Samara is a settlement with a long history, a developing industry, a holder of the title City of Military Glory, with a population of over a million people. Not surprisingly, educational institutions are represented here quite widely and diversely.
Samara universities offer applicants various speci alties and profiles, the five most popular universities among applicants are highlighted below.
University of Economics
SSEU is a university of opportunities, because any student can study abroad for a whole semester at a partner university or get a double diploma. The most active and ambitious young people wish to take advantage of such prospects.
Main training programs:
- Information security.
- Ecology and nature management.
- Trade business.
- Management.
- Applied Informatics.
- Economy.
- Land management and cadastres.
- Tourism, etc.
You can find out the news of the admission campaign at: 141 Soviet Army Street.
Samara Polytechnic University

Samara State Technical University, which positions itself as a leading university in training personnel for the region's industry, a center for the development of innovations and strategic directions, as well as a custodian of the best traditions.
Popular specializations:
- Electronics.
- Information security.
- Engineering.
- Light industry technology.
- Industrial ecology.
- Materials Technology and more.
Also, the university has a military department that graduates reserve officers of the automotive troops.
You can find out the features of training at the address: Pervomaiskaya street, 18, building 1.
Social and Pedagogical University
Social and Pedagogical University is one of the oldest Samara universities, was established in 1911 as a teacher's institute. Now the head of the university is Oleg Dmitrievich Mochalov.
SGBSU offers the following areas of training:
- Special education.
- Psychology.
- Teacher education.
- Ecology and nature management.
- Service.
- Applied Informatics.
- Psychological and pedagogical education, etc.
Address where the admissions office is located: Maxim Gorky Street, 65/67.
Medical University

Samara University, which graduates he althcare professionals, is Samara State Medical University. Rector - Gennady Petrovich Kotelnikov. The institution was founded in 1919. Now it is a whole network of research institutes, clinics, laboratories. University graduates are in high demand in the medical industry.
Training is carried out according to the following programs:
- Pediatrics.
- Clinical psychology.
- Dentistry.
- Medicine.
- Pharmacy.
- Nursing.
- Medical and preventive work.
You can get a certificate on the conditions of study at: Gagarin Street, 18.
Samara Research University

One of the largest universities among Samara universities and institutes is a research university. In 2015, the organization was transformed through the merger of the Aerospace University and the State University, thus expanding the range of speci alties and research capabilities.
Main areas of training:
- Heat power engineering.
- Nanotechnology.
- Economics and management.
- Psychological sciences.
- Astronomy and physics.
- Chemistry.
- Biological sciences.
- Linguistics.
- Historical sciences, etc.
You can ask questions about admission at the address: Moscow highway street, 34.
In addition to the above educational organizations, school graduates can consider the following Samara universities and institutes from the list:
- Management Institute.
- Legal Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service.
- University of Railways.
- Institute of Culture.
- Humanitarian Academy.
- University of Telecommunications, etc.