The word "road": synonyms, meaning

The word "road": synonyms, meaning
The word "road": synonyms, meaning

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"Road" is a common Slavic word. Derived from an Indo-European noun meaning "space cleared in the forest." In modern Russian, the word "road" is used in various meanings. There are many synonyms for it. In today's article, we recall the main ones.

road synonyms
road synonyms


Synonyms for the word "road" should first of all be looked for in the explanatory dictionary. Dahl cited the following nouns, close in meaning: riding, walking, traveling, Putin. Not all of them, of course, are used in colloquial speech today. According to Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, it is customary to call a strip of land intended for movement a road. It can be paved, unpaved, highway, country.

Road: synonyms

In most cases, a noun is used to indicate a place to drive or pass through. "Route" - this word can in some cases replace the word "road". Namely, when it comes to the route. For example: "We took a shorter route (expensive)." In the phrase "ask for directions" the noun wewe can replace the word "route". "Way", "walking", "riding" in this case are not synonyms.

The road is also about being on the road. A synonym for the word whose meaning we are considering is “journey”. Example: "He was tired of the long journey."

The words "road" and "path" are used when talking about a certain way of action, direction of activity. Examples:

  • They have parted ways since then.
  • They have parted ways since then.

After the war, the expression "Road of Life" appeared in Russian. It means the path that lay across Lake Ladoga. During the blockade of Leningrad, it was used to communicate with the city for two years.

In order to remember other synonyms for the word "road", as well as to understand in what cases their use is appropriate, it is worth recalling a few examples from fiction.

word road
word road


The German writer E. M. Remarque in the novel "Arc de Triomphe" noted that "a person thinks a lot on the road, but very little after returning." Some translations use the word "way". We are talking about Remarque's quote about the road as a temporary period of life.

Yesenin used the noun in the same meaning more than once in his works. For example, when he said about the roads traveled and the mistakes made. And in the quote about roads and fools, which is so often attributed to Gogol, there is already a strip of land intended for movement.

Other synonyms - track, course, path,highway.
