Means of communication of sentences in the text

Means of communication of sentences in the text
Means of communication of sentences in the text

This article is devoted to such a concept as the means of communication of sentences. Related sentences form a text. Therefore, in order to better understand this topic, first of all, it is necessary to define the very concept of "text". Let's start with this.

What is text?

The text is a work of speech, which consists of a series of sentences united by a common structure and meaning and located in one sequence or another. It may have a title conveying the main idea and topic of the statement. The leading topic in a large text is divided into several micro-topics, which usually correspond to a paragraph. Connectivity is an important feature of a text. The next sentence always builds on the previous one.

ways and means of communication of proposals
ways and means of communication of proposals

Signs of text

The following features of the text can be distinguished:

  • presence of the main idea and theme;
  • possibility or presence of title;
  • mandatory semantic connection between his sentences;
  • the presence of their sequence;
  • use of various language means of communication betweenseparate offers.

All these signs must be present in order to be able to say that we have a text in front of us.

Different means of communication in the text

Different means of connecting sentences serve to ensure that the text achieves grammatical and semantic coherence. They are divided into syntactic, morphological and lexical. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Lexical communication means of sentences

means of connecting words in a sentence
means of connecting words in a sentence
  1. Words belonging to the same thematic group. For example: "Winter is long and harsh in these parts. Frosts sometimes reach 50 degrees. Snow lies until June. Snowstorms occur even in April."
  2. Lexical repetitions (that is, repetitions of phrases and words), including the use of cognates. It is the repetition of an expression or word. In speech, this technique is used as a bright and popular means of expressiveness. It serves to achieve the coherence and accuracy of the text, allows you to maintain the unity of the theme throughout its entire length. In different genres and styles, lexical repetitions are used in different ways. So, for official business and scientific texts, this is the main means for creating coherence. The description also uses repetition quite often. An example can be given as follows: "They read the book they discussed for a long time. In that book they found what they were waiting for. Their expectations were not in vain."
  3. Synonymous substitutions and synonyms (including contextual, descriptive and synonymous phrases, as well as genders)species designations). Typically, these means of connecting sentences are used when figurativeness, colorfulness of speech is needed: in the style of fiction or journalistic literature. Example: "Pushkin's work was of particular importance for the further development of the literary Russian language. The great poet managed to combine foreign borrowings, high Old Slavonicisms, as well as elements of colloquial live speech in his works." They can link not only individual sentences, but also act as a means of communication in a complex sentence to avoid repetition.
  4. Antonyms (including contextual ones). Example: "A friend argues. A foe agrees."
  5. Phrases and words with the meaning of certain logical connections, as well as summarizing, like: therefore, that's why, in conclusion, let's summarize, others follow from this. Example: "There is a lot of s alt in sea water. That's why it can't be used in cooking."

Morphological means of communication

means of communication between sentences
means of communication between sentences
  1. Particles, allied words and conjunctions at the beginning of sentences. An example where this means of communication between sentences is used is: "It's raining outside the windows. In our house, it's cozy and warm."
  2. The use of demonstrative, personal (in the third person) and other pronouns as a replacement for the words of the previous sentence: "Language is not inherited by a person. It appears only in the process of interpersonal communication."
  3. The use of adverbs of place and time,which can refer in meaning to several sentences at once. They act as independents. An example where similar means of connecting words in a sentence is used: "A lake was visible to the right. Its waters shone. Small groves turned green. Everywhere here calmness and silence awaited you."
  4. The unity of various tense forms of verbs-predicates used in the text. An example where this means of communication between sentences is used: "Suddenly night fell. It became very dark. The stars in the sky lit up."
  5. The use of adverbs and different degrees of comparison of adjectives. Example: "The place was wonderful. It couldn't have been better" or "We climbed the mountain. There was nothing higher in the area."

Syntactic means of communication

  1. Syntactic parallelism, which implies the presence of the same word order, as well as the morphological design of certain members of sentences standing side by side. Example: "Childhood is a carefree time. Maturity is a serious time." Another example: "The last day left before Christmas has passed. A clear winter night has come. The month has risen majestically into the sky to shine on the whole world and good people." Note that all three of these sentences are built according to the "subject + predicate" scheme. The text, thanks to such a technique as syntactic parallelism, becomes precise, "harmonious" in terms of structure. The same arrangement of the relevant members furthermore structures the reported information and helps usestablish connections between individual phenomena. Syntactic parallelism occurs in the text quite often, but it should not be specially "invented": it is "visible" traditionally through the same forms. Syntactic parallelism is also used as a means of communication in a complex sentence between its parts.
  2. Parcellation (that is, division) of various constructions, the removal of any part from the sentence and its design (after the dot) as a separate, independent, incomplete one. "To love your country means to live one life with it. To suffer when it is hard for it. To rejoice when the Motherland has a holiday."
  3. Using incomplete sentences in the text. Example: "Do you know what we talked about? About painting, music, literature."
  4. Using introductory sentences and words, rhetorical questions, addresses. Example: "It is necessary, firstly, to find out what is most important right now. Secondly, you should start acting immediately."
  5. Using reverse or direct word order. "I will come in the morning. I will come to see you."
  6. In the text, in addition to those indicated, associative or semantic links of parts can also be used.
  7. means of communication of proposals
    means of communication of proposals

The means of communication of proposals indicated are not strictly binding. Their use depends on the form of narration, the features of the author's style, the content of the topic. The association can be not only contact, but also distant (sentences can also be connected,distant from each other). It is necessary to distinguish the means from those indicated and the means of connection of the parts of a complex sentence. They may differ, but may also coincide with those used in simple ones. In particular, complex sentences of means of communication often use such as conjunctions and allied words. They are also used to combine simple sentences, although less often.

Methods of linking sentences in text

means of communication in a complex sentence
means of communication in a complex sentence

Let's continue to reveal the topic of interest to us. Note that the ways and means of connecting sentences are different concepts. We have looked at various means. Now let's move on to methods (otherwise they are called types). There are two of them: parallel and chain connection. Let's consider in more detail each of the methods.

Chain link

Chain (that is, sequential) reflects the development of an event, action, thought sequentially. In texts with this connection, the sentence correlates with the phrases and words of the previous one: they seem to interlock with each other. In each previous "new" becomes "given" for the sentence following it.

The means of this type of connection are usually synonymous substitutions, repetitions, conjunctions, pronouns, semantic associations and correspondences. It is used in Russian in all styles. This is the most common, most massive way of connecting in the text of sentences.

Example: "Finally we got to the sea. It was very calm and huge. However, this calmness was deceptive."

lexical means of connecting sentences
lexical means of connecting sentences

Parallel connection

Parallel connection is present when sentences are opposed or compared with each other, and not connected. It is based on similar or identical in structure, that is, parallel constructions, in which verbs-predicates that are usually identical in form and tense are used.

The first sentence in many texts where there is a parallel connection becomes "given" for all subsequent ones. They develop and concretize the thought that is expressed in it ("the given" in this case turns out to be the same in all sentences, of course, except for the first one).

The main means used in parallel communication: introductory words (finally, firstly, etc.), syntactic parallelism, adverbs of time and place (first, there, left, right, etc.). It is used most often in narrative and description.

Example: "Forests serve to heal our planet. They are not only gigantic oxygen-producing laboratories. They also absorb poisonous gases and dust. Therefore, they are rightly considered the "lungs of our earth."

complex sentences means of communication
complex sentences means of communication


Thus, in our article we examined the various ways and means of connecting sentences that are used in the text in order to form some unity. Of course, the phenomena we have listed do not cover the whole variety. In addition, it often happens that texts useat the same time funds belonging to different levels.
