Personally oriented technologies in preschool and school

Table of contents:

Personally oriented technologies in preschool and school
Personally oriented technologies in preschool and school

Raising children is an extremely important process, as they are the future members of society. They need to be prepared for life in it in such a way as to reveal their full potential and possibilities. In recent years, teachers are increasingly using student-centered technologies. They begin to be used already from preschool institutions, which greatly increases their effectiveness.

What is this?

personality-oriented technologies
personality-oriented technologies

For the first time this term is found in the works of psychologist Carl Rogers. He owns the proof of the theory that, in general, the same approach is needed for successful pedagogical and psychotherapeutic activities.

Rogers says that the ability to empathize with another person, accepting his personality without any additional conditions, is extremely important for success in these cases. In domestic pedagogical circles, the term "personality-oriented technologies" is considered as oneof the ways of interaction, in which the teacher ensures the most harmonious development of the child's personality and his abilities, based only on those qualities that are characteristic of a particular personality.

Brief historical background

Once upon a time, that is, in the XVII-XVIII century, there lived a landowner in Russia. And he was famous for the fact that each of his serfs lived richly, and even had a reputation for being a rare craftsman in some area. The neighbors were jealous and wondered: where does the master get such a number of smart, talented people?

Once a local fool came to him. He was not fit for anything: he did not really know how to work in the field, nor was he trained in crafts. Another would have already waved his hand at the wretched man, but that landowner did not lower his hands, for a long time watching this strange man. And he noticed that the “fool” is able to sit all day, polishing a small piece of glass with his sleeve, bringing it to the state of rock crystal.

Why did we say all this? Yes, the whole point is that this example is a classic person-oriented technology "in the field." The landowner knew how to look closely at each personality and identify those talents of a person that were originally laid in him. In schools and preschool children's institutions, teachers face exactly the same tasks.

How should be treatedchild's identity?

In this teaching, the personality of the child is a priority subject; it is its development that is the main goal of the entire educational system. In general, for a long time this approach has been called anthropocentric. The main thing that a teacher should always remember is that children should have full respect and support in all their creative endeavors. Teacher and student must work together to achieve their goals together.

In general, the technology of a student-centered approach includes the concept that the educational process should be as comfortable as possible for the child, it should only give him a sense of security and a desire to develop his abilities further.

personality-oriented pedagogical technologies
personality-oriented pedagogical technologies

Simply put, the child should be given as much independence as possible. Having the opportunity to choose, a teenager develops much better, as he does this not under the influence of external factors, but only thanks to his own desire and desire to learn.

Main tasks and goals

What rules should be followed, "professing" personality-oriented technologies in pedagogical activity? Oh, there are quite a few. Let's list them in detail:

  • It is imperative to develop and implement individual learning programs that focus on the abilities and talents of each child.
  • Constructive simulation games, group dialogues should be held.
  • In creating a trainingmaterial should be directly involved by the trainees themselves. This greatly stimulates their interest in the topic being studied.

In addition, student-centered pedagogical technologies must necessarily take into account the following features:

  • Throughout the lesson, you need to assess the psycho-emotional state of your wards.
  • Maintaining the highest level of motivation.
  • Identification of the experience of each child on the topic proposed in the lesson. The material must be presented, focusing on the specific characteristics of each group being trained.
  • When explaining a new term unknown to the child, you need to accurately bring its meaning to him. Questions "Understood?" and an affirmative nod of the head in response often indicate that neither the teacher himself nor his ward is interested in real assimilation of the material.
  • An experienced psychologist should consistently work with children, on the basis of whose recommendations the entire educational process is built. Actually, personality-oriented pedagogical technologies are impossible without the close work of psychologists with each class.
  • In the classroom, the practice of group, pair or individual work should be widely used, abandoning the habit of referring to the class in a “frontal” way.
  • Do not forget about the different level of perception of boys and girls. In other words, the work should definitely take into account the gender aspect. This technology of student-centered education is fundamentally different from many teaching methods that are used inmodern schools.
  • Each topic should be discussed using different didactic techniques. This allows the child to better master and consolidate the material in memory.
  • It is necessary to use a scheme of self-assessment and mutual assessment of the assimilation of the material by each student.
  • It is necessary to organize the educational process in such a way that children gain confidence in their abilities and skills.
  • Reflection is required at the end of each lesson: students repeat what they have learned, tell the teacher about all the points that interest them.

Classification of concept

personality-oriented technologies in dow
personality-oriented technologies in dow

Why do you think the term "personal-centered technologies" is used in education? More precisely, why is this concept spoken of in the plural? Everything is simple. These are actually technologies, there are several of them. In the form of a table, we will not only describe them, but also give a brief but exhaustive description of each variety. So what are their types? Person-centered technologies are divided into six main categories, which are described below.

