid, like vinegar destroys the shell. And while brushing your teeth, the bacteria die. To keep your teeth strong and he althy, you must not forget about hygiene.
Egg reduction
This experiment follows from the previous one. To carry it out, you need an egg without a shell. As noted, when in an acetic solution, the object becomes rubber. Experiments with an egg for children are quite exciting, and after receiving a kind ofjumper child will want to continue.

For this experiment, you just need to put an egg without a shell in corn syrup. If it pops up right away, there's no reason to worry. You just have to wait one day. After this time, the contraction of the egg can be observed. Most likely, it will be wrinkled between layers of syrup.
It should be carefully removed from the solution and rinsed under low pressure of water. This is done to get rid of stickiness. It will also feel rubbery to the touch, but in a reduced size. This egg experience will not satisfy a child's needs and a final step will be required.
Crash or not?
All kids love bright colors and objects. Therefore, to complete this experiment, you will need food coloring. An egg, over which two experiments have already been carried out, must be placed in a glass of paint. You can choose any color, preferably the one that is favorite for the child.

In a day, the following reaction will be observed: the egg will again become round, vigorous and beautiful. This item is most likely to be very popular with the child. You can offer to see how high this egg jumps. After the child throws it, it will immediately break. In this case, the protein will be watery, and have the selected color.
Home experiments with an egg will cheer up the child and arouse interest. Thanks to experiments, you can observe various chemical reactions and find out what they lead to. The child will look forward to whatwill happen to an egg in one solution or another.
Strength test
One egg is not enough for this experiment. You need to purchase at least two dozen, as well as prepare a bucket of water, soap and a trash bag. Before performing this experience, it is worth thinking carefully.
First you should lay a bag, and put two trays of eggs on it. Carefully check each egg for cracks. If they are found, the chicken product must be replaced. In addition, all eggs should face up one side. This is very important, that is, it is impossible for one half of the ends to be sharp and the other blunt.

Then the most daring tries to pass or just stand on the eggs. If you put your foot in the right place and distribute the weight, then this is quite real. In order not to risk too much, you can put a board or tile on top. Despite the fact that the egg breaks easily, the shell is quite strong. If you distribute the weight correctly, it will not crack. In case of an unsuccessful experiment, you need to pay attention to water and soap.
Falling egg
This experiment is more of a trick. For children, magic is something inaccessible, but very desirable. To conduct this experiment, you will need a glass jar, water, cardboard, a container from medicines and, accordingly, an egg. The medicine box should be in the shape of a jar.
First you need to build a structure. You need to fill the vessel halfway with water. Put a piece of cardboard (preferably a square shape) on the jar. Put a container on itmedicines so that it is located in the center of the cardboard and jar. Put an egg on top.

Preparation for the experiment has passed, now it is necessary to carry out the focus. Holding the jar, you need to quickly pull out a piece of cardboard. What will happen? The medicine container will fly off to the side, and the egg will fall into the water. This development is determined by Newton's law, which states: "Objects at rest want to stay at rest, and objects in motion want to stay in motion." As soon as the cardboard support is pulled out, the egg is pulled down by gravity, and it ends up in the water. This law also explains the trick of pulling a tablecloth out from under a full table of food.
Several experiments have been discussed above. Experiments with an egg at home will help pass the time and entertain children. They are quite entertaining, and for their implementation you do not need anything extra. Most of the experiments require elementary things that everyone has. In addition, they contribute to the development of the child.
Finally, one more experiment with an egg. You need to take it in your hand and squeeze it. No matter how hard you put in, it will not be crushed. This is due to the strength of the shell and the laws of physics.