Unusual drawing ideas for kids

Unusual drawing ideas for kids
Unusual drawing ideas for kids

You can create not only with paints and brushes. Interesting ideas for drawing are waiting for you literally on every corner: a variety of unusual materials for creativity will instill in your child a love of art.


Ideas for drawing with children are distinguished by their originality. Cut out various shapes from foam rubber. Let the child dip them in the paint and leave prints on paper, after which he completes the drawing with small details with a brush. You can invite the baby to create an ornament.

Stamps can also be cut from fruits or vegetables. To do this, you need to cut an apple or potato into two parts and cut out the future pattern. You can use carrots or Chinese cabbage.

drawing ideas
drawing ideas

Embossed pattern

You can even find ideas for drawing with children in the kitchen: add flour to the paint. Let the kid draw a picture for you, and once it dries, the result will surprise you.

Painting with soap bubbles

Mix the shampoo, some dye and water in a glass of water. Using a cocktail straw, lower it into a container of water and blow into it until the foam rises above the edgescup. Next, attach the paper to the soap bubbles and see what happens.

Ask your child to complete the drawing to a recognizable shape: the yellow print from the bubble can be turned into a chicken, and the blue print into a cloud. Foam and bubble painting ideas are truly endless.

Drawing with fingers

Where is the thin line between creativity and prank? Why is it necessary to draw with a brush? Our palms and fingers are an invaluable tool for creativity. So, the index finger on the right palm obeys the child even better than the pencil.

pencil drawing ideas
pencil drawing ideas

Dot drawing

Unusual ideas for drawing with a pencil and paints always delight kids. Children like everything interesting and unconventional. Drawing with dots can be considered a very unusual technique.

Take a pencil, a felt-tip pen or an ordinary ear stick, but it should be noted that dot painting is best done using paints (you will need a separate stick for each of the colors).

This technique allows you to depict mimosa or lilac in an unusual way. Branch lines can be drawn with a felt-tip pen, but the clusters of flowers themselves are best done with sticks.

Ideas for drawing with dots are not limited to the image of flowers: you can draw berries or animals. Or you can cut out mittens, a dress or a tablecloth from white cardboard and decorate it with an ornament of dots.

Drawing with a candle

Let the kid draw some image on white paper with a candle or wax crayon, and then applypaint over the painting. Since the paint will not fall on the oily traces of the candle, the drawing will “appear.”

Monotype or cellophane painting

Draw a picture on the cellophane with thick and bright paint. This can be done with a finger, a brush, or a match with a cotton swab or ear stick. While the paint is still wet, turn the cellophane face down onto heavy white paper. Blot the design and carefully remove the tape.

ideas for drawing with children
ideas for drawing with children


The method is for the child to learn how to make blots of different colors. Then he, looking at them, will be able to see interesting details, objects or images.

This idea requires gouache, a thick brush and thick paper.

Fold a piece of paper in half and unfold it again. On one of the two halves, the baby should put a few bold blots, curls or strokes. After that, without letting the paint dry, you need to bend the sheet in half again and press it firmly with your palm. You can put under the press from the books for a few seconds. Next, carefully unfold the paper.

You will see an unusual pattern with which you can develop the imagination and thinking of the baby, asking questions like “What does my blot look like? What does it look like?”.

interesting drawing ideas
interesting drawing ideas

At the request of the child, you can go to the next stage - drawing the blot. As a result of the work, a whole story about the bizarre world of blots can turn out.

Drawing with threads

Interesting drawing ideas are not limited anymorelisted. Dip a woolen thread in gouache, then clamp it between two sheets of paper. Let the baby pull the end of the thread and lead it inside. The result: an unusual image with many interesting images.
