Suppress - how is it? Meaning, interpretation and suggestions

Suppress - how is it? Meaning, interpretation and suggestions
Suppress - how is it? Meaning, interpretation and suggestions

We are used to being told all the time: "Don't hold back, say whatever's on your mind, because repressed emotions breed neurosis." Probably, such a dynamic exists, since society has recently become fairly saturated with psychological knowledge, and people suddenly became interested in what was going on in their souls and what to do with it. But we want to talk about the verb - "suppress". This is the subject of our conversation.


The person is experiencing depression
The person is experiencing depression

We know the object of research well, because people often resort to his services. They suppress their desires for the welfare of others. They suppress irritation in order to look decent. They deal with anger in the same way. In other words, no matter how useful it is to throw out everything that is stored in our hearts, we nevertheless do not do this, because society will severely punish us for such liberty.

To understand what is the displacement ofconsciousness of various unwanted emotions, you must first look at the meaning of the word "suppress":

  1. Press, press down with your weight.
  2. Deprive someone, anything of strength, energy; loosen, constrain (portative).
  3. Restrain, overcome feelings, sensations, impulses.
  4. Destroy, stop by force.
  5. Subdue.
  6. Surpass someone (or something) in any way, pushing into the background.
  7. Morally oppress (figurative).
  8. Depressing, depressing (figurative).

Seeing such an impressive list of meanings, we realized two things: firstly, there will be no list of synonyms, and secondly, sentences with the word "suppress" are inevitable. And that's as true as the end of this section.


Germany lost to Korea
Germany lost to Korea

Since we have an abundance of meanings, let's start without delay:

  • How can I not worry, because he came and crushed all my beautiful pears! Yes, I know they were already on the ground, but I would make compote out of them!
  • My husband suppressed my will, and I once again changed my mind about leaving him.
  • He suppressed the feeling of injustice and resentment and decided to enter the theater next year.
  • The rebellion had to be suppressed with a tough and unceremonious action, and they did it.
  • The attacking impulse was suppressed by the opponent's echeloned defense. Order once again beat class.
  • Old age is once again suppressed and pushed asideyouth is commonplace. This is the law of life, nothing can be done about it.
  • The boy was oppressed by his classmates with his beauty and we alth. He was even willing to trade his mind for mediocrity to get rid of that oppressive feeling of loneliness and alienation.
  • Petra morally suppressed the burden of his own failures, he was tired of suffering crashes, he wanted to win at least once. Feel the taste of victory, the right action and understand what it's like when you're lucky.

From the above, we can conclude that "suppress" is a depressive verb. But we will deal with the emotional background that follows and summarize.

Object of study or its antonym

Master Yoda, Jedi Master
Master Yoda, Jedi Master

In other words, suppress emotions or splash them out - what to choose as a fundamental principle? This is a difficult question, because life does not tolerate extremes and fuss. Everything is good in moderation, and the true path lies somewhere in the middle. Sometimes impulses to suppress are what you need (almost in the style of Master Yoda), and sometimes it’s not a sin to express your point of view. Besides, advising is the last thing, and if you try on such a role, then you should avoid extremes.
