Bravada is The meaning of the word

Bravada is The meaning of the word
Bravada is The meaning of the word

Consider a word that many people find difficult because it is rarely used. Usually resort to its more understandable synonyms. But we will not simplify. Our object of study is bravado. Consider the meaning of the noun, its synonyms and think about what is hidden behind boasting and what makes a person praise himself tirelessly.


Shot from the film "The Lion King"
Shot from the film "The Lion King"

When you don't know the meaning of a word, don't despair. You just need to remember the existence of an explanatory dictionary that will always come to the rescue, though not by itself, but if you take it off the shelf, it will not hide any information from the reader. So what does it say? The answer is: “The behavior of the one who flaunts is ostentatious prowess.”

We don't know how the reader feels about such a definition of the object of study, but we find it slightly tautological, so we still need to reveal the linguistic secret of the verb "flaunt". An explanatory dictionary cannot refuse a service if asked politely. So let's read the explanation:“To neglect something for the sake of ostentatious courage; show off something.”

There is no shortage of illustrations of the meaning of "bravado", life gives rise to such characters all the time. But we will leave them aside. Let the reader think for himself which of his acquaintances has this sin. If we turn to cinema and literature, two examples come to mind - Simba from the cartoon "The Lion King" and, of course, the anti-hero of the verse "Cockroach" by K. I. Chukovsky. Of the classic characters of the same type, Khlestakov comes to mind, who lies and doesn’t know why.

So bravado is not only ostentatious prowess, but any way to elevate yourself in the eyes of others. And it doesn't have to be false. For example, ordinary men or movie stars sometimes talk about their victories on the love front, naming the exact number of "victims". After all, this is bravado as it is.


In this case, semantic analogues are not a makeweight, but a necessary element of construction, without which we cannot do. Therefore, we will not torment the readers. We've lovingly hand-picked the best substitutions for you:

  • daring;
  • bragging;
  • bragging;
  • drawing;
  • self-praise.

The last synonym most accurately and fully reflects the essence of the phenomenon. Bravado is self-praise.

What does boasting hide?

Man winking at his reflection
Man winking at his reflection

It's amazing how psychoanalysis has changed the very essence of people's thinking. But we do not even track this transformation. For example, nowalmost any reader can say that if a man or a woman is exhibited, it means that they are tormented by some kind of complexes and unresolved problems. Of course, there are those who take bragging at face value, but a lot depends on the dosage. If a person speaks only about his achievements, his successes, then listening to him is annoying, and it doesn’t matter at all how real or fictional his peaks are, which he conquered. A conversation is always a dialogue, that is, as one wants to express and be heard, so does the other. As you might guess, narcissists are difficult to talk to. What follows from this? Bravado is terrible in itself.
