Technologies of ancient civilizations - description, history and interesting facts

Technologies of ancient civilizations - description, history and interesting facts
Technologies of ancient civilizations - description, history and interesting facts

There are a large number of supporters of the theory that modern civilization was by no means the first in the history of the planet Earth. That is why ancient technologies are being treated with increased attention, trying to establish whether there really were advanced civilizations thousands of years ago.

This article will focus on the most amazing and unusual objects that have haunted scientists for decades, indirectly confirming that our distant ancestors were much more developed than we think today.

Stone softening

Saksayuman building
Saksayuman building

An amazing ancient technology comes across when you learn about the existence of a developed society in Ancient Peru. Scientists and archaeologists have long been puzzling over how they managed to build the mysterious and mysterious Saksayuman building on the territory of the modern South American country. This is an ancient fortressgiant stones that are so heavy that it would be very difficult to move and install them using even the modern construction equipment available.

The key to this ancient technology lies in the use of special equipment that the Peruvians used to soften stone blocks. Some researchers believe that the granite used in the construction of this fortress in Cusco was exposed to high temperatures, as a result of which its outer surface became smooth and vitreous.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that ancient workers softened the stones using some high-tech equipment. After that, each block was carefully polished in accordance with the cuts on the adjacent stone. That is why today they are so close to each other.


Khal-Saflieni Cave
Khal-Saflieni Cave

Another example of the technologies of ancient civilizations is the underground system of Khal-Saflieni caves, which are located on three tiers, covering an area of about five hundred square meters. This is an underground megalithic sanctuary in the M altese city of Paola. In fact, it represents 34 rooms, hollowed out in the limestone. Considered a World Heritage Site since 1980.

This is another extant example of ancient building techniques. It is believed that its construction was started around 4000 BC or even earlier, since ceramics were found in the sanctuary itself, which dates back to the Ghar Dalam period.

In this stone room you canhear absolutely incredible sound effects that have a significant impact on the human body. For example, sounds uttered in one of the rooms begin to resonate throughout the room, as if piercing through the human body.

Some scientists claim to have found the remains of more than seven thousand people on its territory, as well as a large number of cracks, deep pits and burial chambers. It is believed that for many centuries a communal burial ground could have been organized here. The ancient inhabitants of this island carved new grottoes and corridors in the rock, in which they buried their dead relatives and fellow tribesmen.

Lycurgus Cup

Lycurgus Cup
Lycurgus Cup

The Lycurgus Cup is a unique artifact that serves as clear evidence that our ancestors were far ahead of their time, in fact, ancient technologies were very advanced. The technique of making this vessel is so perfect that it proves the masters' familiarity with modern nanotechnologies.

This is a unique and unusual dichroic glass bowl that changes color depending on the ambient light. For example, it can turn from green to bright red. This unusual effect occurs because dichroic glass contains a large amount of silver and colloidal gold.

The scene of the death of the Thracian king Lycurgus is depicted on the walls of the goblet. For insulting the god Dionysus, he was strangled with vines. According to one version, this goblet was made in honor of the victory of the Roman emperor Constantine over Licinius, andafter it was passed during Dionysian libations. In particular, it is believed that its unique color symbolizes the stages of grape ripening.

The fate of the vessel can be more or less clearly traced back to 1845, when it ended up in the hands of the Rothschild bankers. The Lycurgus Cup was first displayed to the public at the Albert and Victoria Museum in London in 1862. In the middle of the 20th century, the Rothschilds sold the cup to the British Museum for 20 thousand pounds.

Baghdad Battery

Baghdad Battery
Baghdad Battery

Another mystery of ancient civilizations is the so-called Baghdad battery, which belongs to the Parthian period. Following the discoverer Wilhelm Koenig (a German archaeologist), it is considered the first galvanic cell in the history of mankind, which was created two millennia before the birth of Alessandro Volta. The artifact is currently kept in the National Museum of Iraq.

In 1936, it was discovered near Baghdad by railway workers. It is believed that this is the world's first electric battery, which was used around 200 BC. It is a 13-cm vessel, the neck of which was carefully filled with bitumen. A bar with traces of corrosion is laid through it. A copper cylinder with an iron rod was found inside.

The fact that the process of galvanization was known two thousand years ago was confirmed by the German Egyptologist Arne Eggebrecht. He proved it on the statuette of Osiris. Using ten vessels that were like a Baghdad battery, as well as a saline solutiongold, he covered the figurine with a perfect layer of gold in just a few hours.

Chinese technology

Many technologies of ancient China still amaze and delight scientists. For example, they have to regularly encounter examples of high-tech methods for processing large pieces of metal. It turns out that these technologies were known long before our era. Our ancestors possessed complex scientific knowledge in the field of metalworking, which they inherited from even more ancient civilizations. This is proved by artifacts found in different parts of the world.

Column in front of the Quib Minar
Column in front of the Quib Minar

Ancient China was one of the first civilizations in which iron was made, metallurgical technologies were familiar. At the same time, they knew how to produce iron that was not susceptible to rust due to the high content of phosphorus in it in ancient India. In front of the Quib Minar minaret in Delhi, one of these columns weighs about six tons and is at least seven meters high.

Paper in China

Papermaking in Ancient China
Papermaking in Ancient China

It was in China that they first learned how to make paper. For this, the remains of silk, fabrics, fishing nets and many other materials were collected, which were carefully crushed. All this was mixed in a vat until a homogeneous mass was formed, and then shaken.

At the next stage of papermaking technology in ancient China, a bamboo mesh was taken, which was necessary to give mass to this composition. With her help, the mass was taken out, and the remainder was left to dry. Soand the result was paper.

Ancient Computer

Antikythera mechanism
Antikythera mechanism

A truly amazing find was discovered in 1900 near the island of Antikythera, which is located 25 miles northwest of Crete. This is a mysterious bronze object, the exact purpose of which has not yet been established.

When the researchers got it out of the water, they found parts of an incredibly complex mechanism consisting of a large number of gears.

In addition, its parts were perfectly even disks and the remains of inscriptions, which, apparently, corresponded to its main functions. It is believed that this mechanism was an astronomical clock without a pendulum. But neither in Greek nor in Roman literature is there a single mention of such an ancient "computer". The artifact was found next to a ship that supposedly sank in the first century BC.

The device, called the "Antikythera Mechanism", was used to calculate the movement of celestial bodies, and also made it possible to accurately set the date of 42 astronomical events. In 2017, it was found that it was probably developed or used in the area of Syracuse and the island of Rhodes.

Gilding technique

Ancient goldsmiths and silversmiths used mercury to gild interiors and domes. This technique was used in many countries of the ancient world. This is a really difficult process.

As modern researchers found out, all its subtleties were knownmasters two thousand years ago. They were able to cover the products with a strong and thin layer, which improved their durability and saved precious materials. The level of competence of ancient artisans was so high that many modern technologies have not yet reached it.

Methods in Ancient Egypt

A large number of unique technologies in ancient Egypt still amazes scientists. The quality of processing granite sarcophagi is at the level of modern machine technologies. It is simply impossible to achieve such a result without special mechanical tools.

Another example that still amazes scientists is the giant statue in the courtyard of the memorial temple of Ramses II. This is a sculpture made from a single piece of pink granite 19 meters high and weighing about one thousand tons. Its dimensions and workmanship do not fit in any way with the capabilities of Egyptian masters known to us today.

Ancient Greece

The prototype of the modern flamethrower can be attributed to the unique technologies of Ancient Greece. The first such machine was used during the Peloponnesian War in the 5th century BC. At the enemy, she was able to send burning coals interspersed with sulfur.

How advanced ancient Greek medicine was can be judged by the vaginal dilators that were discovered at the base of Mount Olympus during the excavations of Dion. These gynecological instruments date back to the 2nd century BC.

Ancient Russia

Impressive technologies in Ancient Russia. Among the artisans, blacksmithing was in the lead. It wasa difficult and prestigious occupation, it is not for nothing that blacksmiths are the main characters of many fairy tales.

The construction technologies of our ancestors are also impressive. They built houses and fortresses not from clay and stone, but from wood. The logs were cut with an axe, and nails were not used in the construction, as they rusted over time and spoiled the wood.

All these facts make you think again about the existence of the technology of the ancient gods. There are more and more supporters of an alternative history, according to which man did not originate from a monkey, but all these technologies were introduced from somewhere outside.
