The Romanov Empire for a long time remained committed to conservative noble traditions and monarchical absolutism. The belated abolition of serfdom, the preservation of a broad sector with subsistence farming, the lack of social progress in society, as was the case in Europe and the United States - all this led to an increase in mass discontent.

Reasons for the formation of the USSR. Briefly
Of course, there have been attempts to resolve the whole range of problems. For example, the activity of Pyotr Stolypin, which is especially important in its agrarian part (an attempt to create many small market-oriented peasant farms). However, this reform was actually curtailed with the death of the initiator. Ignoring problems led to the fall of the tsarist government in February 1917. However, the Kerensky government was unable to cope with the situation and settle the radical mood. In the outbreak of the civil war, the Bolshevik party, despite all its contradictions, became the most attractive. Yes, and the most progressive for the era in its aspirations. The formation of the USSR, in short, was the result of the consistent development of socialist sentiments and the crisis of the monarchistsystems. The civil war was actually completed in 1922, when Ukraine, Siberia, Belarus and others were completely occupied

Formation of the USSR. Summary of the Constitution
The formal emergence of the state of the Soviets took place on December 29, 1922, when the treaty of the republics on the formation of the Union was signed. And the very next day the treaty was ratified by the All-Union Congress of Soviets. The first constitution was drawn up only in 1924. It laid the foundations for the functioning of the state in its first period. The second Constitution was adopted in 1936. The Constitution of 1924 established a single citizenship throughout the country, regulated relations in the system of power, where the Congress of Soviets was declared the highest body, and prescribed the process of secession of the republics from the Union.
Formation of the USSR: briefly about the situation in the party
Besides the discussed event, another thing happened during these years, also very important. In May 1922, Vladimir Lenin fell seriously ill, after which he actually retired from government. And in January 1924 he died. The death of the universally recognized leader logically raised questions about the successor. The middle and second half of the 1920s were marked by heated discussions in the party apparatus regarding the future course of the country, as well as the first persecutions. Mild at first, but leading to a nationwide purge in the 1930s.
Formation of the USSR: briefly about the meaning of
Directly for the country, an important fact was the end of the civil war,

which made it possible to direct all efforts to the restoration of the national economy, the elimination of its consequences and the return of life to a peaceful course. However, the creation of the world's first state headed by socialists had much more global and long-term consequences. There were negative ones among them, which were the result of the complexity of the practical implementation of communist ideas in life. The desire to ensure high rates of state growth, stability, general welfare and a quick solution to all social problems often led the Soviet leadership to voluntaristic methods (after all, market laws were not recognized and not taken into account) and deplorable results. Such as mass repressions, hunger for the sake of fulfilling the grain procurement plan, the fruitless and notorious global epics of the Khrushchev era, the Brezhnev stagnation caused by the slowness of the command and administrative system, and so on. However, this state gave no less positive results to its own people and to the whole world. Despite the inconsistency of the 1930s, the growth rates of state indicators were unprecedented in the entire human history. The small peoples of the Union, despite today's nationalistic assessments, received a tangible contribution to the development of their economies and industrial structures.
Yes, and the Western world has changed under the influence of communist ideas, which personified the Union. Thus, after the revolutions in Russia and Germany, an international labor organization was formed. Already in 1919In 1994, by decision of its congress, an eight-hour working day was established throughout Western Europe and America. The formation of the USSR, in short, led to the inspiration of the labor movement around the world, under the pressure of which governments repeatedly raised social standards and cared for social security. After all, the fate of the Romanov Empire eloquently demonstrated what ignoring the interests of the people could lead to.