Technology name Her characteristic
Research The main feature is independent study of the material. "Discovery through knowledge". A large amount of handout and visual material is required, from which educators will learn the most important information
Communicative As the name implies, when conducting a lesson, it is necessary to place maximum emphasis on the debatable discussion of the material being studied by the students. "Truth is born in a dispute"! If children have already been able to arouse interest in the topic under discussion, this form of lesson can spur them even more
Playroom This technique is used not only by student-centered technologies in preschool educational institutions. The game is important not only for preschoolers: for example, for senior classes it is extremely important to conduct lessons that will simulate professional difficulties and methods for solving them, which can be encountered everywhere in adult life
Psychological In this case, trainings and seminars are required. Their goal is one. The student must independently choose the preferred area and the way to further study the topic
Activity The name is not entirely clear, but in practice everything is as simple as possible: the child participates in the preparation of educational material, feels like a subject of the educational process
Reflexive Each student should be able to independently analyze the results of the past lesson, work on mistakes, formulate competent and specific questions to the teacher in case of any ambiguities

Basic options for the learning process

Modern educators,which use the technology of personality-oriented interaction, there are immediately four main options for this very interaction. Each of them should be "try on for yourself", since not every teacher can work equally effectively in all four areas.

personality-oriented technologies in education
personality-oriented technologies in education

Humanity-personal approach to the child

In the center of the educational program in this case should be a set of personal qualities of each of the children you teach. The school here has only one specific goal - to awaken the dormant inner strengths and talents of the ward, to apply them for the harmonious development of the young personality. The following ideas prevail in this approach:

  • Personality is put "at the forefront". It is from its characteristics that the features of the entire educational process depend. Thus, student-centered technologies at school imply the maximum friendliness of the learning process to the student himself.
  • Pedagogical relations with students should be as democratic as possible. Teacher and student are equal partners, not leader and follower.
  • Say no to direct coercion as a method that often has no real positive effect in the long run.
  • Individual approach is not only welcome, but also the main method used in teaching.
  • In addition, personality-oriented technologies (Yakimanskaya in particular) provide for the need to explain to the child the concepts of "personality","freedom of the individual".

Didactic activating and developing complex

technology of personality-oriented interaction
technology of personality-oriented interaction

The main question: what and how to teach students? In this case, the content of the curriculum itself is only a means for the dynamic and harmonious development of the personality of the ward, and not as the only goal of the school. Positive stimulation of students is widely used. It is necessary to introduce teaching methods that directly stimulate children to learn something new.

Improvement of the educational process should be carried out on the basis of didactic ideas, which are described in the works of R. Steiner, V. F. Shatalov, S. N. Lysenkova, P. M. Erdniev, and other specialists who today are generally recognized "meters" of the didactic method.

Parenting concept

In this case, student-centered educational technologies reflect the main trends common in the modern school:

  • School should be not only a source of knowledge, but also a means of educating the younger generation. In principle, Soviet teachers were well aware of this, but today, for some reason, this most important function is constantly forgotten.
  • As in all previous examples, the main attention should be paid to the personality of the student.
  • The orientation of education should be humanistic, in teenagers universal ideas of humanism, compassion should be educated.
  • It is essential to develop the creativity of every child withoutexceptions.
  • In schools of regional centers, special attention should be paid to the revival of national traditions and customs of small peoples whose representatives live there.
  • Collective education must be combined with an individual approach.
  • Goals should be set from simple to complex tasks, adequately assessing the abilities of each individual student.

Environment education

Historically, the school has become perhaps the most important social institution, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. Along with the family and the social environment, it is she who is the most important factor that determines the further development of the individual.

personality-oriented technologies yakimanskaya
personality-oriented technologies yakimanskaya

The results of this formation are determined by a combination of all three factors. Here we come to the meaning of this method, which, again, has long been used by experienced domestic teachers. We are talking about the extreme importance of interaction with parents and public organizations, as this will create the most favorable environment for the formation of the child's personal qualities.

Features of work in a preschool educational institution

As we have already noted, personality-oriented technologies are also used in preschool educational institutions. Of course, in this case there are specific features that must be taken into account in the process of work.

Today, high technologies are prevalent, which are common in every layer of modern society. The task of the teacher is tokindergarten to use the possibilities of interactive educational technologies. This will immediately interest the kids, give them an incentive to independently study the proposed topics.

The position of the child in the educational process is of fundamental importance. The educator must adhere to a simple conviction: “Not next to him, not above him, but together!” The purpose of this approach is to contribute in every way to the harmonious development of a self-sufficient personality, self-confident, free from complexes that largely interfere with the passage of a normal educational process.

The main task of a kindergarten teacher is to form a child's exploratory type of thinking, the ability to independently, consciously and effectively study the world around him. It should be remembered that the technology of solving some practical problems in an easy, playful way should become the main method of educational work. You should offer the children some kind of task that can be solved by conducting interesting and exciting experiments.

Basic Kindergarten Practices

What methods and techniques should be followed in this case? Let's list them in more detail:

  • Conversations of the "heuristic type", during which children in practice can verify the correctness of the material told by the educator.
  • Solving all emerging issues of a problematic nature "on the go", without delay. Otherwise, the child may lose interest in studying topics.
  • Constant monitoring ofaround the world.
  • Modeling processes that constantly occur in wildlife.
  • Setting up similar experiments.
  • All results of experiments and experiments must be recorded in the form of colorful, detailed drawings.
  • If possible, bring high-quality handouts to class, include recordings of wildlife sounds.
  • The teacher should offer students to imitate these sounds by conducting themed games.
  • The emphasis in descriptions should be on the development of the artistic word, which allows you to accurately and beautifully express your thoughts, not to stumble. This is how correct diction also develops, which will certainly come in handy for a person in all subsequent periods of his life.
  • Staging realistic situations that require creative solutions.
  • Various labor exercises.
personality-oriented educational technologies
personality-oriented educational technologies

So we looked at what should be characterized by the correct use of student-centered technologies in modern educational institutions and kindergartens.