Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, also known as FML 239, is one of the most prestigious secondary schools. Students of this institution dream of becoming not only schoolchildren of St. Petersburg, but of the whole of Russia. Where FML is located, as well as how to enter it, is described below. Feedback from parents and students themselves was also analyzed.

Basic information
GBOU "Presidential FML 239" was established in 1918 by the decision of the Committee on Education of St. Petersburg. Working hours of the educational institution: on weekdays and on Saturday the lyceum is open from 8 am to 8 pm. On Sundays and holidays, the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum is closed.

Address FML 239: Kirochnaya street, house 8, central district of St. Petersburg. Below is a map showing the location of the lyceum.

Structure and controls
The position of director of FML 239 is occupied by Pratusevich M. Ya. Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, as well as a candidate of mathematical and physical sciences. The position of Deputy Director for Academic Affairs is occupied by Selyakova M. V.
More information about the structure of the lyceum can be found on the official website of the educational institution.
Teaching staff of the Lyceum
Egor Konstantinovich Filatov is among the teachers of FML 239. He is a mathematics teacher. Egor Konstantinovich himself was a graduate of the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum number 239, he graduated from it in 2001. Graduate of St. Petersburg State University. He began teaching at the Lyceum in 2004. Winner of the All-Russian competition of teachers of additional education "I give my heart to children", held in 2013.
Rostovsky Dmitry Andreevich is a teacher of mathematics. Dmitry Andreevich graduated from Lyceum 239 in 1992, and began teaching in 1996.
Kharitonov Alexander Dmitrievich started teaching in 2018. She is a physics teacher, as well as a class teacher for grades 9-1.
Babaeva Svetlana Yakovlevna has been a chemistry teacher since 2000. He is an honorary worker of general education, as well as a candidate of chemical sciences. It should be noted that Babayeva S. Ya. is the winner of the priority national project "Education" in St. Petersburg.
Davydov Viktor Nikolaevich is also a chemistry teacher at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum. He has held this position since 2003. It is important to note thatthe teacher is a doctor of pedagogical sciences.
Admission to the Lyceum
One of the most important features of the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum is the absence of an elementary school. Admission is conducted in 5, 8, 9, 10 classes. About the classes and profiles recruited for the current year is published on the official website of the FML.

For admission to FML 239, it is necessary to register on a special online resource within the established time limits (listed on the FML website in the section for applicants). It is important to correctly indicate the data of the child, including the correct name of the educational institution in which the child is currently studying. The results of admission are also published on a special online resource of the Lyceum.

Annually, the Lyceum arranges an open day, where students and parents can communicate with teachers, school management, and ask all their questions.
Admission to the boarding school
In the boarding school at FML 239, in most cases, students of the 9th grade who are registered in any region, with the exception of St. Petersburg and Moscow, can enter.

To participate in the competition, you must register on a special website (indicated in the section for applicants). The deadline for registration in 2019 is February 9th. After that, you need to listen to the online course, hosted on the Lectorium platform, free of charge. Based on the results of the course, the lyceum will select participants for an interviewSkype.
Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the federal Olympiad in mathematics, physics, computer science, chemistry, astronomy are accepted without entrance examinations.
You can get additional information about the residence of students in the boarding school, as well as ask questions of interest to the director of the boarding school A. G. Kroshikhin.
Online courses
The educational institution in question, the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum (FML 239), is trying to keep up with the times, so the students of the school have access to online courses prepared by the teachers of the school all year round. You can find training videos and tasks on the official website of the FML. These include the following courses:
- astronomy;
- physics for aliens;
- literature in dialogue;
- physics without formulas, and many others.
It is important to note that online courses do not replace standard lessons, but are an additional opportunity to learn new things for those who do not have enough school curriculum.
Paid educational services
The educational institution also provides paid educational services, namely, the following courses for schoolchildren operate on the basis of the school:
- Additional math chapters.
- Additional chapters of physics.
For enrollment, which takes place on pre-announced days in the school building, the student must bring the passport of one of the parents. To speed up the procedure, it is also advisable to pre-fill and print in 2 copies the completed contract for the provision of educational paid services. Datesregistrations are always published on the official website of the educational institution.
FML reviews 239
Reviews in 90% of cases about the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum are positive. Parents of lyceum students call the educational institution the best in St. Petersburg and the northwestern region. According to them, here attention is paid to the talents of the children, their abilities. FML graduates annually enter the best Russian and world universities, and subsequently become highly qualified specialists. In addition, within the walls of the FML, they broaden their horizons, travel with teachers and visit various events, exhibitions and art galleries. Often schoolchildren go on hikes with their teachers.
Also, the lyceum is located in the historical center of the city, next to the Tauride Garden, the Field of Mars. The building of the lyceum is fenced, so parents do not have to worry about the safety of their children.