It's a hot time for graduates. Exams at school, graduation ball and the coveted admission. Most have already chosen "their" university.
Yaroslavl graduates do not have to go to Moscow to study. In this city there are worthy higher educational institutions. Read more about universities in Yaroslavl in this article.
Heads the list of the best universities in the city, without a doubt, YSU named after P. G. Demidov. To date, he has entered the TOP-100 of the best educational institutions in the world.
Its history began in 1803, when philanthropist P. G. Demidov decided to establish a school of higher sciences at his own expense. He addressed this question to Alexander I and received permission. Later, the school was renamed into a legal lyceum, and even later - into a university.
Today it is the leading university in the Upper Volga region. It has over 7,000 students. Refers to the universities of Yaroslavl with budget places. It consists of 10 faculties. Including philological, legal and historical.

Medical University
In second place among the universities of Yaroslavl - YSMU. It was formed during WWII. More precisely, a medical institute evacuated from Minsk began to work in the city.
In September 1943 it opened its doors to 665 students. During the day they studied, and at night they were on duty in evacuation hospitals.
Minsk Institute graduated 47 doctors. In 1944, a decision was made to re-evacuate it. A new institute was opened in Yaroslavl, which was called the Yaroslavl Medical Institute. It operates to this day, only now it is called a university.
YSMU has five faculties: dental, medical, pediatric, pharmaceutical, psychology and social work.
The cost of training is from 80,000 thousand rubles. Depending on the faculty and speci alty. There are budget places. It is not easy to enter, the passing scores are high.

Technical University
Among the state universities of Yaroslavl, it ranks third.
Distant 1944. There is still a war going on. And in this difficult time, the People's Commissariat for Rubber Industry opens an institute in Yaroslavl.
At first it was called the Yaroslavl Technological Institute of the rubber industry. It existed until 1953. Then it was transformed into the Yaroslavl Institute of Technology.
After 20 years, the Institute of Technology becomes a polytechnic. And already in Russia, in 1994, it was transformed into Yaroslavl State Technical University.
To date, there are six faculties in the YaGTU. Admission to budget places.

Business and new technologies
It will be about the fourth among the best universities in Yaroslavl. MUBiNT is a relatively young educational project. The university was founded in 1992. Initially, it was a non-state educational institution. A few years later, a certificate of state accreditation was received.
Today, the university has eleven faculties. There are budget places.

Pedagogical University
On the fifth line of our ranking of universities in Yaroslavl is YSPU. In 1908, a solemn prayer service was served on Republican (present) street. And immediately after it, the doors of the teacher's institute opened. After 10 years, a decision was made to transform the teacher's institute into a higher educational institution. In 1922, the institute merged with Yaroslavl University. The faculty of education was opened. In the summer of 1924, the university was transformed into a pedagogical institute.
For all the years of its existence, the Institute adequately coped with the training of teaching staff. In the 1930s, there were five faculties, including geography and history.
During the Second World War, many students and teachers went voluntarily to the front. Others returned, while others remained on the battlefield forever. The first post-war years were difficult, but despite all the difficulties, the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education was opened on the basis of the Pedagogical Institute.
In the 60s of the last century, active scientific research in the fields of mathematics, nature management, geography and history took place within the walls of the institute. Research is being carried out in the field of engineering psychology, and the theory of adaptation of humans and animals to the norm of pathology is being actively developed. For excellent work in scientific fields, the institute is awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1971).
His life does not stand still. New buildings are being built and educational programs are being developed. In 1993, the Pedagogical Institute was transformed into the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University.
For more than 100 years of activity, about 80 thousand specialists graduated from the walls of the university. YSPU plays an important role in the historical and cultural life of its city.
To date, the university has nine faculties. There are full-time and part-time forms of education. There is a possibility of admission to a budget place.

If you make a list of universities in Yaroslavl, it will look like this:
- YSU named after P. G. Demidova.
- YAGMU (Medical University).
- YAGTU (Technical University).
- MUBINT (business and new technologies).
- YAGPU (Pedagogical University).
These are the top five institutions of higher education in the city. There are twelve in total. In sixth place is YAGTI (theatrical institute). On the seventh - the famous YAGSKhA (Agricultural Academy).
The main purpose of the article is to acquaintapplicants with the best universities in Yaroslavl. You don't have to travel far to get a higher education. In the city, as can be seen from the article, there are good educational institutions. With a long history, excellent reputation and budget places. Which is perhaps the key point for applicants